Currently, your frontend website retrieves data directly from a Function App.
In this lab, you will extend the statusapp
project to add an API Management service in front of the Azure Function. You will change the website to talk to that API Management service.
Make sure you are still in the statusapp
folder with the same files that you created in Labs 4-5.
Add several extra lines to the functionApp.ts
file to export information required for API Management:
export const id =;
export const appUrl = pulumi.interpolate`https://${droneStatusFunctionApp.defaultHostname}/api`;
✅ After these changes, your files should look like this.
Create a new file called api.ts
in the same statusapp
folder. Add the following import lines to it:
import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
import * as apimanagement from "@pulumi/azure-nextgen/apimanagement/latest";
import * as azure from "@pulumi/azure";
import { appName, location, resourceGroupName } from "./common";
import * as functionApp from "./functionApp";
import * as website from "./website";
Define an API Management Service at Consumption tier. Add this code to api.ts
const apiManagementName = `${appName}-apim`;
const apiManagement = new apimanagement.ApiManagementService(apiManagementName, {
resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName,
serviceName: apiManagementName,
location: location,
sku: {
name: "Consumption",
capacity: 0,
publisherEmail: "[email protected]",
publisherName: "contoso",
const apiManagementId =;
✅ After these changes, your files should look like this.
There are quite a few resources to define in API Management. Let's add them one by one to the api.ts
API Management has version management capabilities. Define a version set, even though you will only have a single version in this lab.
const versionSet = new apimanagement.ApiVersionSet("dronestatusversionset", {
resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName,
versionSetId: "dronestatusversionset",
displayName: "Drone Delivery API",
versioningScheme: "Segment",
Add the API definition for our Drone Status functionality:
const api = new apimanagement.Api("dronedeliveryapiv1", {
resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName,
serviceName: apiManagementName,
apiId: "dronedeliveryapiv1",
displayName: "Drone Delivery API",
description: "Drone Delivery API",
path: "api",
apiVersion: "v1",
apiRevision: "1",
protocols: ["https"],
Add an operation to this API:
const apiOperation = new apimanagement.ApiOperation("dronestatusGET", {
resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName,
serviceName: apiManagementName,
operationId: "dronestatusGET",
displayName: "Retrieve drone status",
description: "Retrieve drone status",
method: "GET",
urlTemplate: "/dronestatus/{deviceid}",
templateParameters: [
name: "deviceid",
description: "device id",
type: "string",
required: true,
Add a backend that points to our existing Function App:
const backend = new apimanagement.Backend("dronestatusdotnet", {
resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName,
serviceName: apiManagementName,
backendId: "dronestatusdotnet",
resourceId: pulumi.interpolate`${}`,
url: functionApp.appUrl,
protocol: "http",
Add an API Policy that defines the behavior of the operation:
const apiPolicy = new apimanagement.ApiPolicy("policy", {
resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName,
serviceName: apiManagementName,
policyId: "policy",
value: pulumi.interpolate`
<base />
<cors allow-credentials="true">
<rewrite-uri template="GetStatusFunction?deviceId={deviceid}" />
<set-backend-service id="apim-generated-policy" backend-id="${}" />
<forward-request />
<base />
<base />
Note the CORS policy that allows requests from our static website. You will extend this policy in labs 7 and 8.
Add a product and a product API link:
const product = new apimanagement.Product("dronedeliveryprodapi", {
resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName,
serviceName: apiManagementName,
productId: "dronedeliveryprodapi",
displayName: "drone delivery product api",
description: "drone delivery product api",
terms: "terms for example product",
subscriptionRequired: false,
state: "published",
const productApi = new azure.apimanagement.ProductApi("dronedeliveryapiv1", {
resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName,
apiManagementName: apiManagementName,
Note that the product API is defined using a resource from the Terraform-based Azure provider due a limitation in the current version of the Azure NextGen provider.
Finally, export the API URL:
export const apiUrl = pulumi.interpolate`https://${apiManagementName}${api.path}/v1/dronestatus/`;
✅ After these changes, your files should look like this.
Edit the websiteFiles.ts
. First, add an extra import:
import * as api from "./api";
Then, replace the API_URL
assignment lines with
const asset = api.apiUrl
.apply(url => rawText.replace("[API_URL]", url))
.apply(text => new pulumi.asset.StringAsset(text));
✅ After these changes, your files should look like this.
Deploy the stack
$ pulumi up
Updating (dev):
Type Name Status
pulumi:pulumi:Stack workshop-nextgen-status-dev
+ └─ azure-nextgen:apimanagement/latest:ApiManagementService status-apim created
+ ├─ azure-nextgen:apimanagement/latest:Product dronedeliveryprodapi created
+ ├─ azure-nextgen:apimanagement/latest:ApiVersionSet dronestatusversionset created
+ ├─ azure-nextgen:apimanagement/latest:Backend dronestatusdotnet created
+ ├─ azure-nextgen:apimanagement/latest:Api dronedeliveryapiv1 created
├─ azure:storage:Account statusfe
+- │ ├─ azure:storage:Blob component---src-pages-index-tsx-5b72260.js replaced
+- │ └─ azure:storage:Blob replaced
+ ├─ azure:apimanagement:ProductApi dronedeliveryapiv1 created
+ ├─ azure-nextgen:apimanagement/latest:ApiPolicy policy created
+ └─ azure-nextgen:apimanagement/latest:ApiOperation dronestatusGET created
functionUrl : ""
storageAccountUrl: ""
+ 8 created
+-2 replaced
10 changes. 26 unchanged
Navigate to the storageAccountUrl
in a browser, hit refresh, and make sure that the app still works. You may turn on a network tab in browser developer tools and see that the request comes to API Management instead of Function Apps.
Congratulations! 🎉 You have successfully provisioned API Management resources that stand in front of Azure Functions to provide API for a static website.
Next, you will add an Azure CDN service in front of the Storage Account.