Why do we need this if Jira has Filter Subscription
- https://confluence.atlassian.com/jira064/receiving-search-results-via-email-720416706.html
- https://confluence.atlassian.com/jiracorecloud/advanced-searching-765593707.html
As far as I know, filter subscription feature doesn't allow(for now) to group tickets by assignee and send to each of them personal message with missing due dates. Right now its just send whole list of tickets to you or specified group. In worst cases, shared responsibility leads to irresponsibility each individual.
Let's assume that
- JQL for tickets with expired due dates:
project = PRJ and resolution = unresolved and duedate < startOfDay()
- you've saved this JQL as jira filter with id
- you want to sent an email notification to each assignee about his/her missing due dates over
MS Exchange server
For simplicity, we are using docker-compose:
Define yml file with
configuration inlazylead.yml
version: '2.3' services: lazylead: image: dgroup/lazylead:latest container_name: lazylead mem_limit: 128m environment: # The jira server details. # Please ensure that your jira filter(s) grants this user to see issues. # Sometimes jira filter(s) may be created with restricted visibility, thus # lazylead can't find the issues. jira_url: https://your.jira.com jira_user: theuser jira_password: thepass # The MS Exchange server details, please ensure that '/ews/Exchange.asm` # will be after your server url. Just change the url to your server. exchange_url: https://your.ms.exchange.server/ews/Exchange.asmx exchange_user: theuser exchange_password: the password volumes: - ./:/lazylead/db # db/ll.db is sqlite file with jira related annoying tasks entrypoint: bin/lazylead --sqlite db/ll.db --trace --verbose
Create a container, using
docker-compose -f lazylead.yml up
The container will stop as there were no tasks provided:ll > docker-compose -f lazylead.yml up Creating lazylead ... done Attaching to lazylead lazylead | [2020-06-06T10:35:13] DEBUG Memory footprint at start is 52MB lazylead | [2020-06-06T10:35:13] DEBUG Database: '/lazylead/db/ll.db', sql migration dir: '/lazylead/upgrades/sqlite' lazylead | [2020-06-06T10:35:13] DEBUG Migration applied to /lazylead/db/ll.db from /lazylead/upgrades/sqlite lazylead | [2020-06-06T10:35:13] DEBUG Database connection established lazylead | [2020-06-06T10:35:13] WARN SMTP connection enabled in test mode. lazylead | [2020-06-06T10:35:13] WARN ll-001: No tasks found. lazylead | [2020-06-06T10:35:13] DEBUG Memory footprint at the end is 66MB lazylead exited with code 0 ll >
Define your team and tasks in database. The tables structure defined here. Modify you sqlite file(
) using DB Browser or any similar tool. You may add your email into tasks.properties"cc":"[email protected]"
in order to be aware that developer got the message, but i don't recommend you as you'll get a dozen of messages in a few days :) .insert into teams (id, name, properties) values (1, 'Dream team with lazylead', '{}'); insert into systems(id, properties) values (1,'{"type":"Lazylead::Jira", "username":"${jira_user}", "password":"${jira_password}", "site":"${jira_url}", "context_path":""}'); insert into tasks (name, schedule, enabled, id, system, team_id, action, properties) values ('Expired due dates', 'cron:0 8 * * 1-5', 'true', 1, 1, 1, 'Lazylead::Task::AssigneeAlert', '{"sql":"filter=222", "cc":"<youremail.com>", "subject":"[LL] Expired due dates", "template":"lib/messages/due_date_expired.erb", "postman":"Lazylead::Exchange"}');
Yes, for task scheduling we are using cron here, but you may use other scheduling types from rufus-scheduler.
Once you changed
, please restart the container usingdocker-compose -f .github/tasks.yml restart
ll > docker-compose -f .github/tasks.yml restart Restarting lazylead ... done
Logic | Tests | Email Template |
AssigneeAlert in alert.rb | duedate_test.rb | due_date_expired.erb |