- Added: Gutenberg left-align-indentation formatting button
- Added: block transformation from SyntaxHighlighter Evolved
- Added: selected language as button text to the block toolbar
- Bugfix: Gutenberg inline editing not working on Safari due to required
call - thanks to phruse on GitHub - Bugfix: Gutenberg inline popover window content is collapsed in recent Gutenberg releases
- Bugfix: Gutenberg editor deprecation warnings related to Toolbar elements
- Bugfix: Gutenberg
throws an error in case the block is empty (attributes.content returnsnull
- Added: inline highlighting support (RichText format)
- Added: border around Enlighter codeblock (default theme)
- Changed: updated buildsystem to babel
and gulpv4
- Bugfix: escape sequence were transformed into their characters in recent Gutenberg releases
- Added: custom css class attributes to generated pre blocks
- Added: automatically transforms legacy Enlighter codeblocks (Classic Editor) to Gutenberg blocks in case the "Convert to Blocks" function is triggered
- Changed: direction
is enforced within the editing area - thanks to nekofar on GitHub