takes care of converting basic PHP types like number, string and so on. But what if you have a type that isn't a DTO? For example \DateTimeImmutable
. You can write a class that implements UnknownTypeResolverInterface.
Here is an example of built in DateTimeTypeResolver
class DateTimeTypeResolver implements UnknownTypeResolverInterface
public function supports(PhpUnknownType $type, DtoType|null $dto, DtoList $dtoList): bool
return $type->getName() === 'DateTime' || $type->getName() === 'DateTimeImmutable';
public function resolve(PhpUnknownType $type, DtoType|null $dto, DtoList $dtoList): string|PhpTypeInterface
return PhpBaseType::string();
There is also a shortcut to achieve it - use InlineTypeResolver:
use Riverwaysoft\PhpConverter\Dto\PhpType\PhpBaseType;
return static function (PhpConverterConfig $config) {
$config->addVisitor(new DtoVisitor(new PhpAttributeFilter(Dto::class)));
$config->setOutputGenerator(new TypeScriptGenerator(
new SingleFileOutputWriter('generated.ts'),
new DateTimeTypeResolver(),
new ClassNameTypeResolver(),
new InlineTypeResolver([
// Convert libphonenumber object to a string
// PhpBaseType is used to support both Dart/TypeScript
'PhoneNumber' => PhpBaseType::string(),
// Convert PHP Money object to a custom TypeScript type
// It's TS-only syntax, to support Dart and the rest of the languages you'd have to create a separate PHP class like MoneyOutput
'Money' => '{ amount: number; currency: string }',
// Convert Doctrine Embeddable to an existing Dto marked as #[Dto]
'SomeDoctrineEmbeddable' => 'SomeDoctrineEmbeddableDto',