A system to sell items, generate a little report and storage in database
Made using the following technologies:
- ReactJS - For the frontend and the web page!
- Node.js - evented I/O for the backend
- Express - fast node.js network app framework
- TypeScript - an open-source language which builds on JavaScript, one of the world’s most used tools, by adding static type definitions
- Formik - a small group of React components and hooks for building forms in React
- Bootstrap - The most popular CSS framework
- Jest - For unitaring testing on javascript (Not implement yet)
And more...
Geek Cosmetics requires Node.js v10+, and ReactJS v12+ to run.
The following instructions only work locally, for the deployment on the cloud the instructions change
First of all clone the repository on the branch main
git clone https://github.com/JuanEstebanCC/Geek-Cosmetics.git
Open the server directory
cd server
Install all dependencies (NPM needed)
npm install
Run the server on the port
The default port is 5300/tcp , but if you have a .env file you can change it
npm run dev
Open the client directory
cd server
Install all dependencies (NPM needed)
npm install
Run the react js server on development mode (3000/tcp port)
npm start
Happy Coding!