UFM is a powerful platform for managing scale-out computing environments. UFM enables data center operators to monitor, efficiently provision, and operate the modern data center fabric. Using UFM with SLURM offer a good solution to track network bandwidth, congestion, errors and resource utilization of compute nodes of SLURM jobs.
UFM version installed and running on one of the nodes connected to the SLURM controller over TCP. Python 3 installed on the SLURM controller. Latest version of the UFM-SLURM Integration.
tar -xf ufm_slurm_integration.tar.gz
sudo ./install.sh
or run the ./install.sh with root permissions
If you set auth_type=token_auth in UFM SLURM’s config file, you must generate a new token by logging into the UFM server and running the following curl command:
curl -H "X-Remote-User:admin" -XPOST
Then you must copy the generated token and paste it into the UFM SLURM’s config file beside the token parameter.
1) Verify that both the UFM server and the Kerberos server are appropriately configured to support Kerberos authentication.
2) Install Required Packages: Execute the command yum install krb5-libs krb5-workstation to install the necessary packages.
3) Adjust the /etc/krb5.conf file to match your realm, domain, and other settings, either manually or by copying it from the Kerberos server.
Using the keytab file:
Copy the Keytab from Kerberos server to SLURM server Machine.
Create the Kerberos ticket by running: kinit -k -t /path/to/your-keytab-file HTTP/YOUR-HOST-NAME@YOUR-REALM
Using user principle:
In the Kerberos server create user principle by running: kadmin.local addprinc user_name
In the SLURM client, acquire the TGT by running: kinit user_name
Use curl to verify the user's ability to authenticate to UFM REST APIs using Kerberos authentication:
curl --negotiate -i -u : -k 'https://<ufm_server_name>/ufmRestKrb/app/tokens'
Set ufm_server=<ufm_host_name>, recommended to use the host name and not host IP.
Set auth_type=kerberos_auth.
Set principal_name=<your_principal_name>; retrieve it using the klist command.
After installation, the configurations should be set, and the UFM machine should be running. Several configurable settings need to be adjusted to make the UFM-SLURM Integration function properly.
sudo vim /etc/slurm/ufm_slurm.conf
ufm_server: UFM server IP address to connect to
ufm_server_user: Username of UFM server used to connect to UFM if you set auth_type=basic_auth.
ufm_server_pass: UFM server user password.
partially_alloc: Whether to allow or not allow partial allocation of nodes
pkey: By default it will by default management Pkey 0x7fff
auth_type: One of (token_auth, basic_auth, kerberos_auth) by default it token_auth
token: If you set auth_type to be token_auth you need to set
generated token. Please see Generate token_auth section.
principal_nam: principal name to be used in kerberos authentication when you set auth_type to be kerberos_auth.
log_file_name: The path of the UFM-SLURM integration logging file
- On UFM machine, open the ufm config file /opt/ufm/files/conf/gv.cfg
- In section [Server], set the key: "monitoring_mode" to no and then save the file.
- Start UFM
* HA mode: ufm_ha_cluster start
* SA mode: systemctl start ufm-enterprise
After the installation and deployment of UFM-SLURM Integration, the integration should automatically handle every submitted SLURM job.
- Use the SLURM controller to submit a new SLURM job, for example: sbatch -N2 batch1.sh.
- On the UFM side, a new SHArP reservation will be created based on the job ID and the job nodes if the
sharp_allocation parameter in the ufm_slurm.conf file is set to true.
- A new pkey containing all the ports of the job nodes will be created to allow the SHArP nodes to communicate on top of it.
- After the SLURM job is completed, UFM deletes the created SHArP reservation and pkey.
- From the time a job is submitted by the SLURM server until its completion, a log file called /var/log/slurm/ufm_slurm.log
records all actions and errors that occur during execution. This log file location can be changed by modifying the
log_file_name parameter in the UFM_SLURM configuration file located at /etc/slurm/ufm_slurm.conf.