diff --git a/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Converters/ColorConverter.cs b/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Converters/ColorConverter.cs
index 57338acc7c..9125f83e6e 100644
--- a/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Converters/ColorConverter.cs
+++ b/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Converters/ColorConverter.cs
@@ -7,8 +7,28 @@ internal class ColorConverter : IValueConverter
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
- if (value == null || value.GetType() != typeof(string)) { return null; }
- return Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Color.FromArgb((string)value);
+ if (value == null) return null;
+ // Determine the object type.
+ Type type = value.GetType();
+ if (type == typeof(string))
+ {
+ string colorString = value as string;
+ // Color needs to be in hex format or else it will throw.
+ return Color.FromArgb(colorString);
+ }
+ else if (type == typeof(System.Drawing.Color))
+ {
+ var color = (System.Drawing.Color)value;
+ return new Color(color.R, color.G, color.B, color.A);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
diff --git a/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/RenderPictureMarkers/RenderPictureMarkers.xaml b/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/RenderPictureMarkers/RenderPictureMarkers.xaml
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--- a/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/RenderPictureMarkers/RenderPictureMarkers.xaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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index 9396fd21c9..0000000000
--- a/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/RenderPictureMarkers/RenderPictureMarkers.xaml.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2022 Esri.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
-// language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Geometry;
-using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Mapping;
-using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Symbology;
-using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.UI;
-using System.Reflection;
-namespace ArcGIS.Samples.RenderPictureMarkers
- [ArcGIS.Samples.Shared.Attributes.Sample(
- name: "Picture marker symbol",
- category: "Symbology",
- description: "Use pictures for markers.",
- instructions: "When launched, this sample displays a map with picture marker symbols. Pan and zoom to explore the map.",
- tags: new[] { "graphics", "marker", "picture", "symbol", "visualization" })]
- [ArcGIS.Samples.Shared.Attributes.EmbeddedResource(@"PictureMarkerSymbols\pin_star_blue.png")]
- public partial class RenderPictureMarkers : ContentPage
- {
- public RenderPictureMarkers()
- {
- InitializeComponent();
- // Create the UI, setup the control references and execute initialization
- _ = Initialize();
- }
- private async Task Initialize()
- {
- // Create new Map with basemap
- Map myMap = new Map(BasemapStyle.ArcGISTopographic);
- // Create and set initial map area
- Envelope initialLocation = new Envelope(
- -229835, 6550763, -222560, 6552021,
- SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
- myMap.InitialViewpoint = new Viewpoint(initialLocation);
- // Assign the map to the MapView
- MyMapView.Map = myMap;
- // Create overlay to where graphics are shown
- GraphicsOverlay overlay = new GraphicsOverlay();
- // Add created overlay to the MapView
- MyMapView.GraphicsOverlays.Add(overlay);
- // Add graphics using different source types
- CreatePictureMarkerSymbolFromUrl(overlay);
- try
- {
- await CreatePictureMarkerSymbolFromResources(overlay);
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Error", e.ToString(), "OK");
- }
- }
- private void CreatePictureMarkerSymbolFromUrl(GraphicsOverlay overlay)
- {
- // Create uri to the used image
- Uri symbolUri = new Uri(
- "https://static.arcgis.com/images/Symbols/OutdoorRecreation/Camping.png");
- // Create new symbol using asynchronous factory method from uri.
- PictureMarkerSymbol campsiteSymbol = new PictureMarkerSymbol(symbolUri)
- {
- Width = 40,
- Height = 40
- };
- // Create location for the campsite
- MapPoint campsitePoint = new MapPoint(-223560, 6552021, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
- // Create graphic with the location and symbol
- Graphic campsiteGraphic = new Graphic(campsitePoint, campsiteSymbol);
- // Add graphic to the graphics overlay
- overlay.Graphics.Add(campsiteGraphic);
- }
- private async Task CreatePictureMarkerSymbolFromResources(GraphicsOverlay overlay)
- {
- // Get current assembly that contains the image
- Assembly currentAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
- // Get image as a stream from the resources
- // Picture is defined as EmbeddedResource and DoNotCopy
- Stream resourceStream = currentAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream(
- "ArcGIS.Resources.PictureMarkerSymbols.pin_star_blue.png");
- // Create new symbol using asynchronous factory method from stream
- PictureMarkerSymbol pinSymbol = await PictureMarkerSymbol.CreateAsync(resourceStream);
- pinSymbol.Height = 50;
- pinSymbol.Width = 50;
- // Create location for the pint
- MapPoint pinPoint = new MapPoint(-226773, 6550477, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
- // Create graphic with the location and symbol
- Graphic pinGraphic = new Graphic(pinPoint, pinSymbol);
- // Add graphic to the graphics overlay
- overlay.Graphics.Add(pinGraphic);
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/RenderPictureMarkers/readme.md b/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/RenderPictureMarkers/readme.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a7f7fb7cf..0000000000
--- a/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/RenderPictureMarkers/readme.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# Picture marker symbol
-Use pictures for markers.
-![Image of picture marker symbol](renderpicturemarkers.jpg)
-## Use case
-When marking geoelements on a map, using custom, unique symbols can be helpful for highlighting and differentiating between locations. For example, a tourism office may use pictures of landmarks as symbols on an online map or app, to help prospective visitors to orient themselves more easily around a city.
-## How to use the sample
-When launched, this sample displays a map with picture marker symbols. Pan and zoom to explore the map.
-## How it works
-1. Create a `PictureMarkerSymbol` using the URI to an online or local image or a JavaFX Image (platform dependent).
-2. Create a `Graphic` and set its symbol to the picture marker symbol.
-## Relevant API
-* PictureMarkerSymbol
-## About the data
-The picture marker symbols in this sample are all constructed from different types of resources:
-* [Campsite symbol constructed from a URL](https://static.arcgis.com/images/Symbols/OutdoorRecreation/Camping.png)
-* Blue pin with a star stored in the resource folder that comes with the application
-## Tags
-graphics, marker, picture, symbol, visualization
diff --git a/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/RenderPictureMarkers/readme.metadata.json b/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/RenderPictureMarkers/readme.metadata.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 390f6af017..0000000000
--- a/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/RenderPictureMarkers/readme.metadata.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- "category": "Symbology",
- "description": "Use pictures for markers.",
- "formal_name": "RenderPictureMarkers",
- "ignore": false,
- "images": [
- "renderpicturemarkers.jpg"
- ],
- "keywords": [
- "graphics",
- "marker",
- "picture",
- "symbol",
- "visualization"
- ],
- "offline_data": [],
- "redirect_from": [
- "/net/latest/maui/sample-code/picture-marker-symbol.htm"
- ],
- "relevant_apis": [
- "PictureMarkerSymbol"
- ],
- "snippets": [
- "RenderPictureMarkers.xaml.cs",
- "RenderPictureMarkers.xaml"
- ],
- "title": "Picture marker symbol"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/RenderPictureMarkers/renderpicturemarkers.jpg b/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/RenderPictureMarkers/renderpicturemarkers.jpg
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e960c9bb1..0000000000
Binary files a/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/RenderPictureMarkers/renderpicturemarkers.jpg and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers/RenderSimpleMarkers.xaml b/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers/RenderSimpleMarkers.xaml
deleted file mode 100644
index a15c8eb496..0000000000
--- a/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers/RenderSimpleMarkers.xaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index ca838e7cf6..0000000000
--- a/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers/RenderSimpleMarkers.xaml.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2022 Esri.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
-// language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Geometry;
-using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Mapping;
-using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Symbology;
-using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.UI;
-using Colors = System.Drawing.Color;
-namespace ArcGIS.Samples.RenderSimpleMarkers
- [ArcGIS.Samples.Shared.Attributes.Sample(
- name: "Simple marker symbol",
- category: "Symbology",
- description: "Show a simple marker symbol on a map.",
- instructions: "The sample loads with a predefined simple marker symbol, set as a red circle.",
- tags: new[] { "symbol" })]
- public partial class RenderSimpleMarkers : ContentPage
- {
- public RenderSimpleMarkers()
- {
- InitializeComponent();
- // Create the UI, setup the control references and execute initialization
- Initialize();
- }
- private void Initialize()
- {
- // Create new Map with basemap
- Map myMap = new Map(BasemapStyle.ArcGISImageryStandard);
- // Create initial map location and reuse the location for graphic
- MapPoint centralLocation = new MapPoint(-226773, 6550477, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
- Viewpoint initialViewpoint = new Viewpoint(centralLocation, 7500);
- // Set initial viewpoint
- myMap.InitialViewpoint = initialViewpoint;
- // Provide used Map to the MapView
- MyMapView.Map = myMap;
- // Create overlay to where graphics are shown
- GraphicsOverlay overlay = new GraphicsOverlay();
- // Add created overlay to the MapView
- MyMapView.GraphicsOverlays.Add(overlay);
- // Create a simple marker symbol
- SimpleMarkerSymbol simpleSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol()
- {
- Color = Colors.Red,
- Size = 10,
- Style = SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle.Circle
- };
- // Add a new graphic with a central point that was created earlier
- Graphic graphicWithSymbol = new Graphic(centralLocation, simpleSymbol);
- overlay.Graphics.Add(graphicWithSymbol);
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers/readme.md b/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers/readme.md
deleted file mode 100644
index f7c509c126..0000000000
--- a/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers/readme.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-# Simple marker symbol
-Show a simple marker symbol on a map.
-![Image of simple marker symbol](rendersimplemarkers.jpg)
-## Use case
-Customize the appearance of a point suitable for the data. For example, a point on the map styled with a circle could represent a drilled borehole location, whereas a cross could represent the location of an old coal mine shaft.
-## How to use the sample
-The sample loads with a predefined simple marker symbol, set as a red circle.
-## How it works
-1. Create a `SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbol.Style, color, size)`.
-2. Create a `Graphic` passing in a `Point` and the simple marker symbol as parameters.
-3. Add the graphic to the graphics overlay with `graphicsOverlay.Graphics.Add(graphic)`.
-## Relevant API
-* Graphic
-* GraphicsOverlay
-* Point
-* SimpleMarkerSymbol
-## Tags
diff --git a/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers/readme.metadata.json b/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers/readme.metadata.json
deleted file mode 100644
index edb64519c5..0000000000
--- a/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers/readme.metadata.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- "category": "Symbology",
- "description": "Show a simple marker symbol on a map.",
- "formal_name": "RenderSimpleMarkers",
- "ignore": false,
- "images": [
- "rendersimplemarkers.jpg"
- ],
- "keywords": [
- "symbol"
- ],
- "offline_data": [],
- "redirect_from": [
- "/net/latest/maui/sample-code/simple-marker-symbol.htm"
- ],
- "relevant_apis": [
- "Graphic",
- "GraphicsOverlay",
- "Point",
- "SimpleMarkerSymbol"
- ],
- "snippets": [
- "RenderSimpleMarkers.xaml.cs",
- "RenderSimpleMarkers.xaml"
- ],
- "title": "Simple marker symbol"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers/rendersimplemarkers.jpg b/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers/rendersimplemarkers.jpg
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d9e3dd8d5..0000000000
Binary files a/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers/rendersimplemarkers.jpg and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols.xaml b/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols.xaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b2fee8f305
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols.xaml
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols.xaml.cs b/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols.xaml.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d9a4cafb78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols.xaml.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+// Copyright 2024 Esri.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
+// language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Geometry;
+using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Mapping;
+using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Symbology;
+using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.UI;
+using System.Reflection;
+using Color = System.Drawing.Color;
+using Grid = Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Grid;
+namespace ArcGIS.Samples.StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols
+ [ArcGIS.Samples.Shared.Attributes.Sample(
+ name: "Style geometry types with symbols",
+ category: "Symbology",
+ description: "Use a symbol to display a geometry on a map.",
+ instructions: "Tap \"Edit Styles\" and select a geometry to edit with the picker. Use the controls to change the symbol properties for the geometry.",
+ tags: new[] { "display", "fill", "graphics", "line", "marker", "overlay", "picture", "point", "symbol", "visualization" })]
+ [ArcGIS.Samples.Shared.Attributes.OfflineData()]
+ public partial class StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols
+ {
+ // Item sources for the pickers.
+ public List SimpleMarkerSymbolStyles => Enum.GetValues(typeof(SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle)).Cast().ToList();
+ public List SimpleLineSymbolStyles => Enum.GetValues(typeof(SimpleLineSymbolStyle)).Cast().ToList();
+ public List SimpleFillSymbolStyles => Enum.GetValues(typeof(SimpleFillSymbolStyle)).Cast().ToList();
+ // Hold the selected graphic.
+ private Graphic _selectedGraphic;
+ // Flag indicating if styling should be applied to a polygon's fill or outline.
+ private bool _stylingPolygonFill = true;
+ public StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols()
+ {
+ InitializeComponent();
+ _ = Initialize();
+ }
+ private async Task Initialize()
+ {
+ // Create a new map with a topographic basemap initially centered on Woolgarston, England.
+ MyMapView.Map = new Map(BasemapStyle.ArcGISTopographic)
+ {
+ InitialViewpoint = new Viewpoint(new MapPoint(-225e3, 6_553e3, SpatialReferences.WebMercator), 88e3)
+ };
+ // A graphics overlay for displaying the geometry graphics on the map view.
+ var graphicsOverlay = new GraphicsOverlay();
+ // Create the simple marker symbol for styling the point.
+ var pointSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle.Circle, Color.Purple, 12);
+ // Create simple line symbol for styling the polyline.
+ var polylineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Dash, Color.Red, 6);
+ // Create the simple fill symbol for styling the polygon, including its outline.
+ var polygonSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbolStyle.ForwardDiagonal, Color.Blue,
+ new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Solid, Color.Green, 3));
+ // Create a point graphic and add it to the graphics overlay.
+ var point = new MapPoint(-225e3, 6_560e3, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
+ var pointGraphic = new Graphic(point, pointSymbol);
+ graphicsOverlay.Graphics.Add(pointGraphic);
+ // Create a polyline graphic and add it to the graphics overlay.
+ var points = new MapPoint[2]
+ {
+ new MapPoint(-223e3, 6_559e3, SpatialReferences.WebMercator),
+ new MapPoint(-227e3, 6_559e3, SpatialReferences.WebMercator)
+ };
+ var polyline = new Polyline(points, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
+ var polylineGraphic = new Graphic(polyline, polylineSymbol);
+ graphicsOverlay.Graphics.Add(polylineGraphic);
+ // Create a polygon graphic and add it to the graphics overlay.
+ points = new MapPoint[4]
+ {
+ new MapPoint(-222e3, 6_558e3, SpatialReferences.WebMercator),
+ new MapPoint(-228e3, 6_558e3, SpatialReferences.WebMercator),
+ new MapPoint(-228e3, 6_555e3, SpatialReferences.WebMercator),
+ new MapPoint(-222e3, 6_555e3, SpatialReferences.WebMercator)
+ };
+ var polygon = new Polygon(points, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
+ var polygonGraphic = new Graphic(polygon, polygonSymbol);
+ graphicsOverlay.Graphics.Add(polygonGraphic);
+ // Create a graphic with a picture marker symbol (image resource) and add it to the graphics overlay.
+ var pinGraphic = await MakePictureMarkerSymbolFromImage(new MapPoint(-226_770, 6_550_470, SpatialReferences.WebMercator));
+ graphicsOverlay.Graphics.Add(pinGraphic);
+ // Create a graphic with a picture marker symbol (URL) and add it to the graphics overlay.
+ var imageUri = new Uri("https://static.arcgis.com/images/Symbols/OutdoorRecreation/Camping.png");
+ var campsiteSymbol = new PictureMarkerSymbol(imageUri)
+ {
+ Width = 25,
+ Height = 25
+ };
+ var campsitePoint = new MapPoint(-223_560, 6_552_020, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
+ var campsiteGraphic = new Graphic(campsitePoint, campsiteSymbol);
+ graphicsOverlay.Graphics.Add(campsiteGraphic);
+ // Add the graphics overlay to the map view.
+ MyMapView.GraphicsOverlays.Add(graphicsOverlay);
+ // Setup bindings for the UI controls.
+ PointSizeStepper.BindingContext = PointGrid.BindingContext = graphicsOverlay.Graphics[0];
+ PolylineWidthStepper.BindingContext = PolylineGrid.BindingContext = graphicsOverlay.Graphics[1];
+ PolygonOutlineWidthStepper.BindingContext = PolygonGrid.BindingContext = graphicsOverlay.Graphics[2];
+ // Populate the color collection views with colors.
+ var colors = new List()
+ {
+ Color.Red, Color.Orange, Color.Yellow, Color.Green, Color.Blue, Color.Purple
+ };
+ PointColorCollectionView.ItemsSource = PolylineColorCollectionView.ItemsSource =
+ PolygonFillColorCollectionView.ItemsSource = PolygonOutlineColorCollectionView.ItemsSource = colors;
+ // Set the style picker item sources.
+ PointStylePicker.ItemsSource = SimpleMarkerSymbolStyles;
+ PolygonOutlineStylePicker.ItemsSource = PolylineStylePicker.ItemsSource = SimpleLineSymbolStyles;
+ PolygonFillStylePicker.ItemsSource = SimpleFillSymbolStyles;
+ // Check the point radio button by default.
+ PointRadioButton.IsChecked = true;
+ // Set the selected styles to reflect the initial symbology.
+ PointStylePicker.SelectedItem = SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle.Circle;
+ PolylineStylePicker.SelectedItem = SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Dash;
+ PolygonFillStylePicker.SelectedItem = SimpleFillSymbolStyle.ForwardDiagonal;
+ PolygonOutlineStylePicker.SelectedItem = SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Solid;
+ // Set the selected colors to reflect the initial symbology.
+ PointColorCollectionView.SelectedItem = Color.Purple;
+ PolylineColorCollectionView.SelectedItem = Color.Red;
+ PolygonFillColorCollectionView.SelectedItem = Color.Blue;
+ PolygonOutlineColorCollectionView.SelectedItem = Color.Green;
+ // Subscribe to events for updating the UI now that initialization is complete.
+ PointStylePicker.SelectedIndexChanged += StylePicker_SelectionChanged;
+ PolylineStylePicker.SelectedIndexChanged += StylePicker_SelectionChanged;
+ PolygonFillStylePicker.SelectedIndexChanged += PolygonFillStylePicker_SelectionChanged;
+ PolygonOutlineStylePicker.SelectedIndexChanged += PolygonOutlineStylePicker_SelectionChanged;
+ PointColorCollectionView.SelectionChanged += ColorCollectionView_SelectionChanged;
+ PolylineColorCollectionView.SelectionChanged += ColorCollectionView_SelectionChanged;
+ PolygonFillColorCollectionView.SelectionChanged += PolygonFillColorCollectionView_SelectionChanged;
+ PolygonOutlineColorCollectionView.SelectionChanged += PolygonOutlineColorCollectionView_SelectionChanged;
+ }
+ private async Task MakePictureMarkerSymbolFromImage(MapPoint point)
+ {
+ // Hold a reference to the picture marker symbol.
+ PictureMarkerSymbol pinSymbol;
+ // Get current assembly that contains the image.
+ Assembly currentAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
+ // Get the resource name of the blue pin star image
+ string resourceStreamName = this.GetType().Assembly.GetManifestResourceNames().Single(str => str.EndsWith("pin_star_blue.png"));
+ // Load the resource stream
+ using (Stream resourceStream = this.GetType().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceStreamName))
+ {
+ // Create new symbol using asynchronous factory method from stream.
+ pinSymbol = await PictureMarkerSymbol.CreateAsync(resourceStream);
+ pinSymbol.Width = 60;
+ pinSymbol.Height = 60;
+ // The image is a pin; offset the image so that the pinpoint is on the point rather than the image's true center.
+ pinSymbol.LeaderOffsetX = 30;
+ pinSymbol.OffsetY = 14;
+ }
+ return new Graphic(point, pinSymbol);
+ }
+ #region UI event handlers
+ private void GeometryTypeRadioButton_CheckedChanged(object sender, CheckedChangedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ // Get the selected radio button.
+ var radioButton = sender as RadioButton;
+ // Get the binding context of the radio button.
+ var grid = radioButton.BindingContext as Grid;
+ // Collapse all grids.
+ PointGrid.IsVisible = PolylineGrid.IsVisible = PolygonGrid.IsVisible = false;
+ // Show the selected grid.
+ grid.IsVisible = true;
+ // Set the selected graphic based on the grid's binding context.
+ _selectedGraphic = grid.BindingContext as Graphic;
+ }
+ private void StylePicker_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ // Get the selected picker item.
+ var picker = sender as Picker;
+ // Update the symbol style based on the selected picker item.
+ switch (_selectedGraphic.Geometry.GeometryType)
+ {
+ case GeometryType.Point:
+ ((SimpleMarkerSymbol)_selectedGraphic.Symbol).Style = (SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle)picker.SelectedItem;
+ break;
+ case GeometryType.Polyline:
+ ((SimpleLineSymbol)_selectedGraphic.Symbol).Style = (SimpleLineSymbolStyle)picker.SelectedItem;
+ break;
+ case GeometryType.Polygon:
+ var symbol = (SimpleFillSymbol)_selectedGraphic.Symbol;
+ if (_stylingPolygonFill)
+ {
+ symbol.Style = (SimpleFillSymbolStyle)picker.SelectedItem;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ symbol.Outline = new SimpleLineSymbol((SimpleLineSymbolStyle)picker.SelectedItem, symbol.Outline.Color, symbol.Outline.Width);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ private void ColorCollectionView_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ // Selected graphic will be null when initializing the UI.
+ if (_selectedGraphic == null) return;
+ // Get the selected item.
+ var color = (Color)((CollectionView)sender).SelectedItem;
+ // Update the symbol color based on the selected geometry type.
+ switch (_selectedGraphic.Geometry.GeometryType)
+ {
+ case GeometryType.Point:
+ ((SimpleMarkerSymbol)_selectedGraphic.Symbol).Color = color;
+ break;
+ case GeometryType.Polyline:
+ ((SimpleLineSymbol)_selectedGraphic.Symbol).Color = color;
+ break;
+ case GeometryType.Polygon:
+ var symbol = (SimpleFillSymbol)_selectedGraphic.Symbol;
+ if (_stylingPolygonFill)
+ {
+ symbol.Color = color;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ symbol.Outline.Color = color;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ private void SizeStepper_ValueChanged(object sender, ValueChangedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ // Selected graphic will be null when initializing the UI.
+ if (_selectedGraphic == null) return;
+ // Update the symbol size based on the sender's binding context.
+ switch (_selectedGraphic.Geometry.GeometryType)
+ {
+ case GeometryType.Point:
+ ((SimpleMarkerSymbol)_selectedGraphic.Symbol).Size = e.NewValue;
+ PointSizeLabel.Text = $"Size: {e.NewValue}";
+ break;
+ case GeometryType.Polyline:
+ ((SimpleLineSymbol)_selectedGraphic.Symbol).Width = e.NewValue;
+ PolylineWidthLabel.Text = $"Width: {e.NewValue}";
+ break;
+ case GeometryType.Polygon:
+ ((SimpleFillSymbol)_selectedGraphic.Symbol).Outline.Width = e.NewValue;
+ PolygonOutlineWidthLabel.Text = $"Width: {e.NewValue}";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ #region Polygon styling
+ private void PolygonFillStylePicker_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ _stylingPolygonFill = true;
+ StylePicker_SelectionChanged(sender, e);
+ }
+ private void PolygonOutlineStylePicker_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ _stylingPolygonFill = false;
+ StylePicker_SelectionChanged(sender, e);
+ }
+ private void PolygonFillColorCollectionView_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ _stylingPolygonFill = true;
+ ColorCollectionView_SelectionChanged(sender, e);
+ }
+ private void PolygonOutlineColorCollectionView_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ _stylingPolygonFill = false;
+ ColorCollectionView_SelectionChanged(sender, e);
+ }
+ #endregion Polygon styling
+ #endregion UI event handlers
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..75ea09a8d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols/readme.md
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Style geometry types with symbols
+Use a symbol to display a geometry on a map.
+![Screenshot of Style geometry types with symbols sample](stylegeometrytypeswithsymbols.jpg)
+## Use case
+Customize the appearance of a geometry type with a symbol style suitable for the data. For example, a tourism office may use pictures of landmarks as symbols on an online map or app to help prospective visitors orient themselves more easily around a city. A point on the map styled with a circle could represent a drilled borehole location, whereas a cross could represent the location of an old coal mine shaft. A red line with a dashed style could represent a geological fault mapped on a geological map. A polygon with a brown 'forward-diagonal' fill style could represent an area of artificial ground mapped on a geological map.
+## How to use the sample
+Tap "Edit Styles" and select a geometry to edit with the picker. Use the controls to change the symbol properties for the geometry.
+## How it works
+1. Create a `PictureMarkerSymbol` or `SimpleMarkerSymbol` to style a `Point`.
+ * For the picture marker symbol, create it using a URL or image and set its height property.
+ * For the simple marker symbol, set the `Style`, `Color`, and `Size` properties.
+2. Create a `SimpleLineSymbol` to style a `Polyline`.
+ * Set the `Style`, `Color`, and `Size` properties.
+3. Create a `SimpleFillSymbol` to style a `Polygon`.
+ * Set the `Style`, `Color`, and `Outline` properties.
+4. Create `Graphic`s using the geometries and symbols and add them to a `GraphicsOverlay`.
+5. Add the graphics overlay to a `MapView`.
+## Relevant API
+* Geometry
+* Graphic
+* GraphicsOverlay
+* PictureMarkerSymbol
+* SimpleFillSymbol
+* SimpleLineSymbol
+* SimpleMarkerSymbol
+## Tags
+display, fill, graphics, line, marker, overlay, picture, point, symbol, visualization
diff --git a/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols/readme.metadata.json b/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols/readme.metadata.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c451011f89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols/readme.metadata.json
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ "category": "Symbology",
+ "description": "Use a symbol to display a geometry on a map.",
+ "formal_name": "StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols",
+ "ignore": false,
+ "images": [
+ "stylegeometrytypeswithsymbols.jpg"
+ ],
+ "keywords": [
+ "display",
+ "fill",
+ "graphics",
+ "line",
+ "marker",
+ "overlay",
+ "picture",
+ "point",
+ "symbol",
+ "visualization"
+ ],
+ "offline_data": [],
+ "redirect_from": [
+ "/net/latest/maui/sample-code/picture-marker-symbol.htm",
+ "/net/latest/maui/sample-code/style-geometry-types-with-symbols.htm",
+ "/net/latest/maui/sample-code/simple-marker-symbol.htm"
+ ],
+ "relevant_apis": [
+ "Geometry",
+ "Graphic",
+ "GraphicsOverlay",
+ "PictureMarkerSymbol",
+ "SimpleFillSymbol",
+ "SimpleLineSymbol",
+ "SimpleMarkerSymbol"
+ ],
+ "snippets": [
+ "StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols.xaml.cs",
+ "StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols.xaml"
+ ],
+ "title": "Style geometry types with symbols"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols/stylegeometrytypeswithsymbols.jpg b/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols/stylegeometrytypeswithsymbols.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9c3ae331cc
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/MAUI/Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols/stylegeometrytypeswithsymbols.jpg differ
diff --git a/src/MAUI/readme.md b/src/MAUI/readme.md
index 5db79742a6..6dedcef0bc 100644
--- a/src/MAUI/readme.md
+++ b/src/MAUI/readme.md
@@ -250,12 +250,11 @@
* [Custom dictionary style](Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/CustomDictionaryStyle) - Use a custom dictionary created from a web style or style file (.stylx) to symbolize features using a variety of attribute values.
* [Distance composite scene symbol](Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/UseDistanceCompositeSym) - Change a graphic's symbol based on the camera's proximity to it.
* [Feature layer extrusion](Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/FeatureLayerExtrusion) - Extrude features based on their attributes.
-* [Picture marker symbol](Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/RenderPictureMarkers) - Use pictures for markers.
* [Read symbols from mobile style](Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/SymbolsFromMobileStyle) - Combine multiple symbols from a mobile style file into a single symbol.
* [Render multilayer symbols](Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/RenderMultilayerSymbols) - Show different kinds of multilayer symbols on a map similar to some pre-defined 2D simple symbol styles.
* [Scene symbols](Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/SceneSymbols) - Show various kinds of 3D symbols in a scene.
-* [Simple marker symbol](Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers) - Show a simple marker symbol on a map.
* [Simple renderer](Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/SimpleRenderers) - Display common symbols for all graphics in a graphics overlay with a renderer.
+* [Style geometry types with symbols](Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols) - Use a symbol to display a geometry on a map.
* [Unique value renderer](Maui.Samples/Samples/Symbology/RenderUniqueValues) - Render features in a layer using a distinct symbol for each unique attribute value.
## Utility network
diff --git a/src/Samples.Shared/Resources/FeaturedSamples.xml b/src/Samples.Shared/Resources/FeaturedSamples.xml
index d0a4c6186e..8c2fd5fe5e 100644
--- a/src/Samples.Shared/Resources/FeaturedSamples.xml
+++ b/src/Samples.Shared/Resources/FeaturedSamples.xml
@@ -32,6 +32,9 @@
+ StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols
+ CreateLoadReportValidateUtilityNetworkTopology
diff --git a/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Converters/ColorToSolidBrushConverter.cs b/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Converters/ColorToSolidBrushConverter.cs
index 992390607c..b5a5879e37 100644
--- a/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Converters/ColorToSolidBrushConverter.cs
+++ b/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Converters/ColorToSolidBrushConverter.cs
@@ -13,17 +13,28 @@ public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Gl
// Get the input value as a System.Drawing.Color.
Color inColor = (Color)value;
+ // Create a solid color brush using the color and return it.
+ return Convert(inColor);
+ }
+ public static WinMedia.SolidColorBrush Convert(Color color)
+ {
// Convert the input System.Drawing.Color to a System.Windows.Media.Color.
- WinMedia.Color outColor = WinMedia.Color.FromArgb(inColor.A, inColor.R, inColor.G, inColor.B);
+ WinMedia.Color outColor = WinMedia.Color.FromArgb(color.A, color.R, color.G, color.B);
// Create a solid color brush using the color and return it.
- WinMedia.SolidColorBrush brush = new WinMedia.SolidColorBrush(outColor);
- return brush;
+ return new WinMedia.SolidColorBrush(outColor);
public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
throw new NotImplementedException();
+ public static Color ConvertBack(WinMedia.SolidColorBrush brush)
+ {
+ // Convert the input System.Windows.Media.Color to a System.Drawing.Color.
+ return Color.FromArgb(brush.Color.A, brush.Color.R, brush.Color.G, brush.Color.B);
+ }
diff --git a/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderPictureMarkers/RenderPictureMarkers.jpg b/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderPictureMarkers/RenderPictureMarkers.jpg
deleted file mode 100644
index d479ac4ddc..0000000000
Binary files a/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderPictureMarkers/RenderPictureMarkers.jpg and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderPictureMarkers/RenderPictureMarkers.xaml b/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderPictureMarkers/RenderPictureMarkers.xaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3dec710d27..0000000000
--- a/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderPictureMarkers/RenderPictureMarkers.xaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 86442ae7bc..0000000000
--- a/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderPictureMarkers/RenderPictureMarkers.xaml.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 Esri.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
-// language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Geometry;
-using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Mapping;
-using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Symbology;
-using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.UI;
-using System;
-using System.IO;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Reflection;
-using System.Threading.Tasks;
-using System.Windows;
-namespace ArcGIS.WPF.Samples.RenderPictureMarkers
- [ArcGIS.Samples.Shared.Attributes.Sample(
- name: "Picture marker symbol",
- category: "Symbology",
- description: "Use pictures for markers.",
- instructions: "When launched, this sample displays a map with picture marker symbols. Pan and zoom to explore the map.",
- tags: new[] { "graphics", "marker", "picture", "symbol", "visualization" })]
- [ArcGIS.Samples.Shared.Attributes.EmbeddedResource(@"PictureMarkerSymbols\pin_star_blue.png")]
- public partial class RenderPictureMarkers
- {
- public RenderPictureMarkers()
- {
- InitializeComponent();
- // Create the UI, setup the control references and execute initialization
- _ = Initialize();
- }
- private async Task Initialize()
- {
- // Create new Map with basemap
- Map myMap = new Map(BasemapStyle.ArcGISTopographic);
- // Create and set initial map area
- Envelope initialLocation = new Envelope(
- -229835, 6550763, -222560, 6552021,
- SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
- myMap.InitialViewpoint = new Viewpoint(initialLocation);
- // Assign the map to the MapView
- MyMapView.Map = myMap;
- // Create overlay to where graphics are shown
- GraphicsOverlay overlay = new GraphicsOverlay();
- // Add created overlay to the MapView
- MyMapView.GraphicsOverlays.Add(overlay);
- // Add graphics using different source types
- CreatePictureMarkerSymbolFromUrl(overlay);
- try
- {
- await CreatePictureMarkerSymbolFromResources(overlay);
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- MessageBox.Show(e.ToString(), "Error");
- }
- }
- private void CreatePictureMarkerSymbolFromUrl(GraphicsOverlay overlay)
- {
- // Create uri to the used image
- Uri symbolUri = new Uri(
- "https://static.arcgis.com/images/Symbols/OutdoorRecreation/Camping.png");
- // Create new symbol using asynchronous factory method from uri.
- PictureMarkerSymbol campsiteSymbol = new PictureMarkerSymbol(symbolUri)
- {
- Width = 40,
- Height = 40
- };
- // Create location for the campsite
- MapPoint campsitePoint = new MapPoint(-223560, 6552021, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
- // Create graphic with the location and symbol
- Graphic campsiteGraphic = new Graphic(campsitePoint, campsiteSymbol);
- // Add graphic to the graphics overlay
- overlay.Graphics.Add(campsiteGraphic);
- }
- private async Task CreatePictureMarkerSymbolFromResources(GraphicsOverlay overlay)
- {
- // Hold a reference to the picture marker symbol
- PictureMarkerSymbol pinSymbol;
- // Get current assembly that contains the image
- Assembly currentAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
- // Get the resource name of the blue pin image
- string resourceStreamName = this.GetType().Assembly.GetManifestResourceNames().Single(str => str.EndsWith("pin_star_blue.png"));
- // Load the blue pin resource stream
- using (Stream resourceStream = this.GetType().Assembly.
- GetManifestResourceStream(resourceStreamName))
- {
- // Create new symbol using asynchronous factory method from stream
- pinSymbol = await PictureMarkerSymbol.CreateAsync(resourceStream);
- pinSymbol.Width = 50;
- pinSymbol.Height = 50;
- }
- // Create location for the pint
- MapPoint pinPoint = new MapPoint(-226773, 6550477, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
- // Create graphic with the location and symbol
- Graphic pinGraphic = new Graphic(pinPoint, pinSymbol);
- // Add graphic to the graphics overlay
- overlay.Graphics.Add(pinGraphic);
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderPictureMarkers/readme.md b/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderPictureMarkers/readme.md
deleted file mode 100644
index a4e5d72558..0000000000
--- a/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderPictureMarkers/readme.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# Picture marker symbol
-Use pictures for markers.
-![Image of picture marker symbol](RenderPictureMarkers.jpg)
-## Use case
-When marking geoelements on a map, using custom, unique symbols can be helpful for highlighting and differentiating between locations. For example, a tourism office may use pictures of landmarks as symbols on an online map or app, to help prospective visitors to orient themselves more easily around a city.
-## How to use the sample
-When launched, this sample displays a map with picture marker symbols. Pan and zoom to explore the map.
-## How it works
-1. Create a `PictureMarkerSymbol` using the URI to an online or local image or a JavaFX Image (platform dependent).
-2. Create a `Graphic` and set its symbol to the picture marker symbol.
-## Relevant API
-* PictureMarkerSymbol
-## About the data
-The picture marker symbols in this sample are all constructed from different types of resources:
-* [Campsite symbol constructed from a URL](https://static.arcgis.com/images/Symbols/OutdoorRecreation/Camping.png)
-* Blue pin with a star stored in the resource folder that comes with the application
-## Tags
-graphics, marker, picture, symbol, visualization
diff --git a/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderPictureMarkers/readme.metadata.json b/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderPictureMarkers/readme.metadata.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 60cbd7b224..0000000000
--- a/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderPictureMarkers/readme.metadata.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- "category": "Symbology",
- "description": "Use pictures for markers.",
- "formal_name": "RenderPictureMarkers",
- "ignore": false,
- "images": [
- "RenderPictureMarkers.jpg"
- ],
- "keywords": [
- "graphics",
- "marker",
- "picture",
- "symbol",
- "visualization"
- ],
- "offline_data": [],
- "redirect_from": [
- "/net/latest/wpf/sample-code/picture-marker-symbol.htm"
- ],
- "relevant_apis": [
- "PictureMarkerSymbol"
- ],
- "snippets": [
- "RenderPictureMarkers.xaml.cs",
- "RenderPictureMarkers.xaml"
- ],
- "title": "Picture marker symbol"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers/RenderSimpleMarkers.jpg b/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers/RenderSimpleMarkers.jpg
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a6e6ed497..0000000000
Binary files a/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers/RenderSimpleMarkers.jpg and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers/RenderSimpleMarkers.xaml b/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers/RenderSimpleMarkers.xaml
deleted file mode 100644
index a378bbc4a8..0000000000
--- a/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers/RenderSimpleMarkers.xaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers/RenderSimpleMarkers.xaml.cs b/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers/RenderSimpleMarkers.xaml.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index ae8a4cea82..0000000000
--- a/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers/RenderSimpleMarkers.xaml.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 Esri.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
-// language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Geometry;
-using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Mapping;
-using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Symbology;
-using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.UI;
-namespace ArcGIS.WPF.Samples.RenderSimpleMarkers
- [ArcGIS.Samples.Shared.Attributes.Sample(
- name: "Simple marker symbol",
- category: "Symbology",
- description: "Show a simple marker symbol on a map.",
- instructions: "The sample loads with a predefined simple marker symbol, set as a red circle.",
- tags: new[] { "symbol" })]
- public partial class RenderSimpleMarkers
- {
- public RenderSimpleMarkers()
- {
- InitializeComponent();
- // Create the UI, setup the control references and execute initialization
- Initialize();
- }
- private void Initialize()
- {
- // Create new Map with basemap
- Map myMap = new Map(BasemapStyle.ArcGISImageryStandard);
- // Create initial map location and reuse the location for graphic
- MapPoint centralLocation = new MapPoint(-226773, 6550477, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
- Viewpoint initialViewpoint = new Viewpoint(centralLocation, 7500);
- // Set initial viewpoint
- myMap.InitialViewpoint = initialViewpoint;
- // Provide used Map to the MapView
- MyMapView.Map = myMap;
- // Create overlay to where graphics are shown
- GraphicsOverlay overlay = new GraphicsOverlay();
- // Add created overlay to the MapView
- MyMapView.GraphicsOverlays.Add(overlay);
- // Create a simple marker symbol
- SimpleMarkerSymbol simpleSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol()
- {
- Color = System.Drawing.Color.Red,
- Size = 10,
- Style = SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle.Circle
- };
- // Add a new graphic with a central point that was created earlier
- Graphic graphicWithSymbol = new Graphic(centralLocation, simpleSymbol);
- overlay.Graphics.Add(graphicWithSymbol);
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers/readme.md b/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers/readme.md
deleted file mode 100644
index b5a0b236bc..0000000000
--- a/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers/readme.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-# Simple marker symbol
-Show a simple marker symbol on a map.
-![Image of simple marker symbol](RenderSimpleMarkers.jpg)
-## Use case
-Customize the appearance of a point suitable for the data. For example, a point on the map styled with a circle could represent a drilled borehole location, whereas a cross could represent the location of an old coal mine shaft.
-## How to use the sample
-The sample loads with a predefined simple marker symbol, set as a red circle.
-## How it works
-1. Create a `SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbol.Style, color, size)`.
-2. Create a `Graphic` passing in a `Point` and the simple marker symbol as parameters.
-3. Add the graphic to the graphics overlay with `graphicsOverlay.Graphics.Add(graphic)`.
-## Relevant API
-* Graphic
-* GraphicsOverlay
-* Point
-* SimpleMarkerSymbol
-## Tags
diff --git a/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers/readme.metadata.json b/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers/readme.metadata.json
deleted file mode 100644
index c41bfd359c..0000000000
--- a/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers/readme.metadata.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- "category": "Symbology",
- "description": "Show a simple marker symbol on a map.",
- "formal_name": "RenderSimpleMarkers",
- "ignore": false,
- "images": [
- "RenderSimpleMarkers.jpg"
- ],
- "keywords": [
- "symbol"
- ],
- "offline_data": [],
- "redirect_from": [
- "/net/latest/wpf/sample-code/simple-marker-symbol.htm"
- ],
- "relevant_apis": [
- "Graphic",
- "GraphicsOverlay",
- "Point",
- "SimpleMarkerSymbol"
- ],
- "snippets": [
- "RenderSimpleMarkers.xaml.cs",
- "RenderSimpleMarkers.xaml"
- ],
- "title": "Simple marker symbol"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols.jpg b/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6542553b9b
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols.jpg differ
diff --git a/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols.xaml b/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols.xaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fd149a1e6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols.xaml
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
diff --git a/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols.xaml.cs b/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols.xaml.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b1fe944532
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols.xaml.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+// Copyright 2024 Esri.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
+// language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Geometry;
+using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Mapping;
+using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Symbology;
+using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.UI;
+using System.Windows.Controls;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using System.Windows;
+using System.Windows.Forms;
+using Color = System.Drawing.Color;
+using System.Reflection;
+using TabControl = System.Windows.Controls.TabControl;
+using System.Windows.Media;
+using Button = System.Windows.Controls.Button;
+namespace ArcGIS.WPF.Samples.StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols
+ [ArcGIS.Samples.Shared.Attributes.Sample(
+ name: "Style geometry types with symbols",
+ category: "Symbology",
+ description: "Use a symbol to display a geometry on a map.",
+ instructions: "Tap \"Edit Styles\" and select a geometry to edit with the picker. Use the controls to change the symbol properties for the geometry.",
+ tags: new[] { "display", "fill", "graphics", "line", "marker", "overlay", "picture", "point", "symbol", "visualization" })]
+ [ArcGIS.Samples.Shared.Attributes.OfflineData()]
+ public partial class StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols
+ {
+ // Item sources for the combo boxes.
+ public List SimpleMarkerSymbolStyles => Enum.GetValues(typeof(SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle)).Cast().ToList();
+ public List SimpleLineSymbolStyles => Enum.GetValues(typeof(SimpleLineSymbolStyle)).Cast().ToList();
+ public List SimpleFillSymbolStyles => Enum.GetValues(typeof(SimpleFillSymbolStyle)).Cast().ToList();
+ // Hold the selected graphic.
+ private Graphic _selectedGraphic;
+ // Flag indicating if styling should be applied to a polygon's fill or outline.
+ private bool _stylingPolygonFill = true;
+ public StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols()
+ {
+ InitializeComponent();
+ _ = Initialize();
+ }
+ private async Task Initialize()
+ {
+ // Set the data context for UI bindings.
+ DataContext = this;
+ // Create a new map with a topographic basemap initially centered on Woolgarston, England.
+ MyMapView.Map = new Map(BasemapStyle.ArcGISTopographic)
+ {
+ InitialViewpoint = new Viewpoint(new MapPoint(-225e3, 6_553e3, SpatialReferences.WebMercator), 88e3)
+ };
+ // A graphics overlay for displaying the geometry graphics on the map view.
+ var graphicsOverlay = new GraphicsOverlay();
+ // Create the simple marker symbol for styling the point.
+ var pointSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle.Circle, Color.Purple, 12);
+ // Create simple line symbol for styling the polyline.
+ var polylineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Dash, Color.Red, 6);
+ // Create the simple fill symbol for styling the polygon, including its outline.
+ var polygonSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbolStyle.ForwardDiagonal, Color.Blue,
+ new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Solid, Color.Green, 3));
+ // Create a point graphic and add it to the graphics overlay.
+ var point = new MapPoint(-225e3, 6_560e3, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
+ var pointGraphic = new Graphic(point, pointSymbol);
+ graphicsOverlay.Graphics.Add(pointGraphic);
+ // Create a polyline graphic and add it to the graphics overlay.
+ var points = new MapPoint[2]
+ {
+ new MapPoint(-223e3, 6_559e3, SpatialReferences.WebMercator),
+ new MapPoint(-227e3, 6_559e3, SpatialReferences.WebMercator)
+ };
+ var polyline = new Polyline(points, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
+ var polylineGraphic = new Graphic(polyline, polylineSymbol);
+ graphicsOverlay.Graphics.Add(polylineGraphic);
+ // Create a polygon graphic and add it to the graphics overlay.
+ points = new MapPoint[4]
+ {
+ new MapPoint(-222e3, 6_558e3, SpatialReferences.WebMercator),
+ new MapPoint(-228e3, 6_558e3, SpatialReferences.WebMercator),
+ new MapPoint(-228e3, 6_555e3, SpatialReferences.WebMercator),
+ new MapPoint(-222e3, 6_555e3, SpatialReferences.WebMercator)
+ };
+ var polygon = new Polygon(points, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
+ var polygonGraphic = new Graphic(polygon, polygonSymbol);
+ graphicsOverlay.Graphics.Add(polygonGraphic);
+ // Create a graphic with a picture marker symbol (image resource) and add it to the graphics overlay.
+ var pinGraphic = await MakePictureMarkerSymbolFromImage(new MapPoint(-226_770, 6_550_470, SpatialReferences.WebMercator));
+ graphicsOverlay.Graphics.Add(pinGraphic);
+ // Create a graphic with a picture marker symbol (URL) and add it to the graphics overlay.
+ var imageUri = new Uri("https://static.arcgis.com/images/Symbols/OutdoorRecreation/Camping.png");
+ var campsiteSymbol = new PictureMarkerSymbol(imageUri)
+ {
+ Width = 25,
+ Height = 25
+ };
+ var campsitePoint = new MapPoint(-223_560, 6_552_020, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
+ var campsiteGraphic = new Graphic(campsitePoint, campsiteSymbol);
+ graphicsOverlay.Graphics.Add(campsiteGraphic);
+ // Add the graphics overlay to the map view.
+ MyMapView.GraphicsOverlays.Add(graphicsOverlay);
+ }
+ private async Task MakePictureMarkerSymbolFromImage(MapPoint point)
+ {
+ // Hold a reference to the picture marker symbol.
+ PictureMarkerSymbol pinSymbol;
+ // Get current assembly that contains the image.
+ Assembly currentAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
+ // Get the resource name of the blue pin star image
+ string resourceStreamName = this.GetType().Assembly.GetManifestResourceNames().Single(str => str.EndsWith("pin_star_blue.png"));
+ // Load the resource stream
+ using (Stream resourceStream = this.GetType().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceStreamName))
+ {
+ // Create new symbol using asynchronous factory method from stream.
+ pinSymbol = await PictureMarkerSymbol.CreateAsync(resourceStream);
+ pinSymbol.Width = 60;
+ pinSymbol.Height = 60;
+ // The image is a pin; offset the image so that the pinpoint is on the point rather than the image's true center.
+ pinSymbol.LeaderOffsetX = 30;
+ pinSymbol.OffsetY = 14;
+ }
+ return new Graphic(point, pinSymbol);
+ }
+ #region UI event handlers
+ private void GeometryTypeTabControl_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ // Get the tab control.
+ TabControl tabControl = sender as TabControl;
+ // Update the selected graphic based on the selected tab.
+ switch (tabControl.SelectedIndex)
+ {
+ // Point tab
+ case 0:
+ _selectedGraphic = MyMapView.GraphicsOverlays[0].Graphics[0];
+ break;
+ // Polyline tab
+ case 1:
+ _selectedGraphic = MyMapView.GraphicsOverlays[0].Graphics[1];
+ break;
+ // Polygon tab
+ case 2:
+ _selectedGraphic = MyMapView.GraphicsOverlays[0].Graphics[2];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ private void StyleComboBox_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ // Selected graphic will be null when initializing the UI.
+ if (_selectedGraphic == null) return;
+ // Get the selected combo box item.
+ var comboBox = sender as System.Windows.Controls.ComboBox;
+ // Update the symbol style based on the selected combo box item.
+ switch (_selectedGraphic.Geometry.GeometryType)
+ {
+ case GeometryType.Point:
+ ((SimpleMarkerSymbol)_selectedGraphic.Symbol).Style = (SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle)comboBox.SelectedItem;
+ break;
+ case GeometryType.Polyline:
+ ((SimpleLineSymbol)_selectedGraphic.Symbol).Style = (SimpleLineSymbolStyle)comboBox.SelectedItem;
+ break;
+ case GeometryType.Polygon:
+ var symbol = (SimpleFillSymbol)_selectedGraphic.Symbol;
+ if (_stylingPolygonFill)
+ {
+ symbol.Style = (SimpleFillSymbolStyle)comboBox.SelectedItem;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ symbol.Outline = new SimpleLineSymbol((SimpleLineSymbolStyle)comboBox.SelectedItem, symbol.Outline.Color, symbol.Outline.Width);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ private void ColorDialogButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ // Get the color preview border.
+ var border = (sender as Button).Tag as Border;
+ // Create a color dialog with the initial color reflecting the current symbol color.
+ var colorDialog = new ColorDialog()
+ {
+ Color = Viewer.Converters.ColorToSolidBrushConverter.ConvertBack((SolidColorBrush)border.Background)
+ };
+ // Show the color dialog.
+ if (colorDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
+ {
+ border.Background = Viewer.Converters.ColorToSolidBrushConverter.Convert(colorDialog.Color);
+ // Update the symbol color based on the selected geometry type.
+ switch (_selectedGraphic.Geometry.GeometryType)
+ {
+ case GeometryType.Point:
+ ((SimpleMarkerSymbol)_selectedGraphic.Symbol).Color = colorDialog.Color;
+ break;
+ case GeometryType.Polyline:
+ ((SimpleLineSymbol)_selectedGraphic.Symbol).Color = colorDialog.Color;
+ break;
+ case GeometryType.Polygon:
+ var symbol = (SimpleFillSymbol)_selectedGraphic.Symbol;
+ if (_stylingPolygonFill)
+ {
+ symbol.Color = colorDialog.Color;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ symbol.Outline.Color = colorDialog.Color;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void SizeSlider_ValueChanged(object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ // Selected graphic will be null when initializing the UI.
+ if (_selectedGraphic == null) return;
+ // Update the symbol size based on the selected geometry type.
+ switch (_selectedGraphic.Geometry.GeometryType)
+ {
+ case GeometryType.Point:
+ ((SimpleMarkerSymbol)_selectedGraphic.Symbol).Size = e.NewValue;
+ break;
+ case GeometryType.Polyline:
+ ((SimpleLineSymbol)_selectedGraphic.Symbol).Width = e.NewValue;
+ break;
+ case GeometryType.Polygon:
+ ((SimpleFillSymbol)_selectedGraphic.Symbol).Outline.Width = e.NewValue;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ #region Polygon styling
+ private void PolygonFillStyleComboBox_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ _stylingPolygonFill = true;
+ StyleComboBox_SelectionChanged(sender, e);
+ }
+ private void PolygonOutlineStyleComboBox_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ _stylingPolygonFill = false;
+ StyleComboBox_SelectionChanged(sender, e);
+ }
+ private void PolygonFillColorDialogButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ _stylingPolygonFill = true;
+ ColorDialogButton_Click(sender, e);
+ }
+ private void PolygonOutlineColorDialogButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ _stylingPolygonFill = false;
+ ColorDialogButton_Click(sender, e);
+ }
+ #endregion Polygon styling
+ #endregion UI event handlers
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..debda7bdd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols/readme.md
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Style geometry types with symbols
+Use a symbol to display a geometry on a map.
+![Screenshot of Style geometry types with symbols sample](StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols.jpg)
+## Use case
+Customize the appearance of a geometry type with a symbol style suitable for the data. For example, a tourism office may use pictures of landmarks as symbols on an online map or app to help prospective visitors orient themselves more easily around a city. A point on the map styled with a circle could represent a drilled borehole location, whereas a cross could represent the location of an old coal mine shaft. A red line with a dashed style could represent a geological fault mapped on a geological map. A polygon with a brown 'forward-diagonal' fill style could represent an area of artificial ground mapped on a geological map.
+## How to use the sample
+Tap "Edit Styles" and select a geometry to edit with the picker. Use the controls to change the symbol properties for the geometry.
+## How it works
+1. Create a `PictureMarkerSymbol` or `SimpleMarkerSymbol` to style a `Point`.
+ * For the picture marker symbol, create it using a URL or image and set its height property.
+ * For the simple marker symbol, set the `Style`, `Color`, and `Size` properties.
+2. Create a `SimpleLineSymbol` to style a `Polyline`.
+ * Set the `Style`, `Color`, and `Size` properties.
+3. Create a `SimpleFillSymbol` to style a `Polygon`.
+ * Set the `Style`, `Color`, and `Outline` properties.
+4. Create `Graphic`s using the geometries and symbols and add them to a `GraphicsOverlay`.
+5. Add the graphics overlay to a `MapView`.
+## Relevant API
+* Geometry
+* Graphic
+* GraphicsOverlay
+* PictureMarkerSymbol
+* SimpleFillSymbol
+* SimpleLineSymbol
+* SimpleMarkerSymbol
+## Tags
+display, fill, graphics, line, marker, overlay, picture, point, symbol, visualization
diff --git a/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols/readme.metadata.json b/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols/readme.metadata.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3ee3a3f15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/WPF/WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols/readme.metadata.json
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ "category": "Symbology",
+ "description": "Use a symbol to display a geometry on a map.",
+ "formal_name": "StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols",
+ "ignore": false,
+ "images": [
+ "StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols.jpg"
+ ],
+ "keywords": [
+ "display",
+ "fill",
+ "graphics",
+ "line",
+ "marker",
+ "overlay",
+ "picture",
+ "point",
+ "symbol",
+ "visualization"
+ ],
+ "offline_data": [],
+ "redirect_from": [
+ "/net/latest/wpf/sample-code/picture-marker-symbol.htm",
+ "/net/latest/wpf/sample-code/style-geometry-types-with-symbols.htm",
+ "/net/latest/wpf/sample-code/simple-marker-symbol.htm"
+ ],
+ "relevant_apis": [
+ "Geometry",
+ "Graphic",
+ "GraphicsOverlay",
+ "PictureMarkerSymbol",
+ "SimpleFillSymbol",
+ "SimpleLineSymbol",
+ "SimpleMarkerSymbol"
+ ],
+ "snippets": [
+ "StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols.xaml.cs",
+ "StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols.xaml"
+ ],
+ "title": "Style geometry types with symbols"
\ No newline at end of file
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index 91b1f60690..5e64d62066 100644
--- a/src/WPF/readme.md
+++ b/src/WPF/readme.md
@@ -259,12 +259,11 @@
* [Custom dictionary style](WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/CustomDictionaryStyle) - Use a custom dictionary created from a web style or style file (.stylx) to symbolize features using a variety of attribute values.
* [Distance composite scene symbol](WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/UseDistanceCompositeSym) - Change a graphic's symbol based on the camera's proximity to it.
* [Feature layer extrusion](WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/FeatureLayerExtrusion) - Extrude features based on their attributes.
-* [Picture marker symbol](WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderPictureMarkers) - Use pictures for markers.
* [Read symbols from mobile style](WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/SymbolsFromMobileStyle) - Combine multiple symbols from a mobile style file into a single symbol.
* [Render multilayer symbols](WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderMultilayerSymbols) - Show different kinds of multilayer symbols on a map similar to some pre-defined 2D simple symbol styles.
* [Scene symbols](WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/SceneSymbols) - Show various kinds of 3D symbols in a scene.
-* [Simple marker symbol](WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers) - Show a simple marker symbol on a map.
* [Simple renderer](WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/SimpleRenderers) - Display common symbols for all graphics in a graphics overlay with a renderer.
+* [Style geometry types with symbols](WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols) - Use a symbol to display a geometry on a map.
* [Unique value renderer](WPF.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderUniqueValues) - Render features in a layer using a distinct symbol for each unique attribute value.
## Utility network
diff --git a/src/WinUI/ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderPictureMarkers/RenderPictureMarkers.jpg b/src/WinUI/ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderPictureMarkers/RenderPictureMarkers.jpg
deleted file mode 100644
index 0916a744f1..0000000000
Binary files a/src/WinUI/ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderPictureMarkers/RenderPictureMarkers.jpg and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/src/WinUI/ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderPictureMarkers/RenderPictureMarkers.xaml b/src/WinUI/ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderPictureMarkers/RenderPictureMarkers.xaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e59dbdb92..0000000000
--- a/src/WinUI/ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderPictureMarkers/RenderPictureMarkers.xaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
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deleted file mode 100644
index 2f2f815158..0000000000
--- a/src/WinUI/ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderPictureMarkers/RenderPictureMarkers.xaml.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 Esri.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
-// language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Geometry;
-using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Mapping;
-using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Symbology;
-using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.UI;
-using System;
-using System.IO;
-using System.Reflection;
-using System.Threading.Tasks;
-namespace ArcGIS.WinUI.Samples.RenderPictureMarkers
- [ArcGIS.Samples.Shared.Attributes.Sample(
- name: "Picture marker symbol",
- category: "Symbology",
- description: "Use pictures for markers.",
- instructions: "When launched, this sample displays a map with picture marker symbols. Pan and zoom to explore the map.",
- tags: new[] { "graphics", "marker", "picture", "symbol", "visualization" })]
- [ArcGIS.Samples.Shared.Attributes.EmbeddedResource(@"PictureMarkerSymbols\pin_star_blue.png")]
- public sealed partial class RenderPictureMarkers
- {
- public RenderPictureMarkers()
- {
- InitializeComponent();
- // Create the UI, setup the control references and execute initialization
- _ = Initialize();
- }
- private async Task Initialize()
- {
- // Create new Map with basemap
- Map myMap = new Map(BasemapStyle.ArcGISTopographic);
- // Create and set initial map area
- Envelope initialLocation = new Envelope(
- -229835, 6550763, -222560, 6552021,
- SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
- myMap.InitialViewpoint = new Viewpoint(initialLocation);
- // Assign the map to the MapView
- MyMapView.Map = myMap;
- // Create overlay to where graphics are shown
- GraphicsOverlay overlay = new GraphicsOverlay();
- // Add created overlay to the MapView
- MyMapView.GraphicsOverlays.Add(overlay);
- // Add graphics using different source types
- CreatePictureMarkerSymbolFromUrl(overlay);
- try
- {
- await CreatePictureMarkerSymbolFromResources(overlay);
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- await new MessageDialog2(e.ToString(), "Error").ShowAsync();
- }
- }
- private void CreatePictureMarkerSymbolFromUrl(GraphicsOverlay overlay)
- {
- // Create uri to the used image
- Uri symbolUri = new Uri(
- "https://static.arcgis.com/images/Symbols/OutdoorRecreation/Camping.png");
- // Create new symbol using asynchronous factory method from uri.
- PictureMarkerSymbol campsiteSymbol = new PictureMarkerSymbol(symbolUri)
- {
- Width = 40,
- Height = 40
- };
- // Create location for the campsite
- MapPoint campsitePoint = new MapPoint(-223560, 6552021, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
- // Create graphic with the location and symbol
- Graphic campsiteGraphic = new Graphic(campsitePoint, campsiteSymbol);
- // Add graphic to the graphics overlay
- overlay.Graphics.Add(campsiteGraphic);
- }
- private async Task CreatePictureMarkerSymbolFromResources(GraphicsOverlay overlay)
- {
- // Get current assembly that contains the image
- Assembly currentAssembly = GetType().GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
- // Get image as a stream from the resources
- // Picture is defined as EmbeddedResource and DoNotCopy
- Stream resourceStream = currentAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream(
- "ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer.Resources.PictureMarkerSymbols.pin_star_blue.png");
- // Create new symbol using asynchronous factory method from stream
- PictureMarkerSymbol pinSymbol = await PictureMarkerSymbol.CreateAsync(resourceStream);
- pinSymbol.Width = 50;
- pinSymbol.Height = 50;
- // Create location for the pint
- MapPoint pinPoint = new MapPoint(-226773, 6550477, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
- // Create graphic with the location and symbol
- Graphic pinGraphic = new Graphic(pinPoint, pinSymbol);
- // Add graphic to the graphics overlay
- overlay.Graphics.Add(pinGraphic);
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index a4e5d72558..0000000000
--- a/src/WinUI/ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderPictureMarkers/readme.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# Picture marker symbol
-Use pictures for markers.
-![Image of picture marker symbol](RenderPictureMarkers.jpg)
-## Use case
-When marking geoelements on a map, using custom, unique symbols can be helpful for highlighting and differentiating between locations. For example, a tourism office may use pictures of landmarks as symbols on an online map or app, to help prospective visitors to orient themselves more easily around a city.
-## How to use the sample
-When launched, this sample displays a map with picture marker symbols. Pan and zoom to explore the map.
-## How it works
-1. Create a `PictureMarkerSymbol` using the URI to an online or local image or a JavaFX Image (platform dependent).
-2. Create a `Graphic` and set its symbol to the picture marker symbol.
-## Relevant API
-* PictureMarkerSymbol
-## About the data
-The picture marker symbols in this sample are all constructed from different types of resources:
-* [Campsite symbol constructed from a URL](https://static.arcgis.com/images/Symbols/OutdoorRecreation/Camping.png)
-* Blue pin with a star stored in the resource folder that comes with the application
-## Tags
-graphics, marker, picture, symbol, visualization
diff --git a/src/WinUI/ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderPictureMarkers/readme.metadata.json b/src/WinUI/ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderPictureMarkers/readme.metadata.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 7555ecfef0..0000000000
--- a/src/WinUI/ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderPictureMarkers/readme.metadata.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- "category": "Symbology",
- "description": "Use pictures for markers.",
- "formal_name": "RenderPictureMarkers",
- "ignore": false,
- "images": [
- "RenderPictureMarkers.jpg"
- ],
- "keywords": [
- "graphics",
- "marker",
- "picture",
- "symbol",
- "visualization"
- ],
- "offline_data": [],
- "redirect_from": [
- "/net/latest/winui/sample-code/picture-marker-symbol.htm"
- ],
- "relevant_apis": [
- "PictureMarkerSymbol"
- ],
- "snippets": [
- "RenderPictureMarkers.xaml.cs",
- "RenderPictureMarkers.xaml"
- ],
- "title": "Picture marker symbol"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/WinUI/ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers/RenderSimpleMarkers.jpg b/src/WinUI/ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers/RenderSimpleMarkers.jpg
deleted file mode 100644
index 22121f4008..0000000000
Binary files a/src/WinUI/ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers/RenderSimpleMarkers.jpg and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/src/WinUI/ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers/RenderSimpleMarkers.xaml b/src/WinUI/ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers/RenderSimpleMarkers.xaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 74914684b8..0000000000
--- a/src/WinUI/ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers/RenderSimpleMarkers.xaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index f469a4e3f9..0000000000
--- a/src/WinUI/ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers/RenderSimpleMarkers.xaml.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 Esri.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
-// language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
-using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Geometry;
-using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Mapping;
-using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Symbology;
-using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.UI;
-using System.Drawing;
-namespace ArcGIS.WinUI.Samples.RenderSimpleMarkers
- [ArcGIS.Samples.Shared.Attributes.Sample(
- name: "Simple marker symbol",
- category: "Symbology",
- description: "Show a simple marker symbol on a map.",
- instructions: "The sample loads with a predefined simple marker symbol, set as a red circle.",
- tags: new[] { "symbol" })]
- public sealed partial class RenderSimpleMarkers
- {
- public RenderSimpleMarkers()
- {
- InitializeComponent();
- // Create the UI, setup the control references and execute initialization
- Initialize();
- }
- private void Initialize()
- {
- // Create new Map with basemap
- Map myMap = new Map(BasemapStyle.ArcGISImageryStandard);
- // Create initial map location and reuse the location for graphic
- MapPoint centralLocation = new MapPoint(-226773, 6550477, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
- Viewpoint initialViewpoint = new Viewpoint(centralLocation, 7500);
- // Set initial viewpoint
- myMap.InitialViewpoint = initialViewpoint;
- // Provide used Map to the MapView
- MyMapView.Map = myMap;
- // Create overlay to where graphics are shown
- GraphicsOverlay overlay = new GraphicsOverlay();
- // Add created overlay to the MapView
- MyMapView.GraphicsOverlays.Add(overlay);
- // Create a simple marker symbol
- SimpleMarkerSymbol simpleSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol()
- {
- Color = Color.Red,
- Size = 10,
- Style = SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle.Circle
- };
- // Add a new graphic with a central point that was created earlier
- Graphic graphicWithSymbol = new Graphic(centralLocation, simpleSymbol);
- overlay.Graphics.Add(graphicWithSymbol);
- }
- }
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--- a/src/WinUI/ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers/readme.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-# Simple marker symbol
-Show a simple marker symbol on a map.
-![Image of simple marker symbol](RenderSimpleMarkers.jpg)
-## Use case
-Customize the appearance of a point suitable for the data. For example, a point on the map styled with a circle could represent a drilled borehole location, whereas a cross could represent the location of an old coal mine shaft.
-## How to use the sample
-The sample loads with a predefined simple marker symbol, set as a red circle.
-## How it works
-1. Create a `SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbol.Style, color, size)`.
-2. Create a `Graphic` passing in a `Point` and the simple marker symbol as parameters.
-3. Add the graphic to the graphics overlay with `graphicsOverlay.Graphics.Add(graphic)`.
-## Relevant API
-* Graphic
-* GraphicsOverlay
-* Point
-* SimpleMarkerSymbol
-## Tags
diff --git a/src/WinUI/ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers/readme.metadata.json b/src/WinUI/ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers/readme.metadata.json
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--- a/src/WinUI/ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers/readme.metadata.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
- "category": "Symbology",
- "description": "Show a simple marker symbol on a map.",
- "formal_name": "RenderSimpleMarkers",
- "ignore": false,
- "images": [
- "RenderSimpleMarkers.jpg"
- ],
- "keywords": [
- "symbol"
- ],
- "offline_data": [],
- "redirect_from": [
- "/net/latest/winui/sample-code/simple-marker-symbol.htm"
- ],
- "relevant_apis": [
- "Graphic",
- "GraphicsOverlay",
- "Point",
- "SimpleMarkerSymbol"
- ],
- "snippets": [
- "RenderSimpleMarkers.xaml.cs",
- "RenderSimpleMarkers.xaml"
- ],
- "title": "Simple marker symbol"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/WinUI/ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols.jpg b/src/WinUI/ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d2e16b559a
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/WinUI/ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols.jpg differ
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index 0000000000..6bd09d3788
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/WinUI/ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols.xaml
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
diff --git a/src/WinUI/ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols.xaml.cs b/src/WinUI/ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols.xaml.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c586f66e16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/WinUI/ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols.xaml.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+// Copyright 2024 Esri.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
+// language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Geometry;
+using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Mapping;
+using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.Symbology;
+using Esri.ArcGISRuntime.UI;
+using Microsoft.UI.Xaml;
+using Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls;
+using Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Media;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Reflection;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using Color = System.Drawing.Color;
+namespace ArcGIS.WinUI.Samples.StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols
+ [ArcGIS.Samples.Shared.Attributes.Sample(
+ name: "Style geometry types with symbols",
+ category: "Symbology",
+ description: "Use a symbol to display a geometry on a map.",
+ instructions: "Tap \"Edit Styles\" and select a geometry to edit with the picker. Use the controls to change the symbol properties for the geometry.",
+ tags: new[] { "display", "fill", "graphics", "line", "marker", "overlay", "picture", "point", "symbol", "visualization" })]
+ [ArcGIS.Samples.Shared.Attributes.OfflineData()]
+ public partial class StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols
+ {
+ // Item sources for the combo boxes.
+ public List SimpleMarkerSymbolStyles => Enum.GetValues(typeof(SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle)).Cast().ToList();
+ public List SimpleLineSymbolStyles => Enum.GetValues(typeof(SimpleLineSymbolStyle)).Cast().ToList();
+ public List SimpleFillSymbolStyles => Enum.GetValues(typeof(SimpleFillSymbolStyle)).Cast().ToList();
+ // Hold the selected graphic.
+ private Graphic _selectedGraphic;
+ // Flag indicating if styling should be applied to a polygon's fill or outline.
+ private bool _stylingPolygonFill = true;
+ public StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols()
+ {
+ InitializeComponent();
+ _ = Initialize();
+ }
+ private async Task Initialize()
+ {
+ // Set the data context for UI bindings.
+ DataContext = this;
+ // Create a new map with a topographic basemap initially centered on Woolgarston, England.
+ MyMapView.Map = new Map(BasemapStyle.ArcGISTopographic)
+ {
+ InitialViewpoint = new Viewpoint(new MapPoint(-225e3, 6_553e3, SpatialReferences.WebMercator), 88e3)
+ };
+ // A graphics overlay for displaying the geometry graphics on the map view.
+ var graphicsOverlay = new GraphicsOverlay();
+ // Create the simple marker symbol for styling the point.
+ var pointSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle.Circle, Color.Purple, 12);
+ // Create simple line symbol for styling the polyline.
+ var polylineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Dash, Color.Red, 6);
+ // Create the simple fill symbol for styling the polygon, including its outline.
+ var polygonSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbolStyle.ForwardDiagonal, Color.Blue,
+ new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Solid, Color.Green, 3));
+ // Create a point graphic and add it to the graphics overlay.
+ var point = new MapPoint(-225e3, 6_560e3, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
+ var pointGraphic = new Graphic(point, pointSymbol);
+ graphicsOverlay.Graphics.Add(pointGraphic);
+ // Create a polyline graphic and add it to the graphics overlay.
+ var points = new MapPoint[2]
+ {
+ new MapPoint(-223e3, 6_559e3, SpatialReferences.WebMercator),
+ new MapPoint(-227e3, 6_559e3, SpatialReferences.WebMercator)
+ };
+ var polyline = new Polyline(points, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
+ var polylineGraphic = new Graphic(polyline, polylineSymbol);
+ graphicsOverlay.Graphics.Add(polylineGraphic);
+ // Create a polygon graphic and add it to the graphics overlay.
+ points = new MapPoint[4]
+ {
+ new MapPoint(-222e3, 6_558e3, SpatialReferences.WebMercator),
+ new MapPoint(-228e3, 6_558e3, SpatialReferences.WebMercator),
+ new MapPoint(-228e3, 6_555e3, SpatialReferences.WebMercator),
+ new MapPoint(-222e3, 6_555e3, SpatialReferences.WebMercator)
+ };
+ var polygon = new Polygon(points, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
+ var polygonGraphic = new Graphic(polygon, polygonSymbol);
+ graphicsOverlay.Graphics.Add(polygonGraphic);
+ // Create a graphic with a picture marker symbol (image resource) and add it to the graphics overlay.
+ var pinGraphic = await MakePictureMarkerSymbolFromImage(new MapPoint(-226_770, 6_550_470, SpatialReferences.WebMercator));
+ graphicsOverlay.Graphics.Add(pinGraphic);
+ // Create a graphic with a picture marker symbol (URL) and add it to the graphics overlay.
+ var imageUri = new Uri("https://static.arcgis.com/images/Symbols/OutdoorRecreation/Camping.png");
+ var campsiteSymbol = new PictureMarkerSymbol(imageUri)
+ {
+ Width = 25,
+ Height = 25
+ };
+ var campsitePoint = new MapPoint(-223_560, 6_552_020, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);
+ var campsiteGraphic = new Graphic(campsitePoint, campsiteSymbol);
+ graphicsOverlay.Graphics.Add(campsiteGraphic);
+ // Add the graphics overlay to the map view.
+ MyMapView.GraphicsOverlays.Add(graphicsOverlay);
+ }
+ private async Task MakePictureMarkerSymbolFromImage(MapPoint point)
+ {
+ // Hold a reference to the picture marker symbol.
+ PictureMarkerSymbol pinSymbol;
+ // Get current assembly that contains the image.
+ Assembly currentAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
+ // Get the resource name of the blue pin star image
+ string resourceStreamName = this.GetType().Assembly.GetManifestResourceNames().Single(str => str.EndsWith("pin_star_blue.png"));
+ // Load the resource stream
+ using (Stream resourceStream = this.GetType().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceStreamName))
+ {
+ // Create new symbol using asynchronous factory method from stream.
+ pinSymbol = await PictureMarkerSymbol.CreateAsync(resourceStream);
+ pinSymbol.Width = 60;
+ pinSymbol.Height = 60;
+ // The image is a pin; offset the image so that the pinpoint is on the point rather than the image's true center.
+ pinSymbol.LeaderOffsetX = 30;
+ pinSymbol.OffsetY = 14;
+ }
+ return new Graphic(point, pinSymbol);
+ }
+ #region UI event handlers
+ private void GeometryTypeTabControl_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ // Get the tab control.
+ TabView tabView = sender as TabView;
+ // Update the selected graphic based on the selected tab.
+ switch (tabView.SelectedIndex)
+ {
+ // Point
+ case 0:
+ _selectedGraphic = MyMapView.GraphicsOverlays[0].Graphics[0];
+ break;
+ // Polyline
+ case 1:
+ _selectedGraphic = MyMapView.GraphicsOverlays[0].Graphics[1];
+ break;
+ // Polygon
+ case 2:
+ _selectedGraphic = MyMapView.GraphicsOverlays[0].Graphics[2];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ private void StyleComboBox_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ // Selected graphic will be null when initializing the UI.
+ if (_selectedGraphic == null) return;
+ // Get the selected combo box item.
+ var comboBox = sender as ComboBox;
+ // Update the symbol style based on the selected combo box item.
+ switch (_selectedGraphic.Geometry.GeometryType)
+ {
+ case GeometryType.Point:
+ ((SimpleMarkerSymbol)_selectedGraphic.Symbol).Style = (SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle)comboBox.SelectedItem;
+ break;
+ case GeometryType.Polyline:
+ ((SimpleLineSymbol)_selectedGraphic.Symbol).Style = (SimpleLineSymbolStyle)comboBox.SelectedItem;
+ break;
+ case GeometryType.Polygon:
+ var symbol = (SimpleFillSymbol)_selectedGraphic.Symbol;
+ if (_stylingPolygonFill)
+ {
+ symbol.Style = (SimpleFillSymbolStyle)comboBox.SelectedItem;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ symbol.Outline = new SimpleLineSymbol((SimpleLineSymbolStyle)comboBox.SelectedItem, symbol.Outline.Color, symbol.Outline.Width);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ private async void ColorDialogButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ // The content dialog's child is a color picker.
+ var colorPicker = ColorDialog.Content as ColorPicker;
+ // Get the color preview border.
+ var border = (sender as Button).Tag as Border;
+ // Set the color picker's color to the current symbol color.
+ colorPicker.Color = (border.Background as SolidColorBrush).Color;
+ // Allow the user to select a color.
+ await ColorDialog.ShowAsync();
+ // Update the color preview border.
+ border.Background = new SolidColorBrush(colorPicker.Color);
+ // Convert the color to a System.Drawing.Color.
+ var color = Color.FromArgb(colorPicker.Color.A, colorPicker.Color.R, colorPicker.Color.G, colorPicker.Color.B);
+ // Update the symbol color based on the selected geometry type.
+ switch (_selectedGraphic.Geometry.GeometryType)
+ {
+ case GeometryType.Point:
+ ((SimpleMarkerSymbol)_selectedGraphic.Symbol).Color = color;
+ break;
+ case GeometryType.Polyline:
+ ((SimpleLineSymbol)_selectedGraphic.Symbol).Color = color;
+ break;
+ case GeometryType.Polygon:
+ var symbol = (SimpleFillSymbol)_selectedGraphic.Symbol;
+ if (_stylingPolygonFill)
+ {
+ symbol.Color = color;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ symbol.Outline.Color = color;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ private void SizeSlider_ValueChanged(object sender, Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives.RangeBaseValueChangedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ // Selected graphic will be null when initializing the UI.
+ if (_selectedGraphic == null) return;
+ // Update the symbol size based on the selected geometry type.
+ switch (_selectedGraphic.Geometry.GeometryType)
+ {
+ case GeometryType.Point:
+ ((SimpleMarkerSymbol)_selectedGraphic.Symbol).Size = e.NewValue;
+ break;
+ case GeometryType.Polyline:
+ ((SimpleLineSymbol)_selectedGraphic.Symbol).Width = e.NewValue;
+ break;
+ case GeometryType.Polygon:
+ ((SimpleFillSymbol)_selectedGraphic.Symbol).Outline.Width = e.NewValue;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ #region Polygon styling
+ private void PolygonFillStyleComboBox_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ _stylingPolygonFill = true;
+ StyleComboBox_SelectionChanged(sender, e);
+ }
+ private void PolygonOutlineStyleComboBox_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ _stylingPolygonFill = false;
+ StyleComboBox_SelectionChanged(sender, e);
+ }
+ private void PolygonFillColorDialogButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ _stylingPolygonFill = true;
+ ColorDialogButton_Click(sender, e);
+ }
+ private void PolygonOutlineColorDialogButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ _stylingPolygonFill = false;
+ ColorDialogButton_Click(sender, e);
+ }
+ #endregion Polygon styling
+ #endregion UI event handlers
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..debda7bdd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/WinUI/ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols/readme.md
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Style geometry types with symbols
+Use a symbol to display a geometry on a map.
+![Screenshot of Style geometry types with symbols sample](StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols.jpg)
+## Use case
+Customize the appearance of a geometry type with a symbol style suitable for the data. For example, a tourism office may use pictures of landmarks as symbols on an online map or app to help prospective visitors orient themselves more easily around a city. A point on the map styled with a circle could represent a drilled borehole location, whereas a cross could represent the location of an old coal mine shaft. A red line with a dashed style could represent a geological fault mapped on a geological map. A polygon with a brown 'forward-diagonal' fill style could represent an area of artificial ground mapped on a geological map.
+## How to use the sample
+Tap "Edit Styles" and select a geometry to edit with the picker. Use the controls to change the symbol properties for the geometry.
+## How it works
+1. Create a `PictureMarkerSymbol` or `SimpleMarkerSymbol` to style a `Point`.
+ * For the picture marker symbol, create it using a URL or image and set its height property.
+ * For the simple marker symbol, set the `Style`, `Color`, and `Size` properties.
+2. Create a `SimpleLineSymbol` to style a `Polyline`.
+ * Set the `Style`, `Color`, and `Size` properties.
+3. Create a `SimpleFillSymbol` to style a `Polygon`.
+ * Set the `Style`, `Color`, and `Outline` properties.
+4. Create `Graphic`s using the geometries and symbols and add them to a `GraphicsOverlay`.
+5. Add the graphics overlay to a `MapView`.
+## Relevant API
+* Geometry
+* Graphic
+* GraphicsOverlay
+* PictureMarkerSymbol
+* SimpleFillSymbol
+* SimpleLineSymbol
+* SimpleMarkerSymbol
+## Tags
+display, fill, graphics, line, marker, overlay, picture, point, symbol, visualization
diff --git a/src/WinUI/ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols/readme.metadata.json b/src/WinUI/ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols/readme.metadata.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5bb74518c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/WinUI/ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols/readme.metadata.json
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ "category": "Symbology",
+ "description": "Use a symbol to display a geometry on a map.",
+ "formal_name": "StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols",
+ "ignore": false,
+ "images": [
+ "StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols.jpg"
+ ],
+ "keywords": [
+ "display",
+ "fill",
+ "graphics",
+ "line",
+ "marker",
+ "overlay",
+ "picture",
+ "point",
+ "symbol",
+ "visualization"
+ ],
+ "offline_data": [],
+ "redirect_from": [
+ "/net/latest/winui/sample-code/picture-marker-symbol.htm",
+ "/net/latest/winui/sample-code/style-geometry-types-with-symbols.htm",
+ "/net/latest/winui/sample-code/simple-marker-symbol.htm"
+ ],
+ "relevant_apis": [
+ "Geometry",
+ "Graphic",
+ "GraphicsOverlay",
+ "PictureMarkerSymbol",
+ "SimpleFillSymbol",
+ "SimpleLineSymbol",
+ "SimpleMarkerSymbol"
+ ],
+ "snippets": [
+ "StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols.xaml.cs",
+ "StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols.xaml"
+ ],
+ "title": "Style geometry types with symbols"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/WinUI/readme.md b/src/WinUI/readme.md
index 5303938983..139115d5f7 100644
--- a/src/WinUI/readme.md
+++ b/src/WinUI/readme.md
@@ -254,12 +254,11 @@
* [Custom dictionary style](ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/CustomDictionaryStyle) - Use a custom dictionary created from a web style or style file (.stylx) to symbolize features using a variety of attribute values.
* [Distance composite scene symbol](ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/UseDistanceCompositeSym) - Change a graphic's symbol based on the camera's proximity to it.
* [Feature layer extrusion](ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/FeatureLayerExtrusion) - Extrude features based on their attributes.
-* [Picture marker symbol](ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderPictureMarkers) - Use pictures for markers.
* [Read symbols from mobile style](ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/SymbolsFromMobileStyle) - Combine multiple symbols from a mobile style file into a single symbol.
* [Render multilayer symbols](ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderMultilayerSymbols) - Show different kinds of multilayer symbols on a map similar to some pre-defined 2D simple symbol styles.
* [Scene symbols](ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/SceneSymbols) - Show various kinds of 3D symbols in a scene.
-* [Simple marker symbol](ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderSimpleMarkers) - Show a simple marker symbol on a map.
* [Simple renderer](ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/SimpleRenderers) - Display common symbols for all graphics in a graphics overlay with a renderer.
+* [Style geometry types with symbols](ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/StyleGeometryTypesWithSymbols) - Use a symbol to display a geometry on a map.
* [Unique value renderer](ArcGIS.WinUI.Viewer/Samples/Symbology/RenderUniqueValues) - Render features in a layer using a distinct symbol for each unique attribute value.
## Utility network