The Cookie store puts all session data on the client in the form of a Cookie, no session data is stored on the server.
Install with v install einar-hjortdal.sessions
// import the module
import einar_hjortdal.sessions
// Create the options struct
// For more information about this struct, please look at the source.
cso := := CookieStoreOptions{
cookie_opts: CookieOptions{
// Provide a secret to encrypt the cookie.
// It is recommended to use environment variables to store such secrets.
secret: os.get_env(COOKIE_SECRET)
// Create a new store
cookie_store := new_cookie_store(cso)
// Use the CookieStore to create or load existing sessions
// Note: More than one session can be stored, each is stored in its own cookie.
mut session :=, 'demo')
// Edit sessions and then save the changes
// Session.values can only contain a string: you must encode your data to string.
// Structs can be encoded to json, but any encoding that outputs a string is fine.
session.values = 'some string', session)