Welcome to the So Yummy!
- ⚙️ / - Welcome page of the application for new users or Main page for existing users.
- ⚙️ /register - New user registration page.
- ⚙️ /signin - Login page for an existing user.
- ⚙️ /verify/:verificationToken - Email verification page.
- ⚙️ /reset/:resetPasswordToken - Password reset page.
- ⚙️ /google-redirect/:token - Google verification page.
- ⚙️ /resend - Email reminder form.
- ⚙️ /forgot - Change email form if forgotten.
- ⚙️ /categories/:categoryName - Page with available recipe categories.
- ⚙️ /add - Add recipe page.
- ⚙️ /my - Page with added user recipes.
- ⚙️ /favorite - Favorite recipes page.
- ⚙️ /shopping-list - Shopping list page.
- ⚙️ /recipe/:recipeId - Recipe page.
- ⚙️ /search - Recipe search page.
- ⚙️ /search/:query - Recipe search results page.
- ⚙️ /* - Error page or 404 page.
- 🗣️ 3 languages available: English, Ukrainian and Polish
- 🔗 The translation was made using the i18next framework.
- 🔨 npm install - Installing basic project dependencies.
- 🔨 npm start - Server start in production mode.
- 🔨 npm run build - Create a production build (version for uploading to the server) of the application.
- 🔨 npm run lint:js - Running a code review with ESLint.
- 🔨 npm deploy - Deploy to Netlify.