Releases: inception-project/inception
INCEpTION 𝜶 0.5.1
We are pleased to announce the release of INCEpTION 𝜶 0.5.1.
This is an early-access release of the INCEpTION semantic annotation platform.
There are still many bugs and incomplete features included in this release. If you are brave enough to try out INCEpTION, please report any issues that you may find or feature requests that you may have to our issue tracker:
This is a bug-fix and minor feature release.
Notable changes since INCEpTION 0.5.0
- Added ability to configure the number of results returned by SPARQL queries which affects e.g. the maximum number of classes, instances or statements shown on the knowledge base page.
- Added separate configurable IRI for property labels and descriptions.
- Fixed a bug causing search results for a document temporarily not being available while the document is being re-indexed.
- Fixed a bug causing links to annotation, curation, monitoring and agreement to be visible despite the user not having the required permissions.
- Fixed a bug causing an exception when changing the configuration of a knowledge base in the project settings.
For a detailed list refer to [2].
Also thanks to all bug reporters, all beta testers, all feature suggesters, and all users!
The new version can be downloaded from our website [1].
License and System requirements
INCEpTION is provided as open source software under the Apache License version 2.
Running INCEpTION requires Java version 8 or higher.
By default, INCEpTION uses an embedded database which is sufficient for testing. However, the use of a MySQL database is recommended.
INCEpTION works best with Chrome and Safari.
-- The INCEpTION 𝜶 developer team
INCEpTION 𝜶 0.5.0
We are pleased to announce the release of INCEpTION 𝜶 0.5.0.
This is an early-access release of the INCEpTION semantic annotation platform.
There are still many bugs and incomplete features included in this release.
If you are brave enough to try out INCEpTION, please report any issues that
you may find or feature requests that you may have to our issue tracker:
This is a feature release.
Notable changes since INCEpTION 0.4.2
- Major improvements to the statement editors on the KB page
- Added SKOS KB profile
- Fixed ability to create a subclass on the KB page
- Added ability to configure whether a KB feature links to classes, instances or both
- Added limited support to search for relations
- Better suggestions in entity linking feature editor dropdown
- Indexing is not fully asynchronous and does not slow down annotation editing
- Bigger field to input queries in the search sidebar
- Active learning mode no longer turns off when switching to another sidebar
- Added documentation for new features
- ... and many more bug fixes and improvements behind the curtains
For a detailed list refer to [2].
Also thanks to all bug reporters, all beta testers, all feature suggesters, and all users!
The new version can be downloaded from our website [1].
License and System requirements
INCEpTION is provided as open source software under the
Apache License version 2.
Running INCEpTION requires Java version 8 or higher.
By default, INCEpTION uses an embedded database which is sufficient
for testing. However, the use of a MySQL database is recommended.
INCEpTION works best with Chrome and Safari.
-- The INCEpTION 𝜶 developer team
INCEpTION 𝜶 0.4.2
We are pleased to announce the release of INCEpTION 𝜶 0.4.2.
This is an early-access release of the INCEpTION semantic annotation platform.
There are still many bugs and incomplete features included in this release.
If you are brave enough to try out INCEpTION, please report any issues that
you may find or feature requests that you may have to our issue tracker:
This is a bug-fix release.
Notable changes since INCEpTION 0.4.1
- Fixed a bug which lead to issues in exporting a project with WebAnno TSV3 format
- Fixed a bug on SPARQL queries for issues with specific Knowledge Base due to unresolved prefix names
- Fixed a bug on Knowledge Base page when deletion of KB instance is triggered
- Fix for reduced logging output during indexing
- Fixed a bug for the error on updating an annotation
For a detailed list refer to [2].
Also thanks to all bug reporters, all beta testers, all feature suggesters, and all users!
The new version can be downloaded from our website [1].
License and System requirements
INCEpTION is provided as open source software under the
Apache License version 2.
Running INCEpTION requires Java version 8 or higher.
By default, INCEpTION uses an embedded database which is sufficient
for testing. However, the use of a MySQL database is recommended.
INCEpTION works best with Chrome and Safari.
-- The INCEpTION 𝜶 developer team
INCEpTION 𝜶 0.4.1
We are pleased to announce the release of INCEpTION 𝜶 0.4.1.
This is an early-access release of the INCEpTION semantic annotation platform.
There are still many bugs and incomplete features included in this release.
If you are brave enough to try out INCEpTION, please report any issues that
you may find or feature requests that you may have to our issue tracker:
This is a bug-fix release.
Notable changes since INCEpTION 0.4.0
- Fixed a bug which lead to external recommendations not being shown
- Fixed a bug where non-string features were not properly indexed
- Fixed a bug where database id columns were not auto incremented when using INCEpTION without Liquibase
For a detailed list refer to [2].
Also thanks to all bug reporters, all beta testers, all feature suggesters, and all users!
The new version can be downloaded from our website [1].
License and System requirements
INCEpTION is provided as open source software under the
Apache License version 2.
Running INCEpTION requires Java version 8 or higher.
By default, INCEpTION uses an embedded database which is sufficient
for testing. However, the use of a MySQL database is recommended.
INCEpTION works best with Chrome and Safari.
-- The INCEpTION 𝜶 developer team
INCEpTION 𝜶 0.4.0
We are pleased to announce the release of INCEpTION 𝜶 0.4.0.
This is an early-access release of the INCEpTION semantic annotation platform.
There are still many bugs and incomplete features included in this release.
If you are brave enough to try out INCEpTION, please report any issues that
you may find or feature requests that you may have to our issue tracker:
This is a feature release.
Notable changes since INCEpTION 0.3.3
- Ability to correct suggestions directly in the active learning sidebar
- Deleting an "accept" action from the active learning history optionally deletes the respective annotation
- Ability to configure external recommender settings
- External recommenders now receive the name of the feature to be predicted
- Named entity linker can only be selected for concept features
- Ability to customize additional IRIs in knowledge base settings
- Ability to explicitly configure root concepts in the KB settings
- Added "create subclass" button on the knowledge base page
- IRIs for properties, instances and concepts can be shown on the knowledge base page
- Disabled inference for internal KBs to allow importing mid-sized KBs
- Include knowledge base and recommender settings in project import/export
- User documentation for fact extraction and search
- Improved action logging
- Fixed bugs causing recommendations not to be displayed correctly
- Fixed bug that could cause all annotations in a document to be lost
- Fixed many other bugs
For a detailed list refer to [2].
Also thanks to all bug reporters, all beta testers, all feature suggesters, and all users!
The new version can be downloaded from our website [1].
Example projects
To help you get started with INCEpTION, we provide example projects [3].
You can also import any WebAnno projects into INCEpTION and then try out
our new functionalities such as recommenders, entity linking or search.
License and System requirements
INCEpTION is provided as open source software under the
Apache License version 2.
Running INCEpTION requires Java version 8 or higher.
By default, INCEpTION uses an embedded database which is sufficient
for testing. However, the use of a MySQL database is recommended.
INCEpTION works best with Chrome and Safari.
-- The INCEpTION 𝜶 developer team
INCEpTION 𝜶 0.3.3
We are pleased to announce the release of INCEpTION 𝜶 0.3.3.
This is an early-access release of the INCEpTION semantic annotation platform.
There are still many bugs and incomplete features included in this release.
If you are brave enough to try out INCEpTION, please report any issues that
you may find or feature requests that you may have to our issue tracker:
This is a bug-fix release.
Notable changes since INCEpTION 0.3.2
- Made background recommender thread more robust against crashing recommenders
- Improved the UI layout of the knowledge base settings
- Mitigated bug causing all annotations in a document being lost when recommenders are used. Full fix will be in 0.4.0.
- Fixed bug causing linked entities to appear in the wrong language
- Fixed bug causing entity linking recommendations appearing in the wrong document
- Fixed bug causing AL sidebar to get triggered in the wrong situation
- Fixed bug when accepting an AL recommendation while being in another document
- Fixed concurrent access issue in AL mode
- Fixed error when using recommenders on named entities with a value but no identifier
For a detailed list refer to [2].
Also thanks to all bug reporters, all beta testers, all feature suggesters, and all users!
The new version can be downloaded from our website [1].
License and System requirements
INCEpTION is provided as open source software under the
Apache License version 2.
Running INCEpTION requires Java version 8 or higher.
By default, INCEpTION uses an embedded database which is sufficient
for testing. However, the use of a MySQL database is recommended.
INCEpTION works best with Chrome and Safari.
-- The INCEpTION 𝜶 developer team
INCEpTION 𝜶 0.3.2
We are pleased to announce the release of INCEpTION 𝜶 0.3.2.
This is an early-access release of the INCEpTION semantic annotation platform.
There are still many bugs and incomplete features included in this release.
If you are brave enough to try out INCEpTION, please report any issues that
you may find or feature requests that you may have to our issue tracker:
This is a bug-fix release.
Notable changes since INCEpTION 0.3.1
- Made URL for external recommenders configurable through the UI
- Improved documentation for concept linking and active learning
- Fixed potential runtime exception when linking facts against an unreachable remote KB
- Fixed favicon
- Fixed some mistakes in the documentation
- New splash screen
For a detailed list refer to [2].
Also thanks to all bug reporters, all beta testers, all feature suggesters, and all users!
The new version can be downloaded from our website [1].
License and System requirements
INCEpTION is provided as open source software under the
Apache License version 2.
Running INCEpTION requires Java version 8 or higher.
By default, INCEpTION uses an embedded database which is sufficient
for testing. However, the use of a MySQL database is recommended.
INCEpTION works best with Chrome and Safari.
-- The INCEpTION 𝜶 developer team
INCEpTION 𝜶 0.3.1
We are pleased to announce the release of INCEpTION 𝜶 0.3.1.
This is an early-access release of the INCEpTION semantic annotation platform.
There are still many bugs and incomplete features included in this release. If you are
still brave enough to try out INCEpTION, please report any issues that you may find
or feature requests that you may have to our issue tracker:
This is a bug-fix release.
Notable changes since INCEpTION 0.3.0
- Performance improvements in the entity ranking assistance
- Documentation for active learning and entity linking
- Improved IRI configuration in knowledge-base settings
- Fixed bug causing concept/property lists jumping to the top when performing any action
- Fixed bug causing recommendations to disappear when reloading/resizing
- Fixed bug causing active learning to propose annotations on already annotated tokens
- Fixed bug preventing the import of projects
- Fixed bug causing description tooltips not to disappear on the annotation page
- Fixed problem using active learning with named entities
For a full detailed list refer to [2].
Also thanks to all bug reporters, all beta testers, all feature suggesters, and all users!
The new version can be downloaded from our website [1].
License and System requirements
INCEpTION is provided as open source software under the
Apache License version 2.
Running INCEpTION requires Java version 8 or higher.
By default, INCEpTION uses an embedded database which is sufficient
for testing. However, the use of a MySQL database is recommended.
INCEpTION works best with Chrome and Safari.
-- The INCEpTION 𝜶 developer team
INCEpTION 𝜶 0.3.0
This is an early-access release of the INCEpTION semantic annotation platform.
There are still many bugs and incomplete features included in this release. If you are still brave enough to try out INCEpTION, please report any issues that you may find or feature requests that you may have to our issue tracker:
INCEpTION 𝜶 0.2.2
This is an early-access release of the INCEpTION semantic annotation platform.
There are still many bugs and incomplete features included in this release. If you are still brave enough to try out INCEpTION, please report any issues that you may find or feature requests that you may have to our issue tracker: