What is your current work location?
- I am required to be on-site full time
- I am on-site full time, but it is not required
- I am partially on-site, and partially remote (hybrid)
- I am fully remote, but it is by choice (i.e. an office location is available to me)
- I am fully remote, and it is required (i.e. no office location is available to me)
How do you feel about your work location?
- Very negative
- Negative
- Neutral
- Positive
- Very Positive
Has your organization implemented a "return to the office" policy - requesting or requiring that remote or "work from home" employees return to working on-site?
- Yes, it's required all of the time
- Yes, it's required but only part of the time (hybrid work is ok)
- Yes, it's encouraged but not mandatory
- Yes, but only for some roles
- No, remote work is still allowed/encouraged/required
- No, my position was always remote-only
- No, my position was always hybrid
- No, my position was always on-site only
- I don't know
How do you feel about your organization's "return to the office" policy?
- Very negative
- Negative
- Neutral
- Positive
- Very Positive
Regardless of the policy at your current organization or your current situation, what is your preferred work location?
- I prefer to work on-site on a full-time basis
- I prefer to work remotely/from home on a full-time basis
- I prefer the flexibility of a hybrid work location (partly on-site, partly remote)
- I have no strong preference