The Rapidisimo Project is a web application, focused on the provision of messaging sending and receiving services. This project meets the expectations of generating help for customers, users and administrators in which they can verify their product to send it to their customers, where they can follow it, and have more information about their messaging. Very quickly, it fulfills the need to solve the connection that is not found in other applications today between the client and its supplier through our web platform for monitoring and reliability between these two parties; the project has a backend on the google cloud firebase platform and was tested with Jest and Enzyme, Agile methodology is also used. using the kanban method as development tools (workflow is attached at the end of the readme).
React, Redux and Firebase
Jest and Enzyme
Axios, Firebase, Formik, Yup, Material UI, Tailwind CSS y Firebase
Thunk, Cloudinary y Sweetalert
Node.Js, TypeScript and Express
Jest and Supertest
Morgan, MongoDb, Pg, Joi, Firebase, Validator, Cors, Dotenv Swagger, Jwt-Decode, UUID, Sendgrid, Google-cloud/storage and Google-maps/api
MongoDB and Postgress
In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.
Link to Repository DemoDay Link to Repository LandingPage Link to Repository Backend
Link to API´s .
Google Cloud Platform Google Cloud Platform
This section you can see it in this link: Panel Admin Landing Page Documentation Backend