- Manifest Change
- Added Favicons & Modified Manifest
- Register Service Worker
- Release 0.1.0
- add bump version script
- Timer Finished, Removed use of 'Therapy', Moment, Milliseconds
- Finished Timer with handling pause, play and reset
- Removed the use of the word Therapy and replaced it with Timer to better describe the component
- Utilized moment npm package to convert milliseconds into mm:ss
- Stopped using seconds across application to milliseconds for easier use
- Moved the timerStatus enum to the contants filwq:
- Renamed Therapy Component - Removed Therapy Component
- Added Timer Component
- Added Timer States to control timer
- React Router Links, Dynamic Css, Helpers
- Removed setting window location - Added Link components to navigate through application - Moved formatt time into a helper file to use across components - Adjusted CSS due to utilization of Link components
- Refactored Styling - Took out component styles - Added common styles in parent component
- Snowflake Animation Change
- Removed shake horizontal to a shake bottom
- Rounds Data Item & Options Layout
- Added onRoundsChange to Context - Aligned Data Items with a fixed width on the data displayed
- Binded functions to grab 'this' context
- Rounds Data Item & Responsive Changes
- Context API
- React Router & Animations
- Button changes
- Setup Styling
- Timer Changes onClick
- Timer Setup Layout
- First Draft
- Initial commit