Install the gem
gem build passageidentity.gemspec -o {$FILE_NAME}.gem
gem install ./{$FILE_NAME}.gem
Test it out:
irb -Ilib -rpassageidentity
>> passage = 'YOUR_APP_ID')
>> passage.auth.authenticate("JWT_HERE")
Run Tests:
# all tests
ruby tests/all.rb
# individual test files
ruby tests/*_test.rb
Run Linter:
gem install rubocop
rubocop -A
To test in the example app, change the Gemfile to include this path:
gem "passageidentity", path: "../../passage-ruby"
Create an account in then run the following command with your username.
$ curl -u <username> >
~/.gem/credentials; chmod 0600 ~/.gem/credentials
Enter host password for user '<username>':
gem push passage-0.0.0.gem
You can check for the gem here:
gem list -r passage