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Install Stratus with helm


  • helm installed
  • kubectl installed
  • environment configured for appropriate context
  • if using persistent volume (e.g., with coverages, GWC, or redis-in-kubernetes), the share is available for NFS-style mounting

Identify resources and limits

See ../ for more details about identifying resource constraints. For a quick start, get some starting points for your cluster based on the CPU available for each node in the kubernetes cluster. For example, if the cluster has 4 nodes and each node has 8 vCPUs available, get starting points for Memory and CPU with:

. ../  4 8

Setup persistent volume for redis backup

Given a nfs-accessible file share such as an EFS resource:

helm install Stratus/charts/persistentVolume \
        --set${NFS_HOST} \
        --set redis.persistentVolume.path=${NFS_PATH}


Redis can be run in kubernetes or you can connect to a hosted redis.

Hosted redis (Option 1)

Stratus needs to be told to use the manual profile and must be given the redis service endpoint. This is done by configuring the following variables to be applied to the Stratus Deployment below.


At this point, RO/RW should both be specified, even if they are the same host.

Deploy redis-sentinel (Option 2):

If you would like to run redis within kubernetes:

Deploy redis-sentinel. Substitute NAMESPACE as needed:

helm install Stratus/charts/redis-sentinel/ \
        --set redis.resources.maxCpu="2.0" \
        --set redis.persistentVolume="true" \
        --set redis.sentinel.minReplicas=3 \
        --set redis.sentinel.maxReplicas=3 \

Monitor to ensure that redis-master is up and running. Look for redis-master, redis-XXXX, redis-sentinel in the pod list:

kubectl get po --namespace=${NAMESPACE}

Deploy Stratus Services

This sets up the services for Stratus but does not install the actual deployment.

helm install Stratus/charts/stratus-service --namespace=${NAMESPACE}

Get your external IP for OGC services:

kubectl describe svc stratus-ogc-lb --namespace=${NAMESPACE} | grep Ingress: | cut -f2 -d:

Note the $OGC_URL as the Ingress for the output above. visit http://${OGC_URL}/geoserver/rest to see the Stratus rest interface

Get your external IP for the Admin (UI) interface:

kubectl describe svc stratus-ui-lb --namespace=${NAMESPACE} | grep Ingress: | cut -f2 -d:

Given $UI_URL as the Ingress for the output above, visit http://${UI_URL}/geoserver/web to see the Stratus web interface

Deploy docker image pull secret

kubectl create secret docker-registry mydockerkey --docker-server= --docker-username="XXX" --docker-password="XXX" --docker-email=XXX

Deploy Stratus Deployment

It is recommended to run no more than one Stratus instance per node and to size each pod to utilize as much CPU in the node as is allowed. Assume $REPLICAS is equal to or less than the number of nodes in the kubernetes cluster and let $MIN_REPLICAS be 1. $MEM,$MAX_MEM,$CPU, and $MAX_CPU are from the Resources section above

helm install Stratus/charts/stratus-deploy \
        --namespace=${NAMESPACE} \
        --debug \
        --set debug=false \
        --set redis.implementation=jedis \
        --set redis.type=sentinel \
        --set redis.cache.enabled=true \
        --set \
        --set stratus.container.image=stratus \
        --set stratus.container.tag=1.0.7 \
        --set stratus.ogc.resources.minReplicas=$MIN_REPLICAS \
        --set stratus.ogc.resources.maxReplicas=$REPLICAS \
        --set stratus.ogc.resources.mem=$MEM \
        --set stratus.ogc.resources.maxMem=$MAX_MEM \
        --set stratus.ogc.resources.cpu=$CPU \
        --set stratus.ogc.resources.maxCpu=$MAX_CPU \
        --set stratus.ui.enabled=true \
        --set stratus.ui.resources.mem=1.0G \
        --set stratus.ui.resources.maxMem=3.0G \
        --set stratus.ui.resources.cpu=0.25 \
        --set stratus.ui.resources.maxCpu=0.5 \
        --set xmem="go"