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Releases: fmtlib/fmt


02 Nov 14:27
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  • Fixed ABI compatibility with 7.0.x (#1961).

  • Added the FMT_ARM_ABI_COMPATIBILITY macro to work around ABI incompatibility between GCC and Clang on ARM (#1919).

  • Worked around a SFINAE bug in GCC 8 (#1957).

  • Fixed linkage errors when building with GCC's LTO (#1955).

  • Fixed a compilation error when building without __builtin_clz or equivalent (#1968). Thanks @tohammer (Tobias Hammer).

  • Fixed a sign conversion warning (#1964). Thanks @OptoCloud.


26 Oct 13:43
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  • Switched from Grisu3 to Dragonbox for the default floating-point formatting which gives the shortest decimal representation with round-trip guarantee and correct rounding (#1882, #1887, #1894). This makes {fmt} up to 20-30x faster than common implementations of std::ostringstream and sprintf on dtoa-benchmark and faster than double-conversion and Ryū:It is possible to get even better performance at the cost of larger binary size by compiling with the FMT_USE_FULL_CACHE_DRAGONBOX macro set to 1. Thanks @jk-jeon (Junekey Jeon).

  • Added an experimental unsynchronized file output API which, together with format string compilation, can give 5-9 times speed up compared to fprintf on common platforms (godbolt):

    #include <fmt/os.h>
    int main() {
      auto f = fmt::output_file("guide");
      f.print("The answer is {}.", 42);
  • Added a formatter for std::chrono::time_point<system_clock> (#1819, #1837). For example (godbolt):

    #include <fmt/chrono.h>
    int main() {
      auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
      fmt::print("The time is {:%H:%M:%S}.\n", now);

    Thanks @adamburgess (Adam Burgess).

  • Added support for ranges with non-const begin/end to fmt::join (#1784, #1786). For example (godbolt):

    #include <fmt/ranges.h>
    #include <range/v3/view/filter.hpp>
    int main() {
      using std::literals::string_literals::operator""s;
      auto strs = std::array{"a"s, "bb"s, "ccc"s};
      auto range = strs | ranges::views::filter(
        [] (const std::string &x) { return x.size() != 2; }
      fmt::print("{}\n", fmt::join(range, ""));

    prints "accc". Thanks @tonyelewis (Tony E Lewis).

  • Added a memory_buffer::append overload that takes a range (#1806). Thanks @BRevzin (Barry Revzin).

  • Improved handling of single code units in FMT_COMPILE. For example:

    #include <fmt/compile.h>
    char* f(char* buf) {
      return fmt::format_to(buf, FMT_COMPILE("x{}"), 42);

    compiles to just (godbolt):

      movb $120, (%rdi)
      xorl %edx, %edx
      cmpl $42, _ZN3fmt2v76detail10basic_dataIvE23zero_or_powers_of_10_32E+8(%rip)
      movl $3, %eax
      seta %dl
      subl %edx, %eax
      movzwl _ZN3fmt2v76detail10basic_dataIvE6digitsE+84(%rip), %edx
      addq %rdi, %rax
      movw %dx, -2(%rax)

    Here a single mov instruction writes 'x' ($120) to the output buffer.

  • Added dynamic width support to format string compilation (#1809).

  • Improved error reporting for unformattable types: now you'll get the type name directly in the error message instead of the note:

    #include <fmt/core.h>
    struct how_about_no {};
    int main() {
      fmt::print("{}", how_about_no());

    Error (godbolt): fmt/core.h:1438:3: error: static_assert failed due to requirement 'fmt::v7::formattable<how_about_no>()' "Cannot format an argument. To make type T formattable provide a formatter<T> specialization:" ...

  • Added the make_args_checked function template that allows you to write formatting functions with compile-time format string checks and avoid binary code bloat (godbolt):

    void vlog(const char* file, int line, fmt::string_view format,
              fmt::format_args args) {
      fmt::print("{}: {}: ", file, line);
      fmt::vprint(format, args);
    template <typename S, typename... Args>
    void log(const char* file, int line, const S& format, Args&&... args) {
      vlog(file, line, format,
          fmt::make_args_checked<Args...>(format, args...));
    #define MY_LOG(format, ...) \
      log(__FILE__, __LINE__, FMT_STRING(format), __VA_ARGS__)
    MY_LOG("invalid squishiness: {}", 42);
  • Replaced snprintf fallback with a faster internal IEEE 754 float and double formatter for arbitrary precision. For example (godbolt):

    #include <fmt/core.h>
    int main() {
      fmt::print("{:.500}\n", 4.9406564584124654E-324);

    prints 4.9406564584124654417656879286822137236505980261432476442558568250067550727020875186529983636163599237979656469544571773092665671035593979639877479601078187812630071319031140452784581716784898210368871863605699873072305000638740915356498438731247339727316961514003171538539807412623856559117102665855668676818703956031062493194527159149245532930545654440112748012970999954193198940908041656332452475714786901472678015935523861155013480352649347201937902681071074917033322268447533357208324319360923829e-324.

  • Made format_to_n and formatted_size part of the core API (godbolt):

    #include <fmt/core.h>
    int main() {
      char buffer[10];
      auto result = fmt::format_to_n(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "{}", 42);
  • Added fmt::format_to_n overload with format string compilation (#1764, #1767, #1869). For example (godbolt):

    #include <fmt/compile.h>
    int main() {
      char buffer[8];
      fmt::format_to_n(buffer, sizeof(buffer), FMT_COMPILE("{}"), 42);

    Thanks @Kurkin (Dmitry Kurkin), @alexezeder (Alexey Ochapov).

  • Added fmt::format_to overload that take text_style (#1593, #1842, #1843). For example (godbolt):

    #include <fmt/color.h>
    int main() {
      std::string out;
                     fmt::emphasis::bold | fg(fmt::color::red),
                     "The answer is {}.", 42);

    Thanks @Naios (Denis Blank).

  • Made the # specifier emit trailing zeros in addition to the decimal point (#1797). For example (godbolt):

    #include <fmt/core.h>
    int main() {
      fmt::print("{:#.2g}", 0.5);

    prints 0.50.

  • Changed the default floating point format to not include .0 for consistency with std::format and std::to_chars (#1893, #1943). It is possible to get the decimal point and trailing zero with the # specifier.

  • Fixed an issue with floating-point formatting that could result in addition of a non-significant trailing zero in rare cases e.g. 1.00e-34 instead of 1.0e-34 (#1873, #1917).

  • Made fmt::to_string fallback on ostream insertion operator if the formatter specialization is not provided (#1815, #1829). Thanks @alexezeder (Alexey Ochapov).

  • Added support for the append mode to the experimental file API and improved fcntl.h detection. (#1847, #1848). Thanks @t-wiser.

  • Fixed handling of types that have both an implicit conversion operator and an overloaded ostream insertion operator (#1766).

  • Fixed a slicing issue in an internal iterator type (#1822). Thanks @BRevzin (Barry Revzin).

  • Fixed an issue in locale-specific integer formatting (#1927).

  • Fixed handling of exotic code unit types (#1870, #1932).

  • Improved FMT_ALWAYS_INLINE (#1878). Thanks @jk-jeon (Junekey Jeon).

  • Removed dependency on windows.h (#1900). Thanks @bernd5 (Bernd Baumanns).

  • Optimized counting of decimal digits on MSVC (#1890). Thanks @mwinterb.

  • Improved documentation (#1772, #1775, #1792, #1838, #1888, #1918, #1939). Thanks @leolchat (Léonard Gérard), @pepsiman (Malcolm Parsons), @Klaim (Joël Lamotte), @ravijanjam (Ravi J), @francesco-st, @udnaan (Adnan).

  • Added the FMT_REDUCE_INT_INSTANTIATIONS CMake option that reduces the binary code size at the cost of some integer formatting performance. This can be useful for extremely memory-constrained embedded systems (#1778, #1781). Thanks @kammce (Khalil Estell).

  • Added the FMT_USE_INLINE_NAMESPACES macro to control usage of inline namespaces (#1945). Thanks @darklukee.

  • Improved build configuration (#1760, #1770, #1779, #1783, #1823). Thanks @dvetutnev (Dmitriy Vetutnev), @xvitaly (Vitaly Zaitsev), @tambry (Raul Tambre), @medithe, @martinwuehrer (Martin Wührer).

  • Fixed various warnings and compilation issues (#1790, #1802, #1808, #1810, #1811, #1812, #1814, #1816, #1817, #1818, #1825, #1836, #1855, #1856, #1860, #1877, #1879, #1880, #1896, #1897, #1898, #1904, #1908, #1911, #1912, #1928, #1929, #1935 #1937, #1942, #1949). Thanks @TheQwertiest, @medithe, [@martinwuehrer (Martin Wührer)](h...

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07 Aug 13:39
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  • Worked around broken numeric_limits for 128-bit integers (#1787).

  • Added error reporting on missing named arguments (#1796).

  • Stopped using 128-bit integers with clang-cl (#1800). Thanks @Kingcom.

  • Fixed issues in locale-specific integer formatting (#1782, #1801).


29 Jul 15:50
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  • Worked around broken numeric_limits for 128-bit integers (#1725).

  • Fixed compatibility with CMake 3.4 (#1779).

  • Fixed handling of digit separators in locale-specific formatting (#1782).


07 Jul 15:33
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  • Updated the inline version namespace name.

  • Worked around a gcc bug in mangling of alias templates (#1753).

  • Fixed a linkage error on Windows (#1757). Thanks @Kurkin (Dmitry Kurkin).

  • Fixed minor issues with the documentation.


06 Jul 13:17
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09 May 16:54
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  • Fixed ostream support in sprintf (#1631).

  • Fixed type detection when using implicit conversion to string_view and ostream operator<< inconsistently (#1662).


06 Apr 13:13
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11 Dec 16:25
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05 Dec 15:15
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