Water Resources Software (USGS.gov)
Python solutions
- tylertrimble/viswaternet: A Python package for easy generation and customization of water distribution network visualizations.
- USEPA/WNTR: An EPANET compatible python package to simulate and analyze water distribution networks under disaster scenarios.
On the uses of graph databases in water distribution systems
- Junctions - represent points in the network where the pressure is measured
- Pipes - represent distribution paths
- Sources
- Tanks
- Reservoirs
- Valves
- PRV (Pressure Reduction Valve) setting = pressure after the Valve ![[PRV.png]]
- PSV (Pressure Sustain Valve) setting = pressure in front of Valve ![[PSV.png]]
- PBV (Pressure Break Valve) setting = lower value of pressure ![[PBV.png]]
- FCV (Flow Control Valve) setting = flow after the valve
- TCV (Throttle Control Valve) setting = coefficient in formula
$\Delta h=\xi v^{2}/2g$ ![[TCV.png]] - GPV (General Purpose Valve) contains relation curve:
- Valve head loss
- Valve operation schedule
- Pumps
- Usually put PSV to inlet of Tank to control minimal pressure
- If to put two or more Valves in a row, always put a pipe between, otherwise causing instabilities
- For controlling outlet from pumps is used FCV (Setting = nomination l/s)