- [email protected]
- CLASS: Tuesdays, 9:30am-12:00pm, Room 445
- OFFICE HOURS: Fridays, 12:00-3:00pm, Room 455 sign up here
- Week 1: March 25
- Week 2: April 1
- Week 3: April 8
- Week 4: April 15
- Week 5: April 22
- Week 6: Friday, May 2 9:30-12 DATE CHANGE
- Week 7: May 6
- You are required to attend all class meetings and submit all weekly assignments and a final project.
- Attendance is essential. If you can't come for any reason talk to me in advance. You're responsible for catching up on what you missed and completing any assignments.
- Grading (pass/fail) will be based on a combination of factors:
- Attendance, participation in class discussion, and engagement in other students' projects (20%)
- Quality of weekly assignments (60%)
- Final Project (20%)
- Personal progress; how much did you advance from your initial state in this class.