A modern Pekka Kana 2 Levels Editor
PekaEDS - Pekka Kana 2 EDiting Suite is a program that lets users create and edit levels for the game Pekka Kana 2.
This editor saves PK2 levels in a new format, so it requires the most recent PK2 version, codename "Greta Engine," available at this link:
Keep in mind that the code on the main branch is under active development and may contain bugs. It's strongly advised to backup your levels before using it.
If you want to make levels that work with older PK2 versions, the answer is no, and we will probably never add support for it.
If you want to open old levels made for older PK2 versions, the answer is yes. Support for old level formats is read-only. However, if you edit these levels, they are converted to the new format and will require a modern game version.
PekaEDS uses Gradle. Run gradlew.bat build on Windows or ./gradlew on Linux & MacOS.