A manager system for a teacher to sell/provide courses and manage classes.
Live demo: http://juliarizza.pythonanywhere.com/web2courses
username/email: [email protected] password: admin
- Let teachers provide online courses
- Lessons with 3 diferent types of content: video, text and questions
- Forum for student's questions
- Calendar for each class
- Configure authorization system with 2 main user categories: student and teacher DONE
- Integrate with payment systems (paypal, PagSeguro, etc) PAYPAL DONE
- Track students completion of courses
- Make a .pdf certificate generator DONE
- Make a billboard for teacher announcement DONE
- Implement a beautiful theme DONE
- Configure routes DONE
- Remove extra css, js and images that are not being used DONE
Download web2py: http://web2py.com
Clone this repository inside web2py applications folder:
git clone https://github.com/juliarizza/web2courses.git
Configure routes:
3.1 Create a file called
inside web2py root directory.3.2 Copy this code in your
created:routers = dict( # base router BASE=dict( default_application='web2courses', ), )
Run web2py:
python web2py.py
To activate the classes scheduler to change classes status automatically, do:
6.1 Run scheduler in another instance, alongside the server:
python web2py/web2py.py -K web2courses
6.2 Or run scheduler alongside the server in the embedded webserver:
python web2py/web2py.py -a your_password -K web2courses -X
(This is only used when you run web2py without the web2py start window)
Copyright (c) 2015 Júlia Rizza & licensed under The MIT License (MIT)