- Behavior change: Do not crash if the corresponding permission request can not be found. Instead we no-op. #271 (vanniktech)
- Bug fix: Use ConcurrentHashMap to keep track of currentPermissionRequests to avoid multithreading issues. #268 (vanniktech)
- Include permission name in exception message. #266 (vanniktech)
- RxPermission: Fix return type of request & requestEach. Always non-null. #106 (vanniktech)
- RxPermission: hasRequested API to check if Permission has been requested once before. #105 (vanniktech)
- Add Dependency Guard plugin. #96 (vanniktech)
- Add licensee plugin for License verification. #95 (vanniktech)
- Lint: Fail upon SyntheticAccessor issues. #94 (vanniktech)
- Stopping permission requests on activity restore #76 (rprunskas)
- Target 29 & add test for location background permission. #73 (vanniktech)
- Fix NullpointerException in ShadowActivity#handleIntent. #70 (vanniktech)
- Separate testing infrastructure into it's own module. #65 (vanniktech)
- Fix Integration tests. #63 (vanniktech)
- Update some dependencies. #62 (vanniktech)
- Update dependencies. #59 (vanniktech)
- Remove sudo: false from travis config. #58 (vanniktech)
- Explicitly disable Jetifier. #57 (vanniktech)
- Migrate to AndroidX #56 (ParthPadg)
Thanks to ParthPadg for the AndroidX migration!
- Update dependencies and make Theme transparent especially around the status bar. #55 (vanniktech)
- Accept a Context rather than Application in RealRxPermission#getInstance() #49 (vanniktech)
- Update various dependencies. #48 (vanniktech)
- Finish before overriding pending transitions. #46 (hannesstruss)
- Improve testing setup. #43 (vanniktech)
- Do not run clean build again when deploying snapshots. #42 (vanniktech)
- Use Gradle Maven Publish Plugin for publishing. #41 (vanniktech)
- Fix ErrorProne warning in tests. #38 (vanniktech)
- Drop support annotations in favor of RxJava annotations. #37 (vanniktech)
- Nuke badges in README. #29 (vanniktech)
- Tweak Travis configuration. #27 (vanniktech)
- Update Android Studio Gradle Plugin to 3.0.1 & better travis.yml #26 (vanniktech)
- Update Gradle to 4.5 #25 (vanniktech)
- Ignore AutoValue annotation when proguarding. #17 (vanniktech)
- Update the libraries & migrate to AS 3.0.0 #11 (vanniktech)
- Update License File for Travis. #10 (vanniktech)
- Lower minSdk to 15. #9 (vanniktech)
- Add README. #8 (vanniktech)
- Specify Errorprone version explicitly. #6 (vanniktech)
- Prepare next development version. #5 (vanniktech)
- Initial release