Shows how to initialise and read the 4 ADC headers of Inventor HAT Mini.
Shows how to initialise and 4 GPIO headers of Inventor HAT Mini as outputs and set them.
Shows how to initialise the 4 GPIO headers of Inventor HAT Mini as inputs and read them.
Demonstrates how to read the angles of Inventor HAT Mini's two encoders.
Shows how to read the internal sensors of Inventor HAT Mini.
Displays a rotating rainbow pattern on Inventor HAT Mini's onboard LED bars.
A simple program that resets Inventor HAT Mini, turning off its LEDs, Motors, Servos, and Audio.
Demonstrates how to control a motor on Inventor HAT Mini.
Demonstrates how to control both motors on Inventor HAT Mini.
An example of applying a wave pattern to Inventor HAT Mini's motors and LEDs.
An example of how to move a motor smoothly between random positions, with the help of it's attached encoder and PID control.
An example of how to drive a motor smoothly between random speeds, with the help of it's attached encoder and PID control.
An example of how to move a motor smoothly between random positions, with velocity limits, with the help of it's attached encoder and PID control.
A demonstration of how a motor with an encoder can be used as a programmable rotary encoder for user input, with force-feedback for arbitrary detents and end stops.
A demonstration of driving both of Inventor HAT Mini's motor outputs between positions, with the help of their attached encoders and PID control.
A demonstration of driving both of Inventor HAT Mini's motor outputs through a sequence of velocities, with the help of their attached encoders and PID control.
A program that profiles the speed of a motor across its PWM duty cycle range using the attached encoder for feedback.
A program to aid in the discovery and tuning of motor PID values for position control. It does this by commanding the motor to move repeatedly between two setpoint angles and plots the measured response.
A program to aid in the discovery and tuning of motor PID values for velocity control. It does this by commanding the motor to drive repeatedly between two setpoint speeds and plots the measured response.
A program to aid in the discovery and tuning of motor PID values for position on velocity control. It does this by commanding the motor to move repeatedly between two setpoint angles and plots the measured response.
Demonstrates how to control a single servo on Inventor HAT Mini.
Demonstrates how to control all of the servos on Inventor HAT Mini.
An example of how to move a servo smoothly between random positions.
An example of applying a wave pattern to a group of servos and the LEDs.
Shows how to configure Inventor HAT Mini's servos with different common calibrations, as well as a completely custom one.
Play a WAV audio file from your Inventor HAT Mini, using PyGame!
Play a WAV audio file from your Inventor HAT Mini, using Aplay!
A fun example of how to change a motor's frequency to have it play a song.
Make your Inventor HAT Mini sound like an Astromech Droid!
This example uses the ttastromech library, for more details see
An example of how to read a rotary encoder connected to Inventor HAT Mini's GPIO pins.
Shows how to initialise and use Inventor HAT Mini's servo headers as 3.3V outputs and set them.
Shows how to initialise and use Inventor HAT Mini's servo headers as 3.3V inputs and read them.
Shows how to use Inventor HAT Mini's Servo headers to control an externally connected motor driver.
Control a HC-SR04 style ultrasonic distance sensor using the UART header on InventorHATMini.
A demonstration of using Inventor HAT Mini's internal watchdog to stop motors from spinning when a simulated code lock-up occurs, by causing a board reset, and recovering from it.