In this test we develop a pokedex, that is, an app to consult the different types of pokemon, to be able to filter them by exact name and approximate name; In addition to including a registry of pokemon masters, in which you can also be a part. You can register in our pokedex with mail / email, or using your social networks such as Facebook and Google.
You need to have installed Node.js on your computer
- Clone the repository. You can use the following link: (
- Enter the command
$ npm install
to install all project dependencies.
- Enter the command
npm start
to run the project. - Visit
to view it. - Live the experience of having your own pokedex.
Run npm run build
to generate a production build that will be saved in the /build folder at the root of the project
To run the automated tests for this project, use the npm run test
command, and then press the a key to run all the tests.
You can see the deployment of this page in: Pokedex - JDPF
The tools I used to build this page are the following:
- React.js - The JavaScript framework used.
- Firebase - The platform used to backend and host the page.
- Sass - The CSS preprocessor used.
- Framer-Motion - The library used to animate the page.
- Chart.js - The library used to generate the charts.
- Axios - The library used to make requests to the API.
- React-Router - Route handler.
- React-Redux - State handler.
- Gravatar - Avatar Service
- Cloudinary - Iamges Service
- Formik - Form validation library
- Yup - Form validation library