Set up msmtp for sending email notification.
This will install the msmtp
package and create /root/.msmtprc
file with owner root
permission 600
The password will be stored as plain text so we only allow root user to read it.
Since this is for automatically send email notification, putting encrypted password here is meaningless,
because it will be decrypt automatically.
# account name
msmtp_account: gmail
# smtp server
# smtp port
msmtp_port: 465
# Enable or disable TLS/SSL
msmtp_tls: on
# Enable or disable STARTTLS for TLS
msmtp_tls_starttls: off
# From email address
msmtp_from: [email protected]
# username and password
# If you are using Gmail, set up an app password:
msmtp_user: username
msmtp_password: !unsafe plain-text-password
# To email address
# Not in the /root/.msmtprc file
msmtp_to: [email protected]