It may be located at:
Otherwise create it at:
[Linux] - 將vim打造成source insight
export TERM=xterm
stty rows 40 cols 120
syntax enable
set smartindent
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set expandtab
How to merge a swap (.swp) file to the original file?
vim .xxx.swp
# in the editor, :recover
rm .xxx.swp
:h <vim-command>
How to Turn On or Off Color Syntax Highlighting In vi or vim Editor
:syntax on
:syntax off
How To Show or Hide Line Numbers In vi / vim Text Editor
<:set number> or <:set nu>: show line numbers
<:set nonumber> or <:set nu!>: hide line numbers
How to find out which file is currently opened in vim?
<ctrl+g>: show opened' file's name and its total line number
<1> and then <ctrl+g>: additionally show full path
<2> and then <ctrl+g>: additionally show buffer number
<h>: move left
<j>: move down
<k>: move up
<l>: move right
<0>: go to head of line
<$>: go to end of line
<gg>: go to first line
<:$>: go to last line
<ctrl+f>: page down
<ctrl+d>: half page down
<ctrl+b>: page up
<ctrl+u>: half page up
<%>: move to matching braces
<f?>: find the character <?> and move the cursor onto it
<F?>: same as <f?>, but find backward
<t?>: same as <f?>, but stop at the character before <?>
<T?>: same as <t?>, but find backward
They can be preceded with a number <n>
, so the command will be repeated n times.
<;>: repeat the previous command
<,>: repeat the previous command in reverse direction
<:set ic> or <:set ignorecase>: case-insensitive mode search
<:set noic>: case-sensitive search
How to do case insensitive search in Vim
<:set ic> and then <:set smartcase>
If you search for something containing uppercase characters, it will do a case-sensitive search; if you search for something purely lowercase, it will do a case-insensitive search.
How to stop line breaking in vim Display long line as multiple lines:
<:set wrap>
Display long line as one line:
<:set nowrap>
Method 1:
<n> to find next
<N> to find previous
Method 2:
move the cursor to the word you want to find
<SHIFT+*> to find the word the cursor at
<SHIFT+#> to find previous
<p>: paste after
<P>: paste before
Turning off auto indent when pasting text into vim
Before pasting:
:set paste
After pasting:
:set nopaste
<y> and then move left: copy the character the cursor move to
<y> and then move right: copy the character the cursor previously at
<x>: delete the current character under the cursor
<yaw>: copy the current word(not character) under the cursor
<daw>: delete the current word(not character) under the cursor
<caw>: delete the current word and put you into insert mode
<yy> or <Y>: copy a line
<dd>: cut a line
<:%y>: copy all the file
<:%d>: delete all the file
How to delete line(s) below current line in vim?
First install vim-gtk
sudo apt-get install vim-gtk
Make sure clipboard
and xterm_clipboard
are +
vim --version | grep clipboard
And then:
<dh>: delete the previous character
<dl>: delete current character
<db>: delete all previous characters in this word
<dw>: delete all later characters in this word, also the following space
<cw>: change(i.e. delete and go to insert mode) all later characters in this word
<diw>: delete current word
<ciw>: change current word
<daw>: delete the current word(word here is the characters between these specific characters: .,-+()[]/\)
<daW>: delete the current token(token here is the characters between spaces, they may contain .,-+()[]/\)
<d0>: delete all previous characters
<d$>: delete from current character to the end of line
Delete All Characters After “.” In Each Line
:%norm f<?>lD #<?> is that specific character
Efficient way to delete line containing certain text in vim with prompt
How to automatically strip trailing spaces on save in Vi and Vim?
Find all 'foo's in the file and replace them with 'bar's.
Interactive search/replace regex in Vim?
To find and replace one by one with confirmation, use:
And then use y
to confirm, n
to skip, Esc
to quit.
To escape / and \, add \ before them, they becomes: \/ and \\.
To replace trailing spaces:
<u> or <:undo>: undo
<Ctrl+R> or <:redo>: redo
<Shift+V> and then move up or down to select multiple lines
Method 1:
<:left 4> or <:le 4>: indent!!
<:right 4>: unindent!!
Method 2:
:set tabstop=4
:set shiftwidth=4
:set expandtab
and then >(to indent) or <(to unindent)
Method 3: to indent
:'<,'>s!^! !
To indent the whole file:
How do I fix the indentation of an entire file in Vi?
What's a quick way to comment/uncomment lines in Vim?
Ctrl + v to go into visual mode, select multiple lines, and then:
Note that '<,'>
appears automatically after :
is entered.
VIM Disable Automatic Newline At End Of File
vim -b file.txt
:set noeol
vim file.txt
:set binary
:set noeol
To disable automatic newline forever, add the following into .vimrc
:set nofixendofline