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Appendix A -- Field

File metadata and controls

943 lines (710 loc) · 23.3 KB

Appendix A: Specification of FieldSelectionMap Scalar


This appendix focuses on the specification of the {FieldSelectionMap} scalar type. {FieldSelectionMap} is designed to express semantic equivalence between arguments of a field and fields within the result type. Specifically, it allows defining complex relationships between input arguments and fields in the output object by encapsulating these relationships within a parsable string format. It is used in the @is and @require directives.

To illustrate, consider a simple example from a GraphQL schema:

type Query {
  userById(userId: ID! @is(field: "id")): User! @lookup

In this schema, the userById query uses the @is directive with {FieldSelectionMap} to declare that the userId argument is semantically equivalent to the field.

An example query might look like this:

query {
  userById(userId: "123") {

Here, it is expected that the userId "123" corresponds directly to, resulting in the following response if correctly implemented:

  "data": {
    "userById": {
      "id": "123"

The {FieldSelectionMap} scalar is represented as a string that, when parsed, produces a {SelectedValue}.

A {SelectedValue} must exactly match the shape of the argument value to be considered valid. For non-scalar arguments, you must specify each field of the input type in {SelectedObjectValue}.

extend type Query {
  findUserByName(user: UserInput! @is(field: "{ firstName: firstName }")): User
extend type Query {
  findUserByName(user: UserInput! @is(field: "firstName")): User @lookup


The {FieldSelectionMap} scalar type is used to establish semantic equivalence between an argument and fields within a specific output type. This output type is always a composite type, but the way it's determined can vary depending on the directive and context in which the {FieldSelectionMap} is used.

For example, when used with the @is directive, the {FieldSelectionMap} maps between the argument and fields in the return type of the field. However, when used with the @require directive, it maps between the argument and fields in the object type on which the field is defined.

Consider this example:

type Product {
  id: ID!
    zip: String!
    size: Int! @require(field: "dimension.size")
    weight: Int! @require(field: "dimension.weight")
  ): DeliveryEstimates

In this case, "dimension.size" and "dimension.weight" refer to fields of the Product type, not the DeliveryEstimates return type.

Consequently, a {FieldSelectionMap} must be interpreted in the context of a specific argument, its associated directive, and the relevant output type as determined by that directive's behavior.


Scalar fields can be mapped directly to arguments.

This example maps the Product.weight field to the weight argument:

type Product {
  shippingCost(weight: Float @require(field: "weight")): Currency

This example maps the Product.shippingWeight field to the weight argument:

type Product {
  shippingCost(weight: Float @require(field: "shippingWeight")): Currency

Nested fields can be mapped to arguments by specifying the path. This example maps the nested field Product.packaging.weight to the weight argument:

type Product {
  shippingCost(weight: Float @require(field: "packaging.weight")): Currency

Complex objects can be mapped to arguments by specifying each field.

This example maps the Product.width and Product.height fields to the dimension argument:

type Product {
    dimension: DimensionInput @require(field: "{ width: width height: height }")
  ): Currency

The shorthand equivalent is:

type Product {
    dimension: DimensionInput @require(field: "{ width height }")
  ): Currency

In case the input field names do not match the output field names, explicit mapping is required.

type Product {
    dimension: DimensionInput @require(field: "{ w: width h: height }")
  ): Currency

Even if Product.dimension has all the fields needed for the input object, an explicit mapping is always required.

This example is NOT allowed because it lacks explicit mapping:

type Product {
  shippingCost(dimension: DimensionInput @require(field: "dimension")): Currency

Instead, you can traverse into output fields by specifying the path.

This example shows how to map nested fields explicitly:

type Product {
    dimension: DimensionInput
      @require(field: "{ width: dimension.width height: dimension.height }")
  ): Currency

The path does NOT affect the structure of the input object. It is only used to traverse the output object:

type Product {
    dimension: DimensionInput
      @require(field: "{ width: size.width height: size.height }")
  ): Currency

To avoid repeating yourself, you can prefix the selection with a path that ends in a dot to traverse INTO the output type.

This affects how fields get interpreted but does NOT affect the structure of the input object:

type Product {
    dimension: DimensionInput @require(field: "dimension.{ width height }")
  ): Currency

This example is equivalent to the previous one:

type Product {
    dimension: DimensionInput @require(field: "size.{ width height }")
  ): Currency

The path syntax is required for lists because list-valued path expressions would be ambiguous otherwise.

This example is NOT allowed because it lacks the dot syntax for lists:

type Product {
    dimensions: [DimensionInput]
      @require(field: "{ width: dimensions.width height: dimensions.height }")
  ): Currency

Instead, use the path syntax and brackets to specify the list elements:

type Product {
    dimensions: [DimensionInput] @require(field: "dimensions[{ width height }]")
  ): Currency

With the path syntax it is possible to also select fields from a list of nested objects:

type Product {
    shippingCost(partIds: @require(field: "parts[id]")): Currency

For more complex input objects, all these constructs can be nested. This allows for detailed and precise mappings.

This example nests the weight field and the dimension object with its width and height fields:

type Product {
    package: PackageInput
      @require(field: "{ weight, dimension: dimension.{ width height } }")
  ): Currency

This example nests the weight field and the size object with its width and height fields:

type Product {
    package: PackageInput
      @require(field: "{ weight, size: dimension.{ width height } }")
  ): Currency

The label can be used to nest values that aren't nested in the output.

This example nests Product.width and Product.height under dimension:

type Product {
    package: PackageInput
      @require(field: "{ weight, dimension: { width height } }")
  ): Currency

In the following example, dimensions are nested under dimension in the output:

type Product {
    package: PackageInput
      @require(field: "{ weight, dimension: dimension.{ width height } }")
  ): Currency


According to the GraphQL specification, an argument is a key-value pair in which the key is the name of the argument and the value is a Value.

The Value of an argument can take various forms: it might be a scalar value (such as Int, Float, String, Boolean, Null, or Enum), a list (ListValue), an input object (ObjectValue), or a Variable.

Within the scope of the {FieldSelectionMap}, the relationship between input and output is established by defining the Value of the argument as a selection of fields from the output object.

Yet only certain types of Value have a semantic meaning. ObjectValue and ListValue are used to define the structure of the value. Scalar values, on the other hand, do not carry semantic importance in this context.

While variables may have legitimate use cases, they are considered out of scope for the current discussion.

However, it's worth noting that there could be potential applications for allowing them in the future.

Given that these potential values do not align with the standard literals defined in the GraphQL specification, a new literal called {SelectedValue} is introduced, along with {SelectedObjectValue}.

Beyond these literals, an additional literal called {Path} is necessary.


Is equivalent to the {Name} defined in the GraphQL specification


Path ::

  • < TypeName > . PathSegment
  • PathSegment

PathSegment ::

  • FieldName
  • FieldName . PathSegment
  • FieldName < TypeName > . PathSegment

FieldName ::

  • Name

TypeName ::

  • Name

The {Path} literal is a string used to select a single output value from the return type by specifying a path to that value. This path is defined as a sequence of field names, each separated by a period (.) to create segments.


Each segment specifies a field in the context of the parent, with the root segment referencing a field in the return type of the query. Arguments are not allowed in a {Path}.

To select a field when dealing with abstract types, the segment selecting the parent field must specify the concrete type of the field using angle brackets after the field name if the field is not defined on an interface.

In the following example, the path mediaById<Book>.isbn specifies that mediaById returns a Book, and the isbn field is selected from that Book.



SelectedValue ::

  • Path
  • SelectedObjectValue
  • Path . SelectedObjectValue
  • SelectedValue | SelectedValue

A {SelectedValue} is defined as either a {Path} or a {SelectedObjectValue}

A {Path} is designed to point to only a single value, although it may reference multiple fields depending on the return type. To allow selection from different paths based on type, a {Path} can include multiple paths separated by a pipe (|).

In the following example, the value could be title when referring to a Book and movieTitle when referring to a Movie.

mediaById<Book>.title | mediaById<Movie>.movieTitle

The | operator can be used to match multiple possible {SelectedValue}. This operator is applied when mapping an abstract output type to a @oneOf input type.

{ movieId: <Movie>.id } | { productId: <Product>.id }
{ nested: { movieId: <Movie>.id } | { productId: <Product>.id }}


SelectedObjectValue ::

  • { SelectedObjectField+ }

SelectedObjectField ::

  • Name: SelectedValue

{SelectedObjectValue} are unordered lists of keyed input values wrapped in curly-braces {}. It has to be used when the expected input type is an object type.

This structure is similar to the ObjectValue defined in the GraphQL specification, but it differs by allowing the inclusion of {Path} values within a {SelectedValue}, thus extending the traditional ObjectValue capabilities to support direct path selections.

A {SelectedObjectValue} following a {Path} is scoped to the type of the field selected by the {Path}. This means that the root of all {SelectedValue} inside the selection is no longer scoped to the root (defined by @is or @require) but to the field selected by the {Path}. The {Path} does not affect the structure of the input type.

This allows for reducing repetition in the selection.

The following example is valid:

type Product {
  dimension: Dimension!
    dimension: DimensionInput! @require(field: "dimension.{ size weight }")
  ): Int!

The following example is equivalent to the previous one:

type Product {
  dimensions: Dimension!
    dimensions: DimensionInput!
      @require(field: "{ size: dimensions.size weight: dimensions.weight }")
  ): Int! @lookup


SelectedListValue ::

  • [ SelectedValue ]

A {SelectedListValue} is an ordered list of {SelectedValue} wrapped in square brackets []. It is used to express semantic equivalence between an argument expecting a list of values and the values of a list field within the output object.

The {SelectedListValue} differs from the ListValue defined in the GraphQL specification by only allowing one {SelectedValue} as an element.

The following example is valid:

type Product {
  parts: [Part!]!
  partIds(partIds: [ID!]! @require(field: "parts[id]")): [ID!]!

In this example, the partIds argument is semantically equivalent to the id fields of the parts list.

The following example is invalid because it uses multiple {SelectedValue} as elements:

type Product {
  parts: [Part!]!
  partIds(parts: [PartInput!]! @require(field: "parts[id name]")): [ID!]!

input PartInput {
  id: ID!
  name: String!

A {SelectedObjectValue} can be used as an element of a {SelectedListValue} to select multiple object fields as long as the input type is a list of structurally equivalent objects.

Similar to {SelectedObjectValue}, a {SelectedListValue} following a {Path} is scoped to the type of the field selected by the {Path}. This means that the root of all {SelectedValue} inside the selection is no longer scoped to the root (defined by @is or @require) but to the field selected by the {Path}. The {Path} does not affect the structure of the input type.

The following example is valid:

type Product {
  parts: [Part!]!
  partIds(parts: [PartInput!]! @require(field: "parts[{ id name }]")): [ID!]!

input PartInput {
  id: ID!
  name: String!

In case the input type is a nested list, the shape of the input object must match the shape of the output object.

type Product {
  parts: [[Part!]]!
    parts: [[PartInput!]]! @require(field: "parts[[{ id name }]]")
  ): [ID!]!

input PartInput {
  id: ID!
  name: String!

The following example is valid:

type Query {
    location: LocationInput!
      @is(field: "{ coordinates: coordinates[{lat: x lon: y}]}")
  ): Location @lookup

type Coordinate {
  x: Int!
  y: Int!

type Location {
  coordinates: [Coordinate!]!

input PositionInput {
  lat: Int!
  lon: Int!

input LocationInput {
  coordinates: [PositionInput!]!


Validation ensures that {FieldSelectionMap} scalars are semantically correct within the given context.

Validation of {FieldSelectionMap} scalars occurs during the composition phase, ensuring that all {FieldSelectionMap} entries are syntactically correct and semantically meaningful relative to the context.

Composition is only possible if the {FieldSelectionMap} is validated successfully. An invalid {FieldSelectionMap} results in undefined behavior, making composition impossible.

In this section, we will assume the following type system in order to demonstrate examples:

type Query {
  mediaById(mediaId: ID!): Media
  findMedia(input: FindMediaInput): Media
  searchStore(search: SearchStoreInput): [Store]!
  storeById(id: ID!): Store

type Store {
  id: ID!
  city: String!
  media: [Media!]!

interface Media {
  id: ID!

type Book implements Media {
  id: ID!
  title: String!
  isbn: String!
  author: Author!

type Movie implements Media {
  id: ID!
  movieTitle: String!
  releaseDate: String!

type Author {
  id: ID!
  books: [Book!]!

input FindMediaInput @oneOf {
  bookId: ID
  movieId: ID

type SearchStoreInput {
  city: String
  hasInStock: FindMediaInput

Path Field Selections

Each segment of a {Path} must correspond to a valid field defined on the current type context.

Formal Specification

  • For each {segment} in the {Path}:
    • If the {segment} is a field
      • Let {fieldName} be the field name in the current {segment}.
      • {fieldName} must be defined on the current type in scope.

Explanatory Text

The {Path} literal is used to reference a specific output field from a input field. Each segment in the {Path} must correspond to a field that is valid within the current type scope.

For example, the following {Path} is valid in the context of Book:


Incorrect paths where the field does not exist on the specified type is not valid result in validation errors. For instance, if <Book>.movieId is referenced but movieId is not a field of Book, will result in an invalid {Path}.


Path Terminal Field Selections

Each terminal segment of a {Path} must follow the rules regarding whether the selected field is a leaf node.

Formal Specification

  • For each {segment} in the {Path}:
    • Let {selectedType} be the unwrapped type of the current {segment}.
    • If {selectedType} is a scalar or enum:
      • There must not be any further segments in {Path}.
    • If {selectedType} is an object, interface, or union:
      • There must be another segment in {Path}.

Explanatory Text

A {Path} that refers to scalar or enum fields must end at those fields. No further field selections are allowed after a scalar or enum. On the other hand, fields returning objects, interfaces, or unions must continue to specify further selections until you reach a scalar or enum field.

For example, the following {Path} is valid if title is a scalar field on the Book type:


The following {Path} is invalid because title should not have subselections:


For non-leaf fields, the {Path} must continue to specify subselections until a leaf field is reached:

Invalid {Path} where non-leaf fields do not have further selections:

Type Reference Is Possible

Each segment of a {Path} that references a type, must be a type that is valid in the current context.

Formal Specification

  • For each {segment} in a {Path}:
    • If {segment} is a type reference:
      • Let {type} be the type referenced in the {segment}.
      • Let {parentType} be the type of the parent of the {segment}.
      • Let {applicableTypes} be the intersection of {GetPossibleTypes(type)} and {GetPossibleTypes(parentType)}.
      • {applicableTypes} must not be empty.


  • If {type} is an object type, return a set containing {type}.
  • If {type} is an interface type, return the set of types implementing {type}.
  • If {type} is a union type, return the set of possible types of {type}.

Explanatory Text

Type references inside a {Path} must be valid within the context of the surrounding type. A type reference is only valid if the referenced type could logically apply within the parent type.

Values of Correct Type

Formal Specification

  • For each SelectedValue {value}:
    • Let {type} be the type expected in the position {value} is found.
    • {value} must be coercible to {type}.

Explanatory Text

Literal values must be compatible with the type expected in the position they are found.

The following examples are valid use of value literals in the context of {FieldSelectionMap} scalar:

type Query {
  storeById(id: ID! @is(field: "id")): Store! @lookup

type Store {
  id: ID
  city: String!

Non-coercible values are invalid. The following examples are invalid:

type Query {
  storeById(id: ID! @is(field: "id")): Store! @lookup

type Store {
  id: Int
  city: String!

Selected Object Field Names

Formal Specification

  • For each Selected Object Field {field} in the document:
    • Let {fieldName} be the Name of {field}.
    • Let {fieldDefinition} be the field definition provided by the parent selected object type named {fieldName}.
    • {fieldDefinition} must exist.

Explanatory Text

Every field provided in an selected object value must be defined in the set of possible fields of that input object's expected type.

For example, the following is valid:

type Query {
  storeById(id: ID! @is(field: "id")): Store! @lookup

type Store {
  id: ID
  city: String!

In contrast, the following is invalid because it uses a field "address" which is not defined on the expected type:

extend type Query {
  storeById(id: ID! @is(field: "address")): Store! @lookup

type Store {
  id: ID
  city: String!

Selected Object Field Uniqueness

Formal Specification

  • For each selected object value {selectedObject}:
    • For every {field} in {selectedObject}:
      • Let {name} be the Name of {field}.
      • Let {fields} be all Selected Object Fields named {name} in {selectedObject}.
      • {fields} must be the set containing only {field}.

Explanatory Text

Selected objects must not contain more than one field with the same name, as it would create ambiguity and potential conflicts.

For example, the following is invalid:

extend type Query {
  storeById(id: ID! @is(field: "id id")): Store! @lookup

type Store {
  id: ID
  city: String!

Required Selected Object Fields

Formal Specification

  • For each Selected Object:
    • Let {fields} be the fields provided by that Selected Object.
    • Let {fieldDefinitions} be the set of input object field definitions of that Selected Object.
    • For each {fieldDefinition} in {fieldDefinitions}:
      • Let {type} be the expected type of {fieldDefinition}.
      • Let {defaultValue} be the default value of {fieldDefinition}.
      • If {type} is Non-Null and {defaultValue} does not exist:
        • Let {fieldName} be the name of {fieldDefinition}.
        • Let {field} be the input object field in {fields} named {fieldName}.
        • {field} must exist.

Explanatory Text

Input object fields may be required. This means that a selected object field is required if the corresponding input field is required. Otherwise, the selected object field is optional.

For instance, if the UserInput type requires the id field:

input UserInput {
  id: ID!
  name: String!

Then, an invalid selection would be missing the required id field:

extend type Query {
  userById(user: UserInput! @is(field: "{ name: name }")): User! @lookup

If the UserInput type requires the name field, but the User type has an optional name field, the following selection would be valid.

extend type Query {
  findUser(input: UserInput! @is(field: "{ name: name }")): User! @lookup

type User {
  id: ID
  name: String

input UserInput {
  id: ID
  name: String!

But if the UserInput type requires the name field but it's not defined in the User type, the selection would be invalid.

extend type Query {
  findUser(input: UserInput! @is(field: "{ id: id }")): User! @lookup

type User {
  id: ID

input UserInput {
  id: ID
  name: String!