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Example of Using the Data Package

In this example, we create a web service that allows you to add and retrieve your list of friends.


  • Golang 1.20+
  • GNU Makefile
  • Docker for Mac
  • $GOBIN & $GOROOT are correctly set
  • GO111MODULE is "on"

Step-by-Step Bootstrapping

In this example, the source code contains the fully finished service. This step by step will walk through the steps involved in writing this service.

1. Bootstrap the service via lanai-cli codegen

See Instructions in skeleton-service

At this point, the controllers are implemented with no-op implementation.

2. Enable the data packages

In pkg/init/pakcage.go initialize the data and cockroach package.

func Use() {
    // ...
	// data related
	// ...

In application.yml configure the connection properties to the database.

    level: warn
    slow-threshold: 5s
    host: ${}
    port: ${db.cockroach.port:26257}
    sslmode: ${db.cockroach.sslmode:disable}
    username: ${spring.datasource.username:root}
    Password: ${spring.datasource.password:root}
    database: skeleton

3. Define the model and repository

In pkg/model/friend.go define the golang struct that maps to the table in the database

In pkg/repository/friend.go define the CRUD repository for this model, and define the constructor for this repository.

In pkg/repository/package.go define the Use() method that would provide the repository instance for injection.

In pkg/init/package.go initialize the repository package so that it's available for injection.

func Use() {
    // ...


4. Use the repository to finish the controller implementation

Update the controller constructor so that it injects a repository instance.

type ExampleFriendsController struct {
	friendRepo *repository.FriendsRepository

type exampleFriendsControllerDI struct {
	FriendsRepo *repository.FriendsRepository // This tells go-lanai that the NewExampleFriendsController constructor requires a FriendRepository instance

func NewExampleFriendsController(di exampleFriendsControllerDI) web.Controller {
	return &ExampleFriendsController{
		friendRepo: di.FriendsRepo, // Sets the controller's friendRepo reference so that it can be used later. 

In each of the controller's method, use the friendRepo reference to carry out the database operations.

5. Add a data migration step to create the initial table

In cmd/skeleton-service-migrate/migrate.go add the main method for the data migration application.

In pkg/migrate add the data migration implementation. pkg/migrate/package.go contains the boilder plate code to setting up the go-lanai components needed for running a data migration. pkg/migrate/migration_v1 includes the migration steps. In this example there is only one step, which is to create the database table like this.

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "public"."users";
    id                  UUID NOT NULL DEFAULT gen_random_uuid(),
    first_name          STRING NOT NULL,
    last_name           STRING NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT          "primary" PRIMARY KEY (id ASC)

Running the Service

1. Running the database migration

This will create the table if it has not been created. Re-running this command will only execute migration steps that has not been executed already.

go run cmd/skeleton-service-migrate/migrate.go

2. Running the service

go run cmd/skeleton-service/main.go

Navigate to http://localhost:9898/skeleton/swagger. Use the GET API to retrieve all the items stored in the database. Use the POST API to add more items to the database. You also need to run auth service in order to authenticate the user.