Releases: feathersjs/feathers
Releases Β· feathersjs/feathers
5.0.3 (2023-04-05)
Bug Fixes
- authentication: Ensure authentication.entity configuration can be null (#3136) (c47349b)
- dependencies: Update all dependencies (#3139) (f24276e)
- generators: Properly log unhandled rejection (#3149) (eda8f78)
- knex: Ensure that columns are selected unambigiously and avoid duplicate id selection (#3144) (3eb7428)
- knex: Get by id and transactions should work with params.knex (#3146) (b172b5e)
- knex: Only apply default order for MSSQL (#3145) (28c2627)
- mongodb: Add MongoDB as peerDependency (#3148) (0137b40)
- typebox: Upgrade to TypeBox 0.26.0 (#3113) (d1d9598)
5.0.1 (2023-03-15)
Bug Fixes
- core: Add PaginationParams to general find method (#3095) (8ebdcf5)
- core: Use Symbol.for to instantiate shared symbols (#3087) (7f3fc21)
- generators: Conditionally import channels in Express app (#3106) (c2dbaaa)
- koa: Replace koa-bodyparser with koa-body (#3093) (2456bf8)
- memory/mongodb: $select as only property & force 'id' in '$select' (#3081) (fbe3cf5)
- transport-commons: Fix dispatching of arrays (#3075) (98fdda5)
5.0.0-pre.38 (2023-02-17)
Bug Fixes
- koa: Fix missing dependency on feathers (#3061) (80dc95f)
- schema: validateQuery - move next function outside of try-catch (#3053) (37fe5c4)
5.0.0-pre.37 (2023-02-09)
Bug Fixes
- generators: Add schema selection to CI test matrix (#3035) (7484b16)
- generators: Fix Knex migration generated filename (#3033) (1ac18a7)
- generators: Generated app does not start when choosing JSON schema (#3034) (7b8250b)
- knex: The method getModel in the knex adapter (#3043) (77e14dd)
- schema: Do not change the hook context in resolvers (#3048) (bfd8c04)
- schema: Ensure that resolveResult and resolveExternal are run as around hooks (#3032) (71942f4)
- typebox: Allow nested or in and queries (#3029) (39e0b78)
5.0.0-pre.36 (2023-01-29)
Bug Fixes
- authentication-oauth: Use original headers in oauth flow (#3025) (fb3d8cc)
- configuration: Add pool and connection object to SQL database default configuration (#3023) (092c749)
- databases: Ensure that query sanitization is not necessary when using query schemas (#3022) (dbf514e)
- databases: Improve documentation for adapters and allow dynamic Knex adapter options (#3019) (66c4b5e)
- feathers: Run after all hooks first, and then after method hooks (#3004) (3692fd5)
- generators: Add main schema to all validators (#2997) (5854dea)
- generators: Add TypeScript as normal instead of dev dependency (#3011) (2f67398)
- generators: Do not removeAdditional in queries (#3000) (ef501bc)
- schema: Allow any type in resolver hooks (#3006) (f01281f)
- schema: Ensure all types of nested data are securely dispatched (#3005) (e4a9da5)
- schema: Fix TypeBox extension value query syntax inference (#3010) (f1c7a76)
- Update all dependencies (#3024) (283dc47)
5.0.0-pre.35 (2023-01-12)
Bug Fixes
- cli: Add unhandledRejection handler to generated index file (#2932) (e3cedc8)
- cli: Minor generated app improvements (#2936) (ba1a550)
- cli: Properly log validation errors in log-error hook (54c883c)
- cli: Use correct package manager when installing an app (#2973) (99c2a70)
- databases: Make sure adapter method signatures are exported properly (#2943) (458d668)
- knex: Ensure custom ids are returned on create (#2934) (c4fa3cf)
5.0.0-pre.34 (2022-12-14)
Bug Fixes
- adapter-commons: multiple type definition issues (#2876) (4ff1ed0)
- authentication-client: Do not cache authentication errors (#2892) (cc4e767)
- authentication-client: Improve socket reauthentication handling (#2895) (9db5e7a)
- authentication-client: Remove access token for fatal 400 errors (#2894) (cfc6c7a)
- authentication: Fix order of connection and login event handling (#2909) (801a503)
- cli: mongodb connection string for node 17+ (#2875) (7fa2012)
- core:
for around hooks (#2890) (d606ac6) - core: Allow services with no external methods (#2921) (df56918)
- core: Improve service option usage and method option typings (#2902) (164d75c)
- schema: Allow query schemas with no properties, error on unsupported types (#2904) (b66c734)
- schema: Check for undefined value in resolveQueryObjectId resolver (#2914) (d9449fa)
- socketio: Disconnect socket on app disconnect event (#2896) (4ba0039)
- typebox: Improve query syntax defaults (#2888) (59f3cdc)
- adapter: Add patch data type to adapters and refactor AdapterBase usage (#2906) (9ddc2e6)
- cli: Use separate patch schema and types (#2916) (7088af6)
- docs: CLI and application structure guide (#2818) (142914f)
- schema: Split resolver options and property resolvers (#2889) (4822c94)
- schema: Virtual property resolvers (#2900) (7d03b57)