Aiming at collecting informtion on minilib itself here.
I’m starting with simple notes.
As soon I’ve got enough, I’m going to write a adherent text.
=== Target of minilib
Overall, minilib aims at being tiny. It really is “interesting”. But, despite the fact, the whole minilib has to be compiled for every source file, this 1. takes only fraction of a second here; and 2.ly gives tiny binaries, albite linked statically. I finally do not know exactly, what needs that much ressources with the other system libc’s. There obviously is the lack of the need to link shared libraries, and translate the symbols. (possibly I’m going to add the needed code to support shared libraris later, but it’s out of the scope of minilib yet) However – why, e.g., a simple ‘hello world’, linked with glibc is more than 100x times bigger than linked statically with minilibc. Is. Well. Most possibly related to software development processes at all. And, it is possible to configure the compilation of minilib fine grained. E.g. to not use any globals, or to have a mlloc using a statically defined buffer residing in the bss section. (it even is possible to move this buffer onto the stack). Obviously, this makes it possible to save some overhead. As I written already somewhere else - When I wrote a few assembler programs, I realized the overhead of glibc. Started to write my own startup routine. And. Well. Wrote minilib. Which finally is a product of the corona shutdown as well. (Amongst other circumstances. Life is interesting..)=== headerguards.
Some source file have got header guards, others not Whether headerguards are needed, is dependent on if there are more than one functions defined within one source file. Every source file (.c, and .h) is included into the single headerfile minilib.h Whether it is compiled depends on the switches, enabled at compile time. When there are several functions enabled, which are defined within the same source file, the source file would be compiled several times. Which obviously would be bad. Therefore, when more than one switch would lead to the includement of the source file, headerguards are needed.=== HEADERGUARDS
Furthermore, there’s the switch HEADERGUARDS. This switch enables definitions, which are normally the headerguards of the according libc headers. This aims at being able to compile sources with standard include directives, e.g. ‘include “stdio.h”’, without changing the sources at all.=== Praepraeprocessing directives
I’ve written quite a monstrum, which parses the sourcefiles of minilib, and generates the define switches, minilib.h, compat headers and documentation. ;/ this script ‘genheaders.pl’ went the typical development process - lets start with this, then that would be useful, oh, and while at it, let’s add this, too, … The whole minilib womehow started this way. But I didn’t have the time yet to cleanup genheaders.pl. Therefore – well. I’m just going to describe some of the praepraeprocessing options, and the parsing process. → every sourcefile is parsed by ‘make header’, which invokes genheaders.pl. → All definitions in c, which are preceeded b a line ‘//+def’ are recognized as minilib functions, or macros.Functions are separated into the definement of the function,
and the sourcecode.
These are separated into the generated files ‘minilib.h’
and ‘minilib.c’
(Which then are combined into the final file minilibcompiled.h)
int function(char msg){
gets to the switch ‘mini_function’,
the define of function is generated within miniib.h and
the sourcefile is included into the compile, when mini_funtion is set.
// (miniib.h)
#ifdef mini_function
int function(charmsg);
// (minilib.c)
#ifdef mini_function
#include “src/function.c”
style ( the whole definition, inluding “{” in one line ).
Furthermore, these dirctives are recognized:
//doc name
// documentation
// ….
int function(char*msg){
The first line get’s to the description of function.
Following lines will be within the generated documentation.
(minilib.md, minilib-reference.asc, andsoon)
without empty line until the line //+def, and the follwing definement.
//+def functioname
int functionname
Some function are problemativ to parse, cause of the arguments.
Then it is possible to submit the switchname as argument to ‘//+def’
It is possible as well, to define and document macros this way.
//depends switch1 switch2 …
//def function
Therefore, when mini_function is defined,
mini_switch1, … will be defined, too, at compilation time.
Sometimes it still is neccessary for the application,
to define the according switches, too.
The problem is somewhere in sort of circular dependencies.
I looking for a solution.
Whenever there’s a error message of gcc like: implicit definition of (e.g.)brk,
or ld complains about a missing function,
add the according switch to the minilib configuration, please.
(in the example: ‘mini_brk’)
//include (shortcut: //inc )
Include the header.
When one of the switches, defined in the header file(.h)
is defined, the whole header file will be included.
(normally, .h files are only parsed, and not included
into minilib.h. This changes this behaviour.
Most possibly there are headerguars needed as well.)
//needs file.h
//after file.h
The header needs definitions from another file.
This is buggy now. (todo)
//+header stdlib.h
generate the according compat header file,
and write the definements there.
(here “stdlib.h”)