This repository contains a library code that facilitates access to the telemetry and diagnostics APIs on ChromeOS.
The code in this repository contains most of the code from dpsl and is tweaked to integrate with the ChromeOS system extension APIs.
The library is published via npm and can be included by importing code. The importing code represents a special type of chrome extensions (chromeos_system_extension). It should package this library code with the extenion resources before serving (inside the crx file).
npm package name: cros-dpsl-js.
Publishing status: published in npm.
npm install cros-dpsl-js
- Import the package in your source code:
import { dpsl } from 'cros-dpsl-js';
- Begin using the library through the dpsl.* namespace.
- See the currently supported APIs and sample usages in src/
Currently, the library is integrated in another project. Refer to usages to know more: cros-sample-telemetry-extension.