What is D3.js? (tutorialsteacher.com)
D3 is not a Data Visualization Library | by Elijah Meeks | Medium
GeoExamples - Mapping with Svelte and D3js
Making a Map in D3.js v.5 (datawanderings.com)
An A to Z of extra features for the D3 force layout | Coppelia
How to convert and prepare TopoJSON files for interactive mapping with d3 | HackerNoon
shapefile - How to create a GeoJSON that works with D3? - Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange
markmarkoh/datamaps: Customizable SVG map visualizations for the web in a single Javascript file using D3.js (github.com)
wbkd/awesome-d3: A list of D3 libraries, plugins and utilities (github.com)
Multi-Layer Datamaps https://github.com/markmarkoh/datamaps/blob/master/src/examples/custom-map-data-multi-layer.html
D3.js cannot render my geoJSON file - Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange
Random Plunker example Plunker - Untitled (plnkr.co)
Mapping with Svelte and D3js https://geoexamples.com/other/2019/12/08/mapping-svelte.html
Reactive scrolling map in svelte https://dev.to/bryce/an-interactive-scrolling-map-list-in-svelte-34c3
D3js examples https://observablehq.com/@d3/gallery
Mapping svelte https://geoexamples.com/other/2019/12/08/mapping-svelte.html