Career Crafter is a full-stack Django application built using Django, PostgreSQL, and Neon. It also incorporates authentication using Django’s built-in authentication system, as well as authorization.
The app is created to track all applications users apply to, inputting basic details for each application including the link. Users can also update the status of the application once it has been changed.
On the details page, users are able to add more features to each application such as:
- Timeline Tracker (with date and brief description of action taken)
- Notes (users can add notes to each application)
- Skills (Users can choose from their skills and attach them to each application)
- Tags (Users can attach tags to each application, such as remote, favorite, or new posting)
This app is created with the goal to provide detailed tracking of applications and also incorporate extra features where users can import notes and keep track of progress.
- Full-stack Django application.
- Connected to a PostgreSQL database to perform data operations.
- Includes built-in User model along with five additional models (three with a one-to-many relationship and two with a many-to-many relationship).
- Provides full CRUD data operations.
- Implements authentication and authorization.
- Python
- Django
- PostgreSQL
- Neon
- Git/Github
- Javascript
- Materialize
Career Crafter - Live - Link to the deployed app on Heroku.
Trello Board - Link to the Trello board with the user stories, ERD and wireframes.
- Integrate ChatGPT API for Cover Letter Generation