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241 lines (161 loc) · 4.49 KB

File metadata and controls

241 lines (161 loc) · 4.49 KB

{sample: true}


8.3 : A filename convention used by old versions of DOS and versions of Microsoft Windows prior to Windows 95 and Windows NT 3.5. 8.3 is also used in modern Microsoft operating systems as an alternate filename to the long filename for compatibility with legacy programs. 8.3 filenames are limited to at most eight characters (after any directory specifier), followed optionally by a filename extension consisting of a period (“.”) and at most three further characters. 

11ty : → Eleventy

20 : FTP data transfer TCP port number.

21 : FTP control TCP port number.

22 : SSH TCP port number.

23 : Telnet TCP port number.

25 : Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) TCP port number.

2FA : → Two-factor authentication

53 : Domain Name System (DNS) TCP and UDP port number.

70 : Gopher TCP port number.

79 : Finger TCP and UDP port number.

80 : Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) TCP port number.

88 : Kerberos authentication TCP and UDP port number.

100 : “Continue” HTTP status code.

101 : “Switching Protocols” HTTP status code.

102 : “Processing” HTTP status code (WebDAV).

109 : Post Office Protocol (POP2) TCP port number.

110 : Post Office Protocol (POP3) TCP port number.

143 : Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) TCP port number.

200 : “OK” HTTP status code.

201 : “Created” HTTP status code.

202 : “Accepted” HTTP status code.

203 : “Non-Authoritative Information” HTTP status code.

204 : “No Content” HTTP status code.

205 : “Reset Content” HTTP status code.

206 : “Partial Content” HTTP status code.

207 : “Multi-Status” HTTP status code (WebDAV).

220 : Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) TCP and UDP port number.

226 : “IM Used” HTTP status code.

300 : “Multiple Choices” HTTP status code.

301 : “Moved Permanently” HTTP status code.

302 : “Found” (previously “Moved Temporarily”) HTTP status code.

303 : “See Other” HTTP status code.

304 : “Not Modified” HTTP status code.

305 : “Use Proxy” HTTP status code.

306 : Now unused, former “Switch Proxy” HTTP status code.

307 : “Temporary Redirect” HTTP status code.

308 : “Permanent Redirect” HTTP status code.

389 : Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) TCP port number.

400 : “Bad Request” HTTP status code.

401 : “Unauthorized” HTTP status code.

403 : “Forbidden” HTTP status code.

404 : “Not Found” HTTP status code.

405 : “Method Not Allowed” HTTP status code.

406 : “Not Acceptable” HTTP status code.

407 : “Proxy Authentication Required” HTTP status code.

408 : “Request Timeout” HTTP status code.

409 : “Conflict” HTTP status code.

410 : “Gone” HTTP status code.

411 : “Length Required” HTTP status code.

412 : “Precondition Failed” HTTP status code.

413 : “Request Entity Too Large” HTTP status code.

414 : “Request-URI Too Long” HTTP status code.

415 : “Unsupported Media Type” HTTP status code.

416 : “Requested Range Not Satisfiable” HTTP status code.

417 : “Expectation Failed” HTTP status code.

418 : “I’m a teapot” HTTP status code, a 1998 IETF April Fools’ joke.

421 : “Misdirected Request” HTTP status code.

422 : “Unprocessable Entity” HTTP status code (WebDAV).

423 : “Locked” HTTP status code (WebDAV).

424 : “Failed Dependency” HTTP status code (WebDAV).

425 : “Too Early” HTTP status code.

426 : “Upgrade Required” HTTP status code.

428 : “Precondition Required” HTTP status code.

429 : “Too Many Requests” HTTP status code.

431 : “Request Header Fields Too Large” HTTP status code.

443 : Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) TCP port number.

451 : “Unavailable For Legal Reasons” HTTP status code.

500 : “Internal Server Error” HTTP status code.

501 : “Not Implemented” HTTP status code.

502 : “Bad Gateway” HTTP status code.

503 : “Service Unavailable” HTTP status code.

504 : “Gateway Timeout” HTTP status code.

505 : “HTTP Version Not Supported” HTTP status code.

507 : “Insufficient Storage” HTTP status code (WebDAV).

511 : “Network Authentication Required” HTTP status code.

992 : Telnet over TLS/SSL TCP and UDP port number.

993 : Internet Message Access Protocol over TLS/SSL (IMAPS) TCP port number.

995 : Post Office Protocol 3 over TLS/SSL (POP3S) TCP and UDP port number.

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