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Ivanq edited this page May 29, 2018 · 2 revisions

This is docs about how PeerMessage works inside. It's likely that you don't need this. Again: YOU DON'T NEED THIS. Most developers don't know ZeroNet core architecture, how plugins work. Remember: you were warned.

Peer actions

peerBroadcast and peerSend


  • raw - JSON-encoded message object (see below).
  • nonce - a random integer chosen by message creator (see below).
  • signature - message signature, if it is signed, or empty string.
  • cert - certificate object (see below).

Message object

  • site - site address.
  • message - message itself.
  • immediate - from caller's arguments.
  • broadcast - from caller's arguments.
  • peer_count - from caller's arguments.
  • to (only for peerSend) - from caller's arguments.

hash & nonce

Nonce is a random integer generated by message creator. Hash is calculated as sha256("%s,%s" % (nonce, json_encoded_message_object)). Notice that msgpack (the stuff ZeroNet works to send objects over network) and json module don't guarantee that decode(encode(message)) is equal to message. Object property order may be different. So message must be JSON-encoded on caller's side to save hash and signature (read below).

Certificate object

Certificate object is an array: [auth_type, auth_user_name, cert_issuer, cert_sign].

  1. auth_type is usually web (generated by most ID providers). It may be bitmessage or something else - whatever the ID provider chooses.
  2. auth_user_name is your name - e.g. gitcenter.
  3. cert_issuer is zeroid.bit, kaffie.bit or another site. This is specified on cert issuer's site usually.
  4. cert_sign is from your users.json.
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