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Releases: kettanaito/atomic-layout


30 Nov 14:24
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  • Adds new <Visible> component that conditionally displays given children:
import React from 'react'
import { Visible } from 'atomic-layout'

const Page = () => (
    <Visible from="md">Content</Visible>

Visible works similar to Only, but unlike the latter it renders and visually hides the children. It's a useful pattern for SSR and React components tree hydration.

Bug fixes

  • Fixes an issue where Only (and other components that deal with conditional rendering) children would stagger during the parent's re-rendering (#234, #254)


  • Dramatically improves our Contributing guidelines, which now reside in the repository instead of a remote documentation


26 Oct 21:33
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  • Added a new React Hook called useResponsiveComponent for easier declaration of Responsive components with styled-components:
import { useResponsiveComponent } from 'atomic-layout'

const Avatar = styled.img`
  height: ${({ size }) => size}px;
  width: ${({ size }) => size}px;

export default useResponsiveComponent(Avatar)
import Avatar from './Avatar'

const Post = () => (
  • Exports the defaultOptions to simplify the declaration of custom options:
import Layout, { defaultOptions } from 'atomic-layout'

  breakpoints: {
    portrait: {
      orientation: 'portrait'


  • Uses throttle() in all responsive hooks to grant smoother experiences and eliminate UI jumps (#230)
  • Declares throttled functions using useRef to preserve functions' identities (#229)
  • Fixes event listeners leak in useViewportChange React hook (#232)


  • Simplified the utility function that gets area breakpoints (now "records") based on the given templates definitions
  • Re-defined test structure for better contributor's experience and systematized test runs


09 Jul 14:50
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  • The library is now distributed in CommonJS, UMD and ESM modules (#125)
  • Compliance with unpkg. The library can be included via CDN:
<script src=""></script>
  • Supports extended grid-template syntax to define CSS Grid areas, rows and columns in a single template definition (#113)
// Define grid row/columns and areas
const template = `
  thumbnail heading 1fr
  thumbnail actions 100px
  / 200px 1fr

<Composition template={template}>
  {({ Thumbnail, Heading, Actions }) => (

Bug fixes

  • Fixes an issue that resulted into Layout.configure() to throw "missing options" exception upon initial instantiation of the Layout class (#173, #176)
  • Provides faster debounce duration for useViewportChange for smooth components re-render on breakpoint change (#167)


  • Updates the package's dependencies to the latest versions


11 May 21:12
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  • Layout options are now stored under root level of Layout instance (#153)


03 Apr 21:10
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  • Adds grid-auto-rows, grid-auto-columns and grid-auto-flow prop aliases (#130)

Bug fixes

  • Fixes the package's built containing import aliases, which resulted into broken TypeScript support (#141)
  • Fixes nodes mismatch during ReactDOM.hydrate call upon a conditional portion of a tree when rendering with Only component (#117)
  • Fixes the issue that resulted into custom CSS properties being overridden by grid-area property when assigning on the generated area component. This broke the Iterative areas recipe.
<Composition areas="singleArea">
  {({ SingleArea }) => => (
    <SingleArea key={} col="auto">{entry.title}</SingleArea>


16 Mar 10:01
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  • Atomic layout is now dependency-free. We have removed react-responsive dependency due to its sub-dependencies issues in stale packages.


  • Adds support for areas prop on Composition, aliasing grid-template-areas (#123)
  • Adds support for flexDirection, flexWrap, flexGrow and flexShrink prop aliases on Box model

Bug fixes

  • Fixes an issue that resulted into exceptions during SSR (#72)
  • Fixes an issue that resulted CSS properties with "0" as a value not being present in the emitted CSS (#100)


28 May 19:59
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  • This library no longer supports Internet Explorer of any version
  • From this point on the API will start to move towards its final version, preparing to 1.0 release. Any consequent API changes will be released in a backward-compatible manner as minor versions.


  • Atomic layout is now written entirely in TypeScript, improving the experience of both contributors and users (#87)
  • Uses Proxy to allow references and render attempts of potentially non-existent template areas
  • Supports dynamic template areas (i.e. changed on runtime) (#78)
  • Prints warning on multiple attempts to call Layout.configure() (#63)
  • Prints warning when trying to render an area component that is not defined in a template string (#63)
  • All components exported from the library are now polymorphic (thank to styled-components), which means you can specify which component to render instead of a default div:
<Composition as={Header} {...}>
  {({ SomeArea }) => (
    <SomeArea as="nav" />

Bug fixes

  • Fixes an unexpected behavior when CSS properties with undefined value had undefined as the outputted value (#79)
  • The library is no longer shipped as minified, making debugging much easier


  • Updates to react-responsive@6
  • Updates various dev dependencies