You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 5
Restore database
- Connect to dbserver
- Copy backup file from S3
/usr/local/bin/aws s3 cp s3://bb-dbback-{ env }/{ hourly | daily | weekly | monthly | yearly }/bb_fe_{ env }_pg_01.{ hourly | daily | weekly | monthly | yearly }_{ yyyymmdd }_{ hummus }.sql.bz2.ssl .
s3://bb-dbback-{ env}/{frequency = hourly | daily | weekly}/
- Install Private key that matches Public Key for DB Backup Private key is in Ansible Environment Vault on mgmt server /hhs_ansible/hhs_ansible/vault/env/{env}/vault.yml current_key is in variable: {{ vault_env_db_backup_private_key_current }}
When a new public/private key pair is created move the ...private_key_current to private_key_nnnn, where nnnn is the next available zero-filled number starting from 0001
Run Ansible script to install private key to /data/pgbackup/restore
- run unpack.sh
# Unpack file using openssl
# v1.0.0 6/21/2017 @ekivemark
# /data/pgsql/9.6/data/db_unpack.sh
# Via template hhs_ansible/roles/postgres/templates/db_unpack.sh.j2
# Parameter: filename
rm -f workfile.bz2
rm -f workfile
if [ -f "$1" ]; then
if [ -f "$1.ssl" ]; then
exit 1
if [ -f "$UNPACK_FILE" ]; then
echo "decrypting..."
openssl smime -decrypt -in $UNPACK_FILE \
-binary -inform DEM \
-inkey ./backup_key.pem.private -out workfile.bz2
echo "decompressing..."
bunzip2 workfile.bz2
echo "nothing to do"
Use original db_init.sql or adjust: - DB_TABLE_NAME - USERNAME - PASSWORD
CREATE DATABASE bb_fe_{ env }_pg_02 ;
CREATE USER { user } WITH PASSWORD '{ password }' ;
ALTER ROLE { user } SET client_encoding TO 'utf8@' ;
ALTER ROLE { user } SET default_transaction_isolation TO 'read committed' ;
ALTER ROLE { user } SET timezone to UTC ;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE bb_fe_{ env }_pg_01 to { user };
su - postgres
/usr/bin/psql -p 15432 -f /data/pgbackup/restore/re_init.sql
The pg_hba.conf file needs to be updated to allow sql to operate.
vi /data/pgsql/9.6/data/pg_hba.conf
add a line
host all all { db_server_ip_address }/32 md5
passwd postgres
Use work file created by unpack.sh
su - postgres
psql -p { port number } -h { ip_address } psql -d { database_name | bb_fe_{ env }_pg_01 | -U postgres </data/pgbackup/restore/workfile
Apply new database settings to App server - Rebuild django_settings.sh - Rebuild custom-envvars.py Restart AppServer
Created for US Department of Health and Human Services / Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services by Mark Scrimshire/TransparentHealth