12.0.0-alpha.1 (2020-02-22)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Pager not working in iOS #160
- when made to to auto play only images are changing not indicators at the bottom #159
- Swiping doesn't work if set peaking on Android #156
- Indicator is not shown with version 11.0.11, Nativescript 6.2, IOS 13 #155
- strange effect when switching to fullscreen mode in Android app using pager v 11 #138
Closed issues:
- getting error Execution failed for task ':app:checkDebugDuplicateClasses'. #158
- Crash on older ios devices when adding/removing items dynamically #157
- Delay transition #154
- iOS issues with Pager 11 when assigning the DataSource asynchronous #151
- No known component for element Pager. Plugin doesn't work. #148
- Pager automatically changes page after textfield focus\blur #136
12.0.0-alpha.0 (2020-02-22)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
v11.0.11 (2019-10-29)
Fixed bugs:
- Pager V11 will freeze when resuming app in Android #140
- NS 6.1 - IOS crashes on pager invocation #139
- page.getViewById(<id>) returns undefined for view within pager since nativescript-pager 11.x #137
Closed issues:
- Pager no longer work on playground? #145
- Verticle Scroll not working inside Pager #143
- Pager does not know when to stop the current index number #133
Merged pull requests:
- Fix orientation and closes #140 #150 (bradmartin)
- Fix static vue example #147 (Mikkou)
11.0.10 (2019-09-11)
Fixed bugs:
- random Android crashes when setting markingMode to none #123
Closed issues:
- pager UI issue #128
- iOS SafeArea margin #119
- TextField focus keyboard screen overlay issue when using Pager #73
- Can we use component (using selector name) inside pager ? #63
11.0.8 (2019-08-03)
Merged pull requests:
- fix(items): observablearray proper cleanup #132 (NathanWalker)
11.0.7 (2019-08-02)
11.0.6 (2019-08-01)
v11.0.5 (2019-08-01)
v11.0.4 (2019-08-01)
11.0.3 (2019-08-01)
11.0.2 (2019-08-01)
11.0.1 (2019-08-01)
Implemented enhancements:
- Migration to AndroidX (NativeScript 6) #124
- showNativePageIndicator not working in version 9.5.0 #113
Fixed bugs:
- Pager does not refresh/scale layout on *device* orientation change #102
Closed issues:
- insert new Item with newItems.push refresh the Pager all items on Android #130
- Can't resolve '../' in #121
- ListView inside angular component not refreshing on data load with Pager #120
- ScrollView doesn't work with nativescript-pager #110
- Dynamic height #108
- ClassNotFound Android Angular #107
- Vertical pager cannot swipe past index 0 #106
- Pager failing to restore state after navigateBack #104
- orientation not working on android #103
- Rendering issues on android when navigating #99
- App crashes when scrolling to dynamically added item [Vue] #98
- console warning in iOS #97
- Pager not working in NS 5.1/Angular 7.1 #96
- How do I navigate between PagerItems? #95
- get a peek of sibling pager items? #92
10.0.0 (2019-07-30)
Closed issues:
- [Android] Pager inside of <router-outlet> throws error #118
- TypeError: Cannot read property 'verticalviewpager' of undefined tns run android --bundle #115
- Incorrect reference to this #114
Merged pull requests:
- Fix for wrong variable name #146 (mrmonat)
- Delete angular view references #131 (edusperoni)
- Update to ns6 #129 (danielgek)
- fix(static): static items are not added to pager #117 (danielgek)
- more android fixes #116 (farfromrefug)
9.5.0 (2019-04-13)
Implemented enhancements:
- More events for swipe #77
Merged pull requests:
- feat(): #77 #112 (triniwiz)
- Revert "vertical orientation support for android" #111 (triniwiz)
- Android fixes: support uglify and markMode #109 (farfromrefug)
- vertical orientation support for android #105 (farfromrefug)
9.4.0 (2019-03-16)
Implemented enhancements:
- Per Page Feature? #100
v9.3.15 (2019-02-28)
v9.3.14 (2019-02-05)
Fixed bugs:
- The nativescript-pager plugin is not found #94
v9.3.13 (2019-01-29)
v9.3.12 (2018-12-16)
Fixed bugs:
- selectedIndex binding with static view does not updateNativeIndex #90
Merged pull requests:
v9.3.11 (2018-12-12)
v9.3.10 (2018-12-12)
v9.3.9 (2018-12-12)
v9.3.8 (2018-12-10)
v9.3.7 (2018-12-10)
v9.3.6 (2018-12-10)
v9.3.5 (2018-12-10)
v9.3.4 (2018-12-10)
v9.3.3 (2018-12-09)
Fixed bugs:
- [object Object], when set a variable of array type previously created in this.items #71
- insert/remove objects with array.splice doesn't work fine IOS #67
Closed issues:
- Dynamic data for pager #66
v9.3.2 (2018-12-08)
v9.3.1 (2018-12-08)
v9.3.0 (2018-12-08)
Implemented enhancements:
v9.2.3 (2018-12-07)
v9.2.2 (2018-12-07)
v9.2.0 (2018-12-07)
Implemented enhancements:
- feat: Allow cache toggle #89
Closed issues:
- demo-ng not work #87
v9.1.1 (2018-12-07)
v9.1.0 (2018-12-04)
Fixed bugs:
- Nativescript-pager-v9.0.2 (Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int ) #88
- AOT Breaks 9.x #85
- Multi template not working in 9.x? #84
Merged pull requests:
- Fix Vue demo and tsconfig #86 (EddyVerbruggen)
v9.0.3 (2018-12-02)
v9.0.2 (2018-12-02)
Implemented enhancements:
- Question: Is it possible to show multiple slide ? #34
Closed issues:
- pager weight give dynamically #27
v9.0.1 (2018-12-02)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Showing empty <Label> instead of Slide Content (Angular 6) #79
Closed issues:
- Release latest plugin source on npm #78
- NativeScript-vue support is broken in the NS-vue 2.0.0-alpha version #74
- Cannot use in nativescript-vue #51
Merged pull requests:
v9.0.0 (2018-12-02)
Implemented enhancements:
- [Enhancement] View recycling #60
Closed issues:
- How to get an instance of the Page? #75
- selectedIndexChange event.nextIndex is undefined (angular) #72
- selectedIndexChanged event never fired in Angular Project #70
- Can we use ListView within the pager? nested ng-templates? #44
Merged pull requests:
v6.0.0 (2018-06-13)
V8.0.2 (2018-06-13)
Implemented enhancements:
- Manual page change is not animated in ios #50
- [Android] Pager multiple itemTemplates do not work when dynamically loading data #47
Fixed bugs:
- Wrong package name during README update #62
Closed issues:
- more control over the slide #64
- selectedIndexChanged and multi template does not work in my project #59
- items array changed - IOS rendering issue #58
- loads only the next and the prev pages #57
- Three time call ngOninit in IOS #56
- always call ngOnInit but never call ngOnDestroy in android #55
- how to achieve Dynamic page load in new Version ? #54
- [ios] selectedIndex binding does not work #52
- Change to items bound ObservableArray does not update views #46
- How to show absoluteLayout over pager --closed #45
- Multitemplate Angular, only default template is displayed #43
- Cannot run demo #41
- App Crashing - ERROR TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'vcRef.clear') #40
- Crashing at import into module #39
- This plugin doesn't seems to be working with NS Module Loader (option lazy) #37
- The event
doesn't work on v5.0.10 #36 - Angular issues #35
- Request: add documentation for "itemsLoading" event #32
- UI of pager is not updated correctly when there are changes on the items-array using myObservableArray.setItem(...,...) #30
- Subviews tap event is not working in IOS #18
- feature: Support for multple item templates #16
Merged pull requests:
- add canGoRight and canGoLeft options #68 (hamdiwanis)
- Update README.md #61 (FranciZ)
- Add v-model support, add for support (released nsvue 1.3.1) #49 (rigor789)
- Make the vue part an actual vue plugin #48 (rigor789)
v6.0 (2017-12-21)
Closed issues:
- Error: View not added to this instance. View: Label(209) CurrentParent: Pager(202) ExpectedParent: DockLayout(185) #31
- [IOS] - Segmentation fault When Views get Destroyed #29
- Dynamic page load is not working latest version(5.0.0) #26
- Demo-ng: More than one view found in list template! Nesting level: 0 #25
- Issue with [email protected] #22
- pager selectedindex and indexchanged issue #21
- Not working in Angular 4 - NS 3 #20
- (iOS) Crash on navigating back #15
- angular *ngFor not working #14
- (iOS) Page content does not use css-classes #13
- Dynamic construction of the pager content #12
- Slide changed event #9
- Pager bugs on iOS with Angular #5
- Pager Indicator Support #4
- IOS Support #1
Merged pull requests:
- Fixes pager to work with Angular 5 changes #38 (sean-perkins)
- fix(angular-update): removes the collection-face import #33 (danielgek)
- fix: use exported getSingleViewRecursive from ns-ng #28 (sis0k0)
- Migrate to Nativescript 3.1 #24 (Heer0)
- Convert fix #23 (danielgek)
- Migrate to NativeScript 3.0 #19 (vakrilov)
- Fix: Android support-library version lock #17 (ddfreiling)
- Fix: AoT Support #11 (ddfreiling)
- Angular AoT support #10 (ddfreiling)
- iOS Fix: hide UIPageControl #8 (ddfreiling)
- Angular demo #7 (ddfreiling)
- iOS fixes #6 (ddfreiling)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator