Welcome to the Discord Quiz Bot project! This bot can host exciting quizzes directly in your Discord server, track your progress, and crown the top quizzers on the leaderboard! Whether you're a trivia enthusiast or just looking for some friendly competition, this bot has got you covered. 🎉
Check out this demo video to see how it works!
- Custom Quizzes: Create quizzes with as many questions as you want.
- Time Challenge: Users have 30 seconds to answer each question.
- Leaderboard: Automatically tracks correct answers and displays the top scorers on demand.
The admin portal is built with ReactJS and offers a clean, intuitive interface:
- Add, View, and Delete Questions effortlessly.
- Includes an Home Page with details about the Bot.
- Pushes all data to a Django-powered database.
cd quiz-frontend
npm install
npm start
# This will install all dependencies, including:
# ReactRouterDom
# React-Bootstrap
Before running the bot, don’t forget to replace the necessary API keys in config.ini under discord_sdk! and also the API key.py
python3 Botmanager.py
Copy code
python3 manage.py runserver
With everything running, you’re ready to go! 🎉
⚙️ Dependencies Make sure to install these Python modules as well:
- Django
- DjangoRestFramework
- And others as needed!
This is my first project ever, and I'm thrilled to share it with you all. I'll be back with even more awesome projects soon. Until then, Hasta La Vista! 👋