- alphasort
int alphasort( const struct dirent de1, const struct dirent de2 )
Sort dirents by name. Deviating of the standard, the asciitables is used for the comparison (using strcmp)
../src/directories/alphasort.c l.7 manpage: alphasort
- basename
char basename(char *path)
*return the last component of a pathname Size: ~151B ../src/directories/basename.c l.2 manpage: basename
- chdir
int chdir(const char* path)
change working directory Size: ~47B ../include/syscall_stubs.h l.114 manpage: chdir
- dirbuf
the switch for defining the dirbuf. used internally
- dirbufsize
- dirfd
int dirfd(DIR d)
*extract the file descriptor used by a DIR stream ../src/directories/dirfd.c l.2 manpage: dirfd
- dirname
char dirname(char *s)
*Defines: strlen
report the parent directory name of a file pathname Size: ~179B ../src/directories/dirname.c l.8 manpage: dirname
- fstat
int fstat(int fd,struct stat* statbuf)
get file status Size: ~53B ../include/syscall_stubs.h l.111 manpage: fstat
- getcwd
int getcwd( char buf, unsigned long size)
*get the pathname of the current working directory Size: ~61B ../include/syscall_stubs.h l.123 manpage: getcwd
- getdents
int getdents( unsigned int fd, struct dirent direntry, unsigned int count )
*get directory entries Size: ~65B ../include/syscall_stubs.h l.106 manpage: getdents
- inotify_add_watch
int inotify_add_watch( int fd, const char *pathname, u32 mask)
../include/syscall_stubs.h l.220
- inotify_init
int DEF_syscall(inotify_init,0)
../include/syscall_stubs.h l.219
- inotify_init1
int inotify_init1( int flags)
../include/syscall_stubs.h l.222
- inotify_rm_watch
int inotify_rm_watch( int fd, __s32 wd)
../include/syscall_stubs.h l.221
- mkdir
int mkdir( const char pathname, int mode)
*make a directory relative to directory file descriptor Size: ~59B ../include/syscall_stubs.h l.174 manpage: mkdir
- opendir
DIR opendir(const char *name )
*Defines: getbrk sys_brk write open dirbuf 0 close
open directory associated with file descriptor Size: ~281B ../src/directories/opendir.c l.10 manpage: opendir
- opendirp
DIR opendirp(const char *name, DIR *dir)
*Defines: dirbuf 0 close getbrk sys_brk open
../src/directories/opendirp.c l.5
- readdir
struct dirent readdir(DIR *dir)
*Defines: dirbuf getdents
read a directory
read a directory. return the next dirent, or 0, if the end is reached. return 0 on error and set errno, if mini_errno is not defined, return -errno on error
Size: ~133B ../src/directories/readdir.c l.10 manpage: readdir
- rewinddir
void rewinddir(DIR dir)
*reset the position of a directory stream to the beginning Size: ~80B ../src/directories/rewinddir.c l.2 manpage: rewinddir
- rmdir
int rmdir( const char pathname)
*remove a directory Size: ~47B ../include/syscall_stubs.h l.175 manpage: rmdir
- scandir
int scandir(const char path, struct dirent listing[], int (*fp_select)(const struct dirent *), int (*cmp)(const struct dirent , const struct dirent *))
Defines: kill strlen seterrno 0 getbrk open dirbuf swap memcpy getpid sys_brk errno write getdents
scan a directory
list files and dirs in a directory This implementation uses malloc_brk() for the dynamic allocation of the listing, and tries to do as less copies as possible. The dynamically allocated space for the result list (**listing[]) is guaranteed to be at one continuous memory location. if the select callback is 0, meaning all entries should be returned, There are no copies done at all, besides the copying from kernelspace to userspace. To free the space, allocated for the listing, either call free_brk(), when no other allocations via malloc_brk took place. Or save the brk before you call scandir, and restore it after the call. (e.g.) long savebrk=getbrk(); int ret=scandir(...); brk(savebrk); Freeing single list entries might give unexpected results. returns the number of the read entries, or the negative errno on error.
../src/directories/scandir.c l.30 manpage: scandir
- scandir_bufsize
the increment of the buffer of scandir in bytes for memory allocations (default:4096)
- seekdir
void seekdir(DIR dir, long off)
*set the position of a directory stream Size: ~100B ../src/directories/seekdir.c l.2 manpage: seekdir
- telldir
long telldir(DIR dir)
*current location of a named directory stream Size: ~32B ../src/directories/telldir.c l.2 manpage: telldir