- errno is optional (Switch mini_errno) When errno isn't compiled (faster syscalls, branching is not neccesary for setting errno, one global less), all syscalls do return on error the negative errno code; on success 0 or a positive value.
if ( (ret = read(0,buf,64)) < 0 )
die( ret, "Couldn't read from stdin" );
streams there is no buffering yet, besides the global buffer used for printf, et al. (Not threadsafe)
argument parsing There is the posix getopt function available (mini_getopt), written by skeeto. Besides, there is the macro PARSEOPTS_short (mini_PARSEOPTS_short), which aims for size optimization.
die(errno,msg) exit with errno. Write msg to stderr. When /bin/errno is present, write a verbose error message to stderr. Else the numerical error code is written.
dies(errno, ... ) / dief(errno,fmt,...) alanog to die, but also call eprints / eprintf with the parameters.
die_if( when, errno, msg ) / dief_if( when, errnum, fmt, ... ) / dies_if( when, errnum, ... ) if "when" is true, die with errnum / call dies or dief.
writes family writes(s), writesl(s),erites(s) and ewritesl(s) all write to stdout/stderr(ewrite). The string s has to be fixed, the len of s is determined at compile time via the macro sizeof(s). writesl/ewritesl append a linebreak to the output.
prints(s1,s2,..) /printsl, eprint/eprintsl write to stdout/stderr, variable size of the strings, and variable count of arguments. the ..l versions also append a linebreak.
printfs(fmt,...), eprintfs(fmt,...), fprintfs(stream,fmt,...) write fmt and formatted arguments to stdout/stderr/stream. only %s and %c are recognized. (Saves a few bytes, the global output buffer isn't needed, and the output can be optimized)
FULLDEBUG supplied as commandline parameter, or within the configuration file, all used sources are bundled into one sourcefile, and the binary is compiled with debugging info.