Rules related to the style of documentation comments.
Identifier | Name | Description |
DOC100 | PlaceTextInParagraphs | A <remarks> or <note> documentation element contains content which is not wrapped in a block-level element. |
DOC101 | UseChildBlocksConsistently | The documentation for the element contains some text which is wrapped in block-level elements, and other text which is written inline. |
DOC102 | UseChildBlocksConsistentlyAcrossElementsOfTheSameKind | The documentation for the element contains inline text, but the documentation for a sibling element of the same kind uses block-level elements. |
DOC103 | UseUnicodeCharacters | The documentation contains an unnecessary or unrecognized HTML character entity. |
DOC104 | UseSeeLangword | The documentation contains a language keyword reference using <c>keyword</c> that can be converted to the preferred form <see langword="keyword"/> . |
DOC105 | UseParamref | The documentation contains a parameter reference using <c>name</c> that can be converted to the preferred form <paramref name="name"/> . |
DOC106 | UseTypeparamref | The documentation contains a type parameter reference using <c>T</c> that can be converted to the preferred form <typeparamref name="T"/> . |
DOC107 | UseSeeCref | The documentation contains a code element reference using <c>name</c> that can be converted to the preferred form <see cref="name"/> . |
DOC108 | AvoidEmptyParagraphs | The documentation contains an empty paragraph element (<para/> or <p/> ) used as a paragraph separator. |