This example shows how QuantityRange can be extended e.g. to model Hurricane categories using the Saffir–Simpson hurricane wind scale (SSHWS):
* @see <a href="">
* Wikipedia: Saffir–Simpson hurricane wind scale</a>
public class SaffirSimpsonHurricaneWindScale extends QuantityRange<Speed>> implements Nameable {
* The storm category
public static enum Category {
private final Category category;
public Category getCategory() {
return category;
private SaffirSimpsonHurricaneWindScale(Quantity<Speed> min, Quantity<Speed> max,
Category level) {
super(min, max);
this.category = level;
private SaffirSimpsonHurricaneWindScale(Quantity<Speed> min, Quantity<Speed> max) {
this(min, max, UNKNOWN);
* Returns an {@code SaffirSimpsonHurricaneWindScale} with the specified values.
* @param min The minimum value for the wind scale.
* @param max The maximum value for the wind scale.
* @return an {@code SaffirSimpsonHurricaneWindScale} with the values present
public static SaffirSimpsonHurricaneWindScale of(Quantity<Speed> min, Quantity<Speed> max) {
return new SaffirSimpsonHurricaneWindScale(min, max);
* Returns an {@code SaffirSimpsonHurricaneWindScale} with the specified values.
* @param min The minimum value for the wind scale.
* @param max The maximum value for the wind scale.
* @param cat The {@link Category} of the wind scale.
* @return an {@code SaffirSimpsonHurricaneWindScale} with the values present
public static SaffirSimpsonHurricaneWindScale of(Quantity<Speed> min, Quantity<Speed> max,
Category cat) {
return new SaffirSimpsonHurricaneWindScale(min, max, cat);
public boolean hasMinimum() {
return getMinimum() != null
&& !NONE.equals(getMinimum())
&& !(getMinimum().getUnit() == null || getMinimum().getValue() == null);
public boolean hasMaximum() {
return getMaximum() != null
&& !NONE.equals(getMaximum())
&& !(getMaximum().getUnit() == null || getMaximum().getValue() == null);
public String toString() {
return getName() + " [category=" + category + ", minimum="
+ getMinimum() + ", maximum=" + getMaximum() + "]";
public String getName() {
return "Saffir–Simpson hurricane wind scale";
This example code shows (including US-metric conversion) how the time to evacuate can be calculated for a given storm category. It also shows how to use the Quantities class:
SaffirSimpsonHurricaneWindScale sts = SaffirSimpsonHurricaneWindScale.of(
Quantities.getQuantity(39, MILES_PER_HOUR),
Quantities.getQuantity(73, MILES_PER_HOUR), TROPICAL_STORM);
SaffirSimpsonHurricaneWindScale s5 = SaffirSimpsonHurricaneWindScale.of(
Quantities.getQuantity(157, MILES_PER_HOUR), null, FIVE);
SaffirSimpsonHurricaneWindScale scale = s5;
Quantity<Speed> metricSpeed = scale.hasMaximum() ?
scale.getMaximum().to(KILOMETRES_PER_HOUR) :
Quantity<Length> l = Quantities.getQuantity(500, KILO(METRE));
Quantity<Time> timeToEvacuate = l.divide(metricSpeed).asType(Time.class);