This package is designed for calculating syntactic complexity measures on the basis of morphosyntactically annotated texts in CoNLL-U format. It also enables sentence segmentation (T-unit and clause extraction) and NP extraction.
Disclaimer: correct results are only guaranteed for texts annotated with UDPipe 2.12. Please note that syntaxcomp relies heavily on CoNLL-U Parser.
pip install syntaxcomp
>>> from syntaxcomp.complexity import SentenceComplexity, TextComplexity
>>> example = """
# udpipe_model = english-ewt-ud-2.12-230717
# sent_id = 1
# text = This is a text containing two sentences.
1 This this PRON DT Number=Sing|PronType=Dem 4 nsubj _ _
2 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 4 cop _ _
3 a a DET DT Definite=Ind|PronType=Art 4 det _ _
4 text text NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 root _ _
5 containing contain VERB VBG VerbForm=Ger 4 acl _ _
6 two two NUM CD NumForm=Word|NumType=Card 7 nummod _ _
7 sentences sentence NOUN NNS Number=Plur 5 obj _ SpaceAfter=No
8 . . PUNCT . _ 4 punct _ _
# sent_id = 2
# text = This is the second sentence.
1 This this PRON DT Number=Sing|PronType=Dem 5 nsubj _ _
2 is be AUX VBZ Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin 5 cop _ _
3 the the DET DT Definite=Def|PronType=Art 5 det _ _
4 second second ADJ JJ Degree=Pos|NumType=Ord 5 amod _ _
5 sentence sentence NOUN NN Number=Sing 0 root _ SpaceAfter=No
6 . . PUNCT . _ 5 punct _ SpaceAfter=No
>>> tc = TextComplexity(example)
Number of Sentences: 2
Number of Words: 12
Number of Clauses: 3
Number of T-Units: 2
Mean Sentence Length: 6.0
Mean Clause Length: 4.0
Mean T-Unit Length: 6.0
Mean Number of Clauses per Sentence: 1.5
Mean Number of Clauses per T-Unit: 1.5
Mean Tree Depth: 3
Median Tree Depth: 3.0
Minimum Tree Depth: 2
Maximum Tree Depth: 4
Mean Dependency Distance: 2.42
Node-to-Terminal-Node Ratio: 1.5
Average Levenshtein Distance between POS: 3
Average Levenshtein Distance between deprel: 4
Average NP Length: 1.8
Complex NP Ratio: 0.6
Number of Combined Clauses: 1
Number of Coordinate Clauses: 0
Number of Subordinate Clauses: 1
Coordinate to Combined Clause Ratio: 0.0
Subordinate to Combined Clause Ratio: 1.0
Coordinate to Subordinate Clause Ratio: 0.0
Coordinate Clause to Sentence Ratio: 0.0
Subordinate Clause to Sentence Ratio: 0.5
Percentage of root Clauses: 67.0%
Percentage of acl Clauses: 33.0%
Alternatively, you can directly pass the result of conllu.parse as input:
>>> from conllu import parse
>>> anno = parse(example)
>>> tc = TextComplexity(anno)
For SentenceComplexity, conllu.models.TokenList is currently the only accepted input:
>>> sc = SentenceComplexity(anno[0])
Number of Words: 7
Number of Clauses: 2
Clauses: ['This is a text', 'containing two sentences']
Number of T-Units: 1
T-Units: ['This is a text containing two sentences']
Number of NPs: 3
NPs: ['This', 'a text', 'two sentences']
Tree Depth: 4
Mean Dependency Distance: 2
POS Chain: ['PRON', 'AUX', 'DET', 'NOUN', 'VERB', 'NUM', 'NOUN']
deprel Chain: ['nsubj', 'cop', 'det', 'root', 'acl', 'nummod', 'obj']
To display the text and the dependency tree, pass verbose=True (for TextComplexity, only the text will be printed):
>>> SentenceComplexity(anno[0], verbose=True)
This is a text containing two sentences.
(deprel:root) form:text lemma:text upos:NOUN [4]
(deprel:nsubj) form:This lemma:this upos:PRON [1]
(deprel:cop) form:is lemma:be upos:AUX [2]
(deprel:det) form:a lemma:a upos:DET [3]
(deprel:acl) form:containing lemma:contain upos:VERB [5]
(deprel:obj) form:sentences lemma:sentence upos:NOUN [7]
(deprel:nummod) form:two lemma:two upos:NUM [6]
(deprel:punct) form:. lemma:. upos:PUNCT [8]