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392 lines (312 loc) · 16.1 KB

File metadata and controls

392 lines (312 loc) · 16.1 KB

Upgrade guidelines

0.58.0 to 0.59.0

[receiver/filelogreceiver] Datatype for force_flush_period and poll_interval were changed from map to string.

If you are using custom filelog receiver plugin, you need to change the config from:

    duration: 200ms
    duration: "0"


  poll_interval: 200ms
  force_flush_period: "0"

0.57.1 to 0.58.0

[receiver/filelogreceiver] Datatype for force_flush_period and poll_interval were changed from sring to map. Because of that, the default values in Helm Chart were causing problems #519

If you are using custom filelog receiver plugin, you need to change the config from:

  poll_interval: 200ms
  force_flush_period: "0"


    duration: 200ms
    duration: "0"

0.54.0 to 0.55.0

[receiver/k8sclusterreceiver] The receiver.k8sclusterreceiver.reportCpuMetricsAsDouble feature gate has been removed

If you are disabling this feature gate to keep previous functionality, you will have to complete the steps in upgrade guidelines 0.47.0 to 0.47.1 to upgrade since the feature gate no longer exists.

0.53.2 to 0.54.0

OTel Kubernetes receiver is now used for events collection instead of Signalfx events receiver

Before this change, if clusterReceiver.k8sEventsEnabled=true, Kubernetes events used to be collected by a Signalfx receiver and sent both to Splunk Observability Infrastructure Monitoring and Splunk Observability Log Observer. Now we utilize a native OpenTelemetry receiver for collecting Kubernetes events. Therefore clusterReceiver.k8sEventsEnabled option is now deprecated and replaced by the following two options:

  • clusterReceiver.eventsEnabled: to send Kubernetes events in the new OTel format to Splunk Observability Log Observer (if splunkObservability.logsEnabled=true) or to Splunk Platform (if splunkPlatform.logsEnabled=true).
  • splunkObservability.infrastructureMonitoringEventsEnabled: to collect Kubernetes events using the Signalfx Kubernetes events receiver and send them to Splunk Observability Infrastructure Monitoring.

If you have clusterReceiver.k8sEventsEnabled set to true to send Kubernetes events to both Splunk Observability Infrastructure Monitoring and Splunk Observability Log Observer, remove clusterReceiver.k8sEventsEnabled from your custom values.yaml enable both clusterReceiver.eventsEnabled and splunkObservability.infrastructureMonitoringEventsEnabled options. This will send the Kubernetes events to Splunk Observability Log Observer in the new OpenTelemetry format.

If you want to keep sending Kubernetes events to Splunk Observability Log Observer in the old Signalfx format to keep exactly the same behavior as before, remove clusterReceiver.k8sEventsEnabled from your custom values.yaml and add the following configuration:

  logsEnabled: true
  infrastructureMonitoringEventsEnabled: true
        endpoint: https://ingest.<SPLUNK_OBSERVABILITY_REALM>
        log_data_enabled: true
        profiling_data_enabled: false
        source: kubelet
        sourcetype: kube:events
            - signalfx
            - splunk_hec/events

where SPLUNK_OBSERVABILITY_REALM must be replaced by splunkObservability.realm value.

0.48.0 to 0.49.0

New releases of opentelemetry-log-collection ( v0.29.0, v0.28.0 ) have breaking changes

Several of the logging receivers supported by the Splunk Otel Collector Chart were updated to use v0.29.0 instead v0.27.2 of opentelemetry-log-collection.

  1. Check to see if you have any custom log monitoring setup with the extraFileLogs config, the logsCollection.containers.extraOperators config, or any of the affected receivers. If you don't have any custom log monitoring setup, you can stop here.
  2. Read the documentation for upgrading to opentelemetry-log-collection v0.29.0.
  3. If opentelemetry-log-collection v0.29.0 or v0.28.0 will break any of your custom log monitoring, update your log monitoring to accommodate the breaking changes.

[receiver/k8sclusterreceiver] The receiver.k8sclusterreceiver.reportCpuMetricsAsDouble feature gate is now enabled by default

If you haven't already completed the steps in upgrade guidelines 0.47.0 to 0.47.1 , then complete them.

0.47.0 to 0.47.1

[receiver/k8sclusterreceiver] Fix k8s node and container cpu metrics not being reported properly

The Splunk Otel Collector added a feature gate to enable a bug fix for three metrics. These metrics have a current and a legacy name, we list both as pairs (current, legacy) below.

  • Affected Metrics
    • k8s.container.cpu_request, kubernetes.container_cpu_request
    • k8s.container.cpu_limit, kubernetes.container_cpu_limit
    • k8s.node.allocatable_cpu, kubernetes.node_allocatable_cpu
  • Upgrade Steps
    1. Check to see if any of your custom monitoring uses the affected metrics. Check for the current and legacy names of the affected metrics. If you don't use the affected metrics in your custom monitoring, you can stop here.
    2. Read the documentation for the receiver.k8sclusterreceiver.reportCpuMetricsAsDouble feature gate and the bug fix it applies.
    3. If the bug fix will break any of your custom monitoring for the affected metrics, update your monitoring to accommodate the bug fix.
  • Feature Gate Stages and Versions
    • Alpha (versions 0.47.1-0.48.0):
      • The feature gate is disabled by default. Use the --set clusterReceiver.featureGates=receiver.k8sclusterreceiver.reportCpuMetricsAsDouble argument with the helm install/upgrade command, or add the following line to your custom values.yaml to enable the feature gate:
        featureGates: receiver.k8sclusterreceiver.reportCpuMetricsAsDouble
    • Beta (versions 0.49.0-0.54.0):
      • The feature gate is enabled by default. Use the --set clusterReceiver.featureGates=-receiver.k8sclusterreceiver.reportCpuMetricsAsDouble argument with the helm install/upgrade command, or add the following line to your custom values.yaml to disable the feature gate:
        featureGates: -receiver.k8sclusterreceiver.reportCpuMetricsAsDouble
    • Generally Available (versions +0.55.0):
      • The receiver.k8sclusterreceiver.reportCpuMetricsAsDouble feature gate functionality is permanently enabled and the feature gate is no longer available for anyone.

0.44.1 to 0.45.0

[receiver/k8sclusterreceiver] Use newer batch and autoscaling APIs

Kubernetes clusters with version 1.20 stopped having active support on 2021-12-28 and had an end of life date on 2022-02-28. The k8s_cluster receiver was refactored to use newer Kubernetes APIs that are available starting in Kubernetes version 1.21. The latest version of the k8s_cluster receiver will no longer be able to collect all the previously available metrics with Kubernetes clusters that have versions below 1.21.

If version 0.45.0 of the chart cannot collect metrics from your Kubernetes cluster that is a version below 1.21, you will see error messages in your cluster receiver logs that look like this.

Failed to watch *v1.CronJob: failed to list *v1.CronJob: the server could not find the requested resource

To better support users, in a future release we are adding a feature that will allow users to use the last version of the k8s_cluster receiver that supported Kubernetes clusters below version 1.21.

If you still want to keep the previous behavior of the k8s_cluster receiver and upgrade to v0.45.0 of the chart, make sure your Kubernetes cluster uses one of the following versions.

  • kubernetes, aks, eks, eks/fargate, gke, gke/autopilot
    • Use version 1.21 or above
  • openshift
    • Use version 4.8 or above

0.43.1 to 0.43.2

#375 Resource detection processor is configured to override all host and cloud attributes

If you still want to keep the previous behavior, use the following custom values.yaml configuration:

        override: false

0.41.0 to 0.42.0

#357 Double expansion issue in splunk-otel-collector is fixed

If you use OTel native logs collection with any custom log processing operators in filelog receiver, please replace any occurrences of $$$$ with $$.

0.38.0 to 0.39.0

#325 Logs collection is now disabled by default for Splunk Observability destination

If you send logs to Splunk Observability destination, make sure to enable logs. Use --set="splunkObservability.logsEnabled=true" argument with helm install/upgrade command, or add the following line to your custom values.yaml:

  logsEnabled: true

0.37.1 to 0.38.0

#297, #301 Several parameters in values.yaml configuration were renamed according to Splunk GDI Specification

If you use the following parameters in your custom values.yaml, please rename them accordingly:

  • provider -> cloudProvider
  • distro -> distribution
  • otelAgent -> agent
  • otelCollector -> gateway
  • otelK8sClusterReceiver -> clusterReceiver

#306 Some parameters under splunkPlatform group were renamed

If you use the following parameters under splunkPlatform group, please make sure they are updated:

  • metrics_index -> metricsIndex
  • max_connections -> maxConnections
  • disable_compression -> disableCompression
  • insecure_skip_verify -> insecureSkipVerify

#295 Secret names are changed according to the GDI specification

If you provide access token for Splunk Observability using a custom Kubernetes secret (secter.create=false), please update the secret key from splunk_o11y_access_token to splunk_observability_access_token

#273 Changed configuration to fetch attributes from labels and annotations of pods and namespaces

podLabels parameter under the extraAttributes group is now deprecated. in favor of fromLabels. Please update your custom values.yaml accordingly.

For example, the following config:

    - app
    - git_sha

Should be changed to:

    - key: app
    - key: git_sha

#316 Busybox dependency is removed, splunk/fluentd-hec image is used in init container instead

image.fluentd.initContainer is not being used anymore. Please remove it from your custom values.yaml.

0.36.2 to 0.37.0

#232 Access to underlying node's filesystem was reduced to the minimum scope required for default functionality: host metrics and logs collection

If you have any extra receivers that require access to node's files or directories that are not mounted by default, you need to setup additional volume mounts.

For example, if you have the following smartagent/docker-container-stats receiver added to your configuration:

        type: docker-container-stats
        dockerURL: unix:///hostfs/var/run/docker.sock

You need to mount the docker socket to your container as follows:

    - mountPath: /hostfs/var/run/docker.sock
      name: host-var-run-docker
      readOnly: true
    - name: host-var-run-docker
        path: /var/run/docker.sock

#246 Simplify configuration for switching to native OTel logs collection

The config to enable native OTel logs collection was changed from

  enabled: false
  enabled: true


logsEngine: otel

Enabling both engines is not supported anymore. If you need that, you can install fluentd separately.

0.35.3 to 0.36.0

#209 Configuration interface changed to support both Splunk Enterprise/Cloud and Splunk Observability destinations

The following parameters are now deprecated and moved under splunkObservability group. They need to be updated in your custom values.yaml files before backward compatibility is discontinued.

Required parameters:

  • splunkRealm changed to splunkObservability.realm
  • splunkAccessToken changed to splunkObservability.accessToken

Optional parameters:

  • ingestUrl changed to splunkObservability.ingestUrl
  • apiUrl changed to splunkObservability.apiUrl
  • metricsEnabled changed to splunkObservability.metricsEnabled
  • tracesEnabled changed to splunkObservability.tracesEnabled
  • logsEnabled changed to splunkObservability.logsEnabled

0.26.4 to 0.27.0

#163 Auto-detection of prometheus metrics is disabled by default: If you rely on automatic prometheus endpoints detection to scrape prometheus metrics from pods in your k8s cluster, make sure to add this configuration to your values.yaml:

  prometheus: true