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Laravel pacakge for News Harvester admin tools

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Laravel package that provides the Community Info Coop's News Harvester admin tools.




You can install the package via composer:

composer require communityinfocoop/laravel-news-harvester

Migrations, Configurations, Views

You should publish and run the migrations with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="news-harvester-migrations"
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\Tags\TagsServiceProvider" --tag="tags-migrations"
php artisan migrate

Optionally, you can publish the config files (for the main package and also for the feed and Filament admin packages) with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="news-harvester-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [
    'display_time_zone' => 'America/New_York',
    'feeds' => [
        'fetch_timeout' => 15, // in seconds
        'check_frequency' => 60, // default, in minutes
    'select_options' => [
        'source_types' => [
            'news' => 'News Publisher',
            'government' => 'Government Entity',
            'school' => 'School',
            'business' => 'Business',
            'organization' => 'Organization',
            'group' => 'Social Group',
            'person' => 'Individual',
        'feed_types' => [
            'rss' => 'RSS Feed',
            'facebook_group' => 'Facebook Group',
            'facebook_page' => 'Facebook Page',
    'top_sources_tag' => 'Top',
    'modules' => [
        'crowdtangle' => [
            'api_token' => env('CROWDTANGLE_API_TOKEN', ''),
            'default_source_id' => null,
            'post_fetch_timeframe' => '2 HOUR',
    'command_scheduling' => 'auto',

Optionally, you can publish the views using

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="news-harvester-views"


There are a few changes to make to the model you're using for Users that can login (probably app/Models/User):

Add a contract FilamentUser:

use Filament\Models\Contracts\FilamentUser;

class User extends Authenticatable implements FilamentUser {

Add a function canAccessFilament() to determine how a user will be allowed to access the admin dashboard, for example:

public function canAccessFilament(): bool
    return str_ends_with($this->email, '');

If you don't already have a user created to login with, you can use a command provided by Filament:

php artisan make:filament-user

You can add additional user, role and permission management in your Laravel application as needed. We recommend these packages:

There is a custom permission used on the Feed resource, refresh_feed, which controls a user's ability to initiate a refresh of an RSS feed. If you use Filament Shield, you can add support by running:

artisan permission:create-permission refresh_feed

and then setting 'custom_permissions' => true in your filament-shield.php config file before using the shield:generate command again.

If you generate authorization policies for the models provided by this package (Source, Feed, NewsItem), you will need to manually add those to your AuthServiceProvider.php file, for example:

protected $policies = [
    'App\Models\User' => 'App\Policies\UserPolicy',
    'CommunityInfoCoop\NewsHarvester\Models\Source' => 'App\Policies\SourcePolicy',
    'CommunityInfoCoop\NewsHarvester\Models\Feed' => 'App\Policies\FeedPolicy',
    'CommunityInfoCoop\NewsHarvester\Models\NewsItem' => 'App\Policies\NewsItemPolicy',

Command Scheduling

By default several commands will be automatically added to the command schedule:


If you wish to disable this so you can set up the schedule manually, do so in the published config file:

'command_scheduling' => 'off',

Source Importing

News Harvester can import a CSV file of Sources for fast setup of Sources you want to manage. The CSV should have a header row:


where type is one of the valid values in the config file under "select_options => source_types".

To import via artisan command:

artisan newsharvest:import-sources my-sources.csv

For existing sources with the same name, the importer will update the other fields with values from the CSV.

Feed Importing

News Harvester can import a standard OPML feed file for fast setup of Feeds you want to monitor.

php artisan newsharvest:import-feeds my-rss-feeds.opml

Note that a new Source will be created for each new Feed, unless a source already exists with a name that matches the feed.

CrowdTangle API Authorization

If you wish to use CrowdTangle's feed of Facebook Page and Facebook Group activity, configure an API key in .env:


You can then run an initial import of your CrowdTangle-accessible Facebook pages and groups:

php artisan newsharvest:crowdtangle-feeds-refresh


Log in at /admin using a user account authorized to access the admin dashboard as specified above. Manage some sources, feeds and news.


  • Source: a publisher, organization, business, individual or other entity that shares news updates
  • Feed: a specific feed of news updates such as an RSS feed, Facebook Group or Facebook Page
  • News Item: an individual news item

Feed Exporting

Export all RSS feeds to an OPML file:

php artisan newsharvest:export-feeds > my-rss-feeds.opml


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Issues and pull requests are welcome.



TBD. Please see License File for more information.


Laravel pacakge for News Harvester admin tools







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