Implementation of video prediction pipeline as paper as a part of course project for Lab Vision Systems (MA-INF 4308). Model is evaluated on MMNIST and KTH dataset pre-trained weights for same are available
├── checkpoints # saving trained models
├── configs # configs used for different experiments
├── data # data directory
│ └── KTH
│ └── MMNIST
├── model_eval # scripts for evaluating trained models
├── models # building blocks of the model
├── metrics_data # stored data of computed metrics
├── results # some images/GIFs computed from trained model
├── tboard_logs # logs from our experiments
├── utils # contains trainer to train model and some extra functionalities
└── summary.ipynb
Please refer to for installation instructions
First download pretrained weights for model as mentioned in above section.
Refer to this notebook to know about detailed usage of this repository.
NOTE Images padded with green are context frames, red padding indicated images predicted by our model
Amit Rana ([email protected]), Dhagash Desai ([email protected])
We would like to thank Angel Villar-Corrales for his guidance throughout the project.