☁️ The cloud version is now available at http://upload.bike/ ☁️ Instructions below are for the legacy desktop version |
- Insert the USB thumb drive into the slot at the top of the console
- Do your workout
- Stop pedalling
- Press "AVG/MAX" for 5 seconds
- Wait for the flashing USB logo to stop and remove the drive
- The removable drive should now contain a file named something like MPower12.csv
- Schwinn
- Stages
Some consoles reject or even crash when a newer model USB drive is used. A 1GB drive is your best bet.
If the USB logo fails to flash at the end of a ride, or the unit shuts off (crashes), you probably have an incompatible drive.
I only have one model of indoor bike. It's possible that your bike produces a different file format.
If your file doesn't work, feel free to send it my way.
By default, the workout time will be set to the timestamp on the CSV file. If you want to set a custom time, uncheck "Use File Time as Workout Time" and adjust the time.