The goal of this project is to write a compiler, that is compliant enough with the C11-specification to compile all relevant source code, while eliminating the need for header files as much as possible. This is done by sharing all types, enums and external declarations between all compilation units and allowing declarations within a compilation unit to come in any order, meaning
void a(){ b(1); }
void b(int v){ }
is just as valid of a program as
void b(int v){ }
void a(){ b(1); }
Currently, the compiler is designed to replace MSVC for my personal needs. This means it only supported platform is x64-Windows. It can produce executables (.exe), shared libraries (.dll) and associated debug information in the form of .pdb-files, as well as object files (.obj) containing CodeView debug information.
While the compiler still needs a good amount of work, it is able to compile several real world projects like curl, raylib, glfw, and more!
There are some compiler-specific extensions, like a type-inferring print, (very incomplete) inline-assembly, local functions, slices, etc, but all of these should be considered in the "design"-stage and unstable.
See the release page for pre-build binaries. To compile from source invoke the build_msvc.bat
with cl.exe
and ucrt.lib
in your path (for example, from an x64 Native Tools Command Prompt).
To use standard library or Windows library functions it is necessary to install a version of the Windows SDK.
To make sure it works, you can try to self-host: hlc.exe src/main.c
, or even try the test-suite: hlc.exe test_runner.c && test_runner.exe
The compiler was written to be mostly compatible with the last C11-specification draft document.
Features I dislike are not implemented, like _Complex
or Variable-Length-Arrays and currently, the const
-keyword is ignored.
Some of the very weird features of C are eliminated, for example, the concept of compatible and composite types:
// This is valid C-code but does not compile using `hlc`.
int function(int (*)[]);
int function(int (*)[3]);
The general rule is, that if something is used by popular C-code, it should be supported.
Furthermore, allowing for "out-of-order" declarations means some valid C-code does not compile using hlc
, e.g.:
int main(){
struct structure *predecl = 0;
struct structure{ int member; };
return predecl->member;
struct structure{ int a, b; }; // Global structure definition, seen by `predecl` when using `hlc`.
When using hlc
to compile more than one source file (e.g.: hlc main.c other.c
) all types, enums and external declarations
values are shared between the two compilation units, which will cause an error when there is a conflict, e.g.:
// main.c
struct structure{ int a; };
int main(){}
// other.c
struct structure{ int member; };
One workaround to these sorts of problems is to compile the compilation units individually and then link them.
hlc /obj main.c
hlc /obj other.c
link.exe main.obj other.obj
In this way, hlc
can be used more like a traditional C-compiler. This is also how most build system expect to use a C-Compiler.
As hlc
does not include a linker at this point, this usually requires installing a version of Visual Studio. I usually install the build-tools for Visual Studio.
Some smaller extensions are implemented. For example, hlc
allows empty structures, local functions,
using .
in place of ->
, bounds-checked indexing of any structure containing a data
- and a size
and allows for including structures like MSVC.
The two bigger extensions are a type-inferring print function and support for inline assembly (very incomplete).
This keyword allows printf
-style functions to infer the format string from the arguments:
struct v2 {int x,y;} v = {0};
print("{}", v); // prints "(struct v2){.x = 0, .y = 0}"
The compiler replaces the format string supplied to the print
function with the inferred format string.
Hence, the compiled code is equivalent to:
struct v2 {int x,y;} v = {0};
struct v2 temp = v;
print("(struct v2){.x = %d, .y = %d}", temp.x, temp.y);
A simple implementation of print
is as follows:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
__declspec(printlike) int print(char *format, ...){
va_list va;
va_start(va, format);
int ret = vprintf(format, va);
fflush(stdout); // I always want my prints to flush, but you can remove this if you don't :)
return ret;
The syntax is similar to other "modern" languages like rust or c++23,
allowing format specifiers after :
, e.g.: print("{:x}\n", 1337) // 0x539
It also allows for mixing in C-style format specifiers, and the format specifier %?
also infers its type.
Furthermore, for a structure, the #
specifier (e.g.: print("{:#}")
) makes the output multi-line.
Assuming int i = 1337;
, char *h = "Hello, World!";
and struct v2 {int x,y;} v = {0};
, here are some valid prints:
print("{:x} %s {}\n", i, h, v); // 539 Hello, World! (struct v2){.x = 0, .y = 0}
print("{i=:.8} %.3?\n", v); // i = 00001337 (struct v2){.x = 000, .y = 000}
print(i); // i = 1337
print(i + 1); // 1338
print("%x {h:.3s} {i}\n", i); // 539 Hel 1337
The compiler allows for inserting inline assembly blocks as follows:
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
int leaf = atoi(argv[1]), subleaf = atoi(argv[2]), cpuid[4];
__asm__ {
mov eax, leaf
mov ecx, subleaf
mov cpuid[0], eax
mov cpuid[1], ebx
mov cpuid[2], ecx
mov cpuid[3], edx
print("{:x}", cpuid);
Currently, only instructions work that have been explicitly implemented. In the future, a more general solution utilizing
(tables from?) intel xed or something similar is needed.
The same mechanism is used to implement intrinsics using the __declspec(inline_asm)
keyword. For example, the following function
is taken from the implicit/include/instrinsic.c
// usage: `u64 tsc = __rdtsc();`
__declspec(inline_asm) unsigned __int64 __rdtsc(){
shl rdx, 32
or rax, rdx
return rax
functions will be inlined in the function on each call, this also allows them to take integer literals as arguments,
// usage: `int a1 = _mm_extract_epi32(a, 1);`
__declspec(inline_asm) int _mm_extract_epi32(__m128i a, const int imm8){
pextrd eax, a, imm8
return eax
One of the next steps will be to provide a full inline assembler and use it to implement all intel intrinsics, as well as "common" intrinsics from gcc, MSVC and clang.
Compilation runs through various stages. First, each compilation unit is preprocessed (preprocess.c
and then split up into global scope declarations. To facilitate out-of-order compilation, each of the global declarations
is put in a work queue and individually passed to the parser (parse.c
). At this stage, only the declarations are parsed,
function definitions are parsed in a later stage. The parser differs from a "normal" C-parser in that
it does not immediately report an error if it encounters an unknown identifier.
Instead, the parser tells the containing declaration to "sleep" and only "wake up" once the unknown identifier is resolved.
After all global declarations are known and parsed, the next stage is to parse function definitions into an abstract syntax tree.
The abstract syntax tree allows us to determine, which functions are unreachable and subsequently only emit machine code for reachable functions.
The machine code is produced by linearly walking the abstract syntax tree without performing any optimizations (emit_x64.c
Finally, we are ready to write (*_writer.c
) the output file (either .obj or .exe) and if not otherwise specified, also produce debug information
by re-iterating the syntax tree of all declarations and functions that made it into the executable.
At this point, most C code that compiles using MSVC also compiles using hlc
. Notable exceptions include code, which uses
#pragma pack(<...>)
and structured exception handling.
Code-wise, most of the C-components (preprocess.c
, parse.c
, emit_x64.c
) are hardened through test suites and fuzz-testing.
Some larger refactors are on the "eventually"-list, like separating out the concept of tokens
and preprocessor
tokens or
switching from the current AST-based implementation to a system that immediately produces an intermediate representation.
Currently, the main focus is on improving the internals of PDB- and CodeView-generation as well as introducing some way of
linking object files. This will then allow implementing wrapper binaries like hlc-gcc
or hlc-cl
allowing the compiler to
be integrated into existing build systems more easily.