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Remote Synchronization Tutorial

dnolen edited this page Oct 23, 2015 · 49 revisions

DO NOT EDIT THIS PAGE: This page is under heavy active development.


The Quick Start ( introduces Om Next fundamentals. Components, Identity & Normalization covers intermediate concepts. Both of these are necessary reading before proceeding.

HTTP Caching

Neither Relay nor Falcor currently make any attempt to solve the HTTP caching problem. While this may be fine when operating at scale with a large pool of performance experts to draw from, smaller teams must be able leverage standard performances strategies. HTTP caching is one of the most tried and true techniques for enhancing web application performance and Om Next supports it out of the box.


Om Next parsing works in two modes. The first which we've already seen takes query expressions and turns them into a data tree ready to be fed into component props. However we haven't yet demonstrated that Om Next also supports a parsing mode to derive new query expressions that cannot be resolved on the client. This feature enables transparent synchronization with a remote service. We'll see this synchronization component in detail later, but first we'll examine how this architecture permits us to recover HTTP caching.

At this point we assume you are now comfortable with Figwheel configuration and will not cover setup. However note that this tutorial requires some different dependencies, your project.clj should look like the following:

(defproject om-tutorial "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
  :description "My first Om program!"
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.7.0"]
                 [org.clojure/clojurescript "1.7.145"]
                 [org.omcljs/om "1.0.0-alpha7"]
                 [com.cognitect/transit-cljs "0.8.225"]
                 [figwheel-sidecar "0.4.0" :scope "provided"]])

Message Forwarding

The big idea is "messaging" - Alan Kay

Imagine we are designing a live dashboard. This live dashboard will attract a large number of users. Most of these users will simply read the stream and will not interact with it. For this reason we would like to serve these users with a cached response. In a traditional application we could imagine serving these users via a JSON payload from the following URL:


If a user is logged in, after rendering the unadorned dashboard we may make a second request for a user's dynamic modifications to the stream with a different end point:


We would then modify the UI views to reflect this merged state.

The problem is that in Om Next we represent the query as a recursive data structure not a simple URL. So how can we recover the benefits of HTTP caching?

As it turns out we can easily filter out the static part of the message from the dynamic part of the message, the static part of the message can be trivially hashed, and we can make two requests as we did before.

Let's see how! We'll be using the same data as Queries With Unions.


In this part of the tutorial we're not at all concerned with what the UI looks like so we're not providing those parts:

(ns om-tutorial.core
  (:require [goog.dom :as gdom]
            [goog.crypt :as gcrypt]
            [cognitect.transit :as t]
            [ :as om :refer-macros [defui]]
            [om.dom :as dom]
            [cljs.pprint :as pprint])
  (:import [goog.crypt Sha256]))


(def init-data
   [{:id 0 :type :dashboard/post
     :author "Laura Smith"
     :title "A Post!"
     :content "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, quem atomorum te quo"}
    {:id 1 :type :dashboard/photo
     :title "A Photo!"
     :image "photo.jpg"
     :caption "Lorem ipsum"}
    {:id 2 :type :dashboard/post
     :author "Jim Jacobs"
     :title "Another Post!"
     :content "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, quem atomorum te quo"}
    {:id 3 :type :dashboard/graphic
     :title "Charts and Stufff!"
     :image "chart.jpg"}
    {:id 4 :type :dashboard/post
     :author "May Fields"
     :title "Yet Another Post!"
     :content "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, quem atomorum te quo"}]})

(defui Post
  static om/IQuery
  (query [this]
    [:id :type :title :author :content]))

(defui Photo
  static om/IQuery
  (query [this]
    [:id :type :title :image :caption]))

(defui Graphic
  static om/IQuery
  (query [this]
    [:id :type :image]))

(defui DashboardItem
  static om/Ident
  (ident [this {:keys [id type]}]
    [type id])
  static om/IQuery
  (query [this]
      [:dashboard/post :dashboard/photo :dashboard/graphic]
      (map #(conj % :favorites)
        [(om/get-query Post)
         (om/get-query Photo)
         (om/get-query Graphic)]))))

(defui Dashboard
  static om/IQuery
  (query [this]
    [{:dashboard/items (om/get-query DashboardItem)}]))

(defmulti read om/dispatch)

So far so good. Let's take a look at our read method. It does a bit more than we've encountered before. We've also added some simple helpers.

The result of this read function returns not only the value but also the query for a variety of remotes. Later we'll see that when constructing the reconciler we'll pass along a list of remotes. In this case we have our local state provided by :value, the :dynamic portion of the query will be passed along to a remote service as well as the :static portion. The only difference is that we'll use the :static portion to compute a specific URL.

There is nothing special about these remotes, you can call them whatever you want and list as many as you like.

(defmethod read :dashboard/items
  [{:keys [state ast]} k _]
  (let [st @state]
    {:value   (into [] (map #(get-in st %)) (get st k))
     :dynamic (update-in ast [:sel]
                #(->> (for [[k _] %]
                        [[k [:favorites]]])
                  (into {})))
     :static  (update-in ast [:sel]
                #(->> (for [[k v] %]
                        [k (into [] (remove #{:favorites}) v)])
                  (into {})))}))

(defn sha-256 [s]
  (let [sha (Sha256.)
        _   (.update sha s)]
    (gcrypt/byteArrayToHex (.digest sha))))

(def p (om/parser {:read read}))
(def w (t/writer :json))
(def app-state (atom (om/normalize Dashboard init-data true)))

Notice that all read (and mutation) functions receive a simple AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) representing the current portion of the query. In our map besides returning :value we can also return modified query fragments to produce different queries.

Let's see this in action at the REPL:

(p {:state app-state} (om/get-query Dashboard) :static)

The result should be familiar except we're missing the :favorites key. If you examine the :static key in the read function above it should now be clear what's going on. We're changing each selector in the union query.

Try the following:

(let [query (p {:state app-state} (om/get-query Dashboard) :static)
      json  (t/write w query)
      hash  (.substring (sha-256 json) 0 16)]
    (str "/api/" hash))
;; "/api/02e397cc1447d688"

You should see the exact same URL on your machine.

When we write our send function and we request the :static portion of the message we'll use this convenient URL.

Now what about the dynamic query?

(p {:state app-state} (om/get-query Dashboard) :dynamic)
;; [{:dashboard/items
;;   {:dashboard/post    [:favorites],
;;    :dashboard/photo   [:favorites], 
;;    :dashboard/graphic [:favorites]}}]

There's our dynamic query.

Using the same parsing infrastructure we can present a merged view of local state, HTTP cached state, and the user's dynamic query without issue.