- _fopen
FILE _fopen(int fd, const char filename, const char* mode, FILE f)
*Defines: close fileno open
modes implemented: r, r+, w, w+, a, a+
Size: ~316B ../src/streams/_fopen.c l.12
- access
int access( const char filename, int mode)
*determine accessibility of a file relative to directory file Size: ~59B ../include/syscall_stubs.h l.177 manpage: access
- chmod
int chmod( const char filename, mode_t mode)
*change mode of a file relative to directory file descriptor Size: ~59B ../include/syscall_stubs.h l.201 manpage: chmod
- chown
int chown( const char filename, uid_t user, gid_t group)
*change owner and group of a file relative to directory Size: ~71B ../include/syscall_stubs.h l.202 manpage: chown
- close
int close( int fd )
close a file descriptor Size: ~51B ../include/syscall_stubs.h l.102 manpage: close
- closedir
int closedir(DIR dir)
*Defines: getbrk sys_brk
close a directory stream Size: ~323B ../src/directories/closedir.c l.6 manpage: closedir
- creat
int volatile creat( const char s, int mode )
*Defines: open
create a new file or rewrite an existing one Size: ~124B ../src/file/creat.c l.5 manpage: creat
- dup
int dup(int fd)
duplicate an open file descriptor Size: ~51B ../include/syscall_stubs.h l.119 manpage: dup
- dup2
int dup2(int oldfd, int newfd)
duplicate a file descriptor Size: ~63B ../include/syscall_stubs.h l.120 manpage: dup2
- dup3
int dup3(int oldfd, int newfd, int flags)
duplicate a file descriptor Size: ~75B ../include/syscall_stubs.h l.121 manpage: dup3
- fchmod
int fchmod( unsigned int fd, mode_t mode)
change mode of a file Size: ~63B ../include/syscall_stubs.h l.117 manpage: fchmod
- fchown
int fchown( unsigned int fd, uid_t user, gid_t group)
change owner and group of a file Size: ~75B ../include/syscall_stubs.h l.116 manpage: fchown
- fcntl
int fcntl( unsigned int fd, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
file control Size: ~77B ../include/syscall_stubs.h l.178 manpage: fcntl
- fsync
int fsync(int a1 )
synchronize changes to a file Size: ~51B ../include/lseek.h l.21 manpage: fsync
- ftruncate
int ftruncate(unsigned int a1, unsigned int a2 )
truncate a file to a specified length Size: ~63B ../include/lseek.h l.20 manpage: ftruncate
- link
int link( const char oldname, const char *newname)
*link one file to another file relative to two directory Size: ~53B ../include/syscall_stubs.h l.125 manpage: link
- lseek
int lseek(unsigned int a1, int a2, int a3 )
move the read/write file offset Size: ~75B ../include/lseek.h l.18 manpage: lseek
- open
int volatile open( const char s, int flags, … )
*open file relative to directory file descriptor
open or create a file. warning: when using the flag O_CREAT, file permission flags have to be given as third argument. Otherwise file permission flags will be random. (I still do not know, what the flag showing up as "-T" means..)
Size: ~124B ../src/file/open.c l.18 manpage: open
- readahead
int readahead( int fd, loff_t offset, size_t count)
initiate file readahead into page cache Size: ~79B ../include/syscall_stubs.h l.258
- rename
int rename( const char* oldpath, const char* newpath )
rename file relative to directory file descriptor Size: ~53B ../include/syscall_stubs.h l.108 manpage: rename
- select
int volatile ATTR_OPT("O0") select(int fd, volatile fd_set* readfd, volatile fd_set writefd, volatile fd_set *exceptfd, volatile struct timeval *wait)
*synchronous I/O multiplexing Size: ~138B ../include/select.h l.16 manpage: select
- sendfile
int sendfile( int out_fd, int in_fd, off_t offset, size_t count)
*transfer data between file descriptors Size: ~142B ../include/syscall_stubs.h l.181 manpage: sendfile
- stat
int stat(const char* filename,struct stat* statbuf)
get file status Size: ~49B ../include/syscall_stubs.h l.112 manpage: stat
- symlink
int symlink( const char oldname, const char *newname)
*make a symbolic link relative to directory file descriptor Size: ~53B ../include/syscall_stubs.h l.126 manpage: symlink
- umask
int umask( int mask)
set and get the file mode creation mask Size: ~51B ../include/syscall_stubs.h l.257 manpage: umask
- unlink
int unlink( const char* path)
remove a directory entry relative to directory file descriptor Size: ~47B ../include/syscall_stubs.h l.109 manpage: unlink